Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Orva Hoskinson and<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lamplighters<br />

By Jason Mlntz<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is a sign backstage al the Presentation<br />

<strong>The</strong>atre which reads: "One possible reason why<br />

things aren't going according to plan...is thtl there<br />

never was a plan."<br />

As director of Gilbert & Sullivan operetta* for the<br />

past 34 Jtars, Orvr. Hoskinson always has a plan.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re's no way >ou can fool htm. because he knows<br />

exactly what ycu should be doing at a given moment,"<br />

remarked Judy Jackson, a singer who his<br />

worked under Hoskinson's direction Tor the last 14<br />

yean. "He knows the operettas inside and out."<br />

Concerning a direction he had just given to one of<br />

his cast members at a rehearsal. Hoskihson rulf><br />

jokingly retorted. "If you don't like it. get your own<br />

company!" He laughed. "That's funny," he recalled.<br />

"I remember when they used to say that to me!"<br />

Hoskinson founded <strong>The</strong> Lamplighter*, n group of<br />

San Francisco actors and lingers devoted to the quali<br />

Orra Hoiklrooc b a dlncior of <strong>The</strong> Lwnplljthtm.<br />

ty perfomuncc of Gilbert & Sullivan operettas, in<br />

1951. <strong>The</strong> Lamplighters have performed at tltc<br />

Presentation <strong>The</strong>atre at Turk and Masonic for the last<br />

17 yean.<br />

Hoskinson continues to devote his time to the company,<br />

which is enjoying increasing popularity as<br />

word spreads about the accuracy and perfection of<br />

Lamplighter productions.<br />

In establishing <strong>The</strong> Lamplighters. Hoskiiuon wasluccessfully<br />

able to say, "I don V like it, and I *itt get<br />

my own theatre company." Hoskinson explains:<br />

"We wanted to do Gilbert & Sullivan because we<br />

thought there was more to the operettas than had been<br />

gotten out of them in the shows we'd been in."<br />

"We" refers to Hoskinson and his friend, actress<br />

and singer Ann Pool. Hoskinson met Pool when he<br />

began to teach voice after returning from the army.<br />

Ann and I felt that they could be done in an artistic,<br />

elegant, polished way. Wr thoroughly<br />

respected the Gilbert & Sullivan matetla). It's really .<br />

sophisticated, and so literate...so knowledgeable, so<br />

verbal, so articulate."<br />

Hoskinson first encountered Gilbert & Sullivan<br />

while arending Presidio Junior High School, in the<br />

form of Pirates of Penztmce. He proudly admits,<br />

"I've been a fan ever since."<br />

While serving in World War II. Hoskinson wu<br />

.again influence! by the writings of Gilbert &<br />

Sullivan. Hs attributes much of bis theatrical<br />

knowledge to the over 75 performances of <strong>The</strong><br />

Mikado which he played in, sometimes performing in<br />

the back of a truck. "Even today,** says Hoskinson.<br />

"As I keep doing it, 1 keep learning."<br />

Kosldiuon has held leading roles while he lias been<br />

busy "learning,** in Die Fledermaus, <strong>The</strong> Gondoticn,<br />

htanthe. <strong>The</strong> Mikado. H.M.S, Pinafore, <strong>The</strong><br />

Pirales of Penzance, Ruddigore. Princta Ida. Trial<br />

by Jury, Yeoman of the Guard, and <strong>The</strong> Sorcerer, and<br />

has directed productions of each of these operettas.<br />

He insists thai experience has been his most valuable<br />

training. "Whatever I know today about acting ami<br />

, oirccting. 1 learned with <strong>The</strong> Lamplighters in the best<br />

possible way — in front ol live audiences in many.<br />

many performances over many years."<br />

Ttv* Lampl'ghtcr* opened their first leaser in San<br />

Francisco with H.M.S. Pinafore in 1952 A music<br />

critic from the San Franciico Chronicle saw this production.<br />

"We were lucky," Ho\kinson recalls, "thty<br />

gave us a good review." <strong>The</strong> icvtew noted that the<br />

production "tcltcs heavily on Orva Hosltinson'< extremely<br />

able stage direction...the main appeal of the<br />

performance docs not !ir in the work of any individual<br />

but in its >p»riteO, nicely organize*! rnscmblc.Mr.<br />

H^kinson has really achieved something."<br />

Tlic Lamplighters* 1963 production of Patience,<br />

featuring Hoskmion as Reginald Bunthomc. drew<br />

"Whatever I know today<br />

about acting and<br />

directing, I learned with<br />

Vie Lamplighters ..."<br />

ruvj reviews, attracting mo:.- crouds than the production<br />

ol Partner being prc*cntcd by Britain's<br />

renowned (visiting Gilbert & Sullivan) pla>en:. <strong>The</strong><br />

D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.<br />

Although he lakes fau craft very seriously. Hmkinson<br />

realize.* that the thcatrr is a place to have fun. As<br />

the current cast is rehearsing one portion of <strong>The</strong><br />

Siircrrer where everyone on stage is supposed Co be<br />

"froun." one can hear pennies and mckcK being<br />

hurled from the hands of one "frozen" performer to<br />

their target: another "fro/en" performer. Other<br />

"frown" performer arc muttering jokes under their<br />

hrcalh in an allenipl m get their "fnt/cn" fellow ca«<br />

members to Uugh and break character. <strong>The</strong>y uMially<br />

succeed, for Hoskinson helps them along by gelling<br />

in on the game\ himself.<br />

"Imagine yourself gazing at a vision of<br />

lo\elincss." he infracts hi* .rule cost members as<br />

they awaken under ihe power of a love potion and<br />

discover (heir true love at last. He adds, "Even if \he<br />

isn't."<br />

From<br />

Cyrano<br />

to<br />

Caesar<br />

By Curia Newmcycr<br />

"For me. acting is mainly an experience by myself.<br />

<strong>The</strong> audience is there — I'm sharing the sonc with<br />

the audience but also watching myself."<br />

As n member of the American Conservatory<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater (ACT). Ray Reinhanlt his shared many roles<br />

— from Cyrano dc Bcrgcrac (o Julius Caesar ^ with<br />

audiences for the past 20 years.<br />

Rcinhanlt's introduction to actinv cjmc when he<br />

read the pan of Macbeth in a h^.i school Engl&i<br />

<strong>class</strong>. He remembers being flattered by his Englnh<br />

teacher's suggestion that he become an actor. btU<br />

"didn't lake it (the suggestion) to hcirt" for some<br />

time.<br />

After graduating from nigh school, he joined the<br />

Army's Drama Society, where he did his first play.<br />

Once out of the Array, he decided upon acting as<br />

something he might like to do and studied at the<br />

Dmmatic Workshop in New York City. *<br />

For technical and language training he went to<br />

England. !o the London Academy of ?-1ustc and<br />

Dramatic Arts for & year.<br />

His professional careei started with a job off-<br />

Broadway in 1957. "By the lime ACT had seen nie, I<br />

had been in uther regional theaters and had quite a bit<br />

of experience. I Utink they saw (in me) Ul actor<br />

capable of versatility, able to play many kinds of<br />

parts in many styles, who might be useful in a repertory<br />

company," he sdd.<br />

"Basically a repertory company has versatile actors<br />

so they don't have to hire a fresh actor for each<br />

pax" Rcinhardt laughed. "I saved Dam money!"<br />

"Being in a repertory stretches tlic actor. He pliys<br />

all kinds of pans — farce. Uagcdy. young, old — the<br />

whole gamut of character," he noted.<br />

Reinhardt most enjoys "... the very bravura pans<br />

— like Cyran. de Bcrgcrac": plays in which there arc<br />

only two actots: and ".. .plays that use language and<br />

ideas — like those of Shakespeare, like those of<br />

Shaw."<br />

"You're aha projecting ideas in some of the fincw<br />

prae «nd poetry ever written, so that it tests your<br />

L& ! T%2St ar - •«*«•*-<br />

Presenting San Francu<br />

Performing<br />

Ballet isn't jus\<br />

ha-*'<br />

bllaecc. '<br />

y.ypa.taailwavsl<br />

my ballet, bat they neve<br />

into doing it. I b«vc alv.<br />

to be a balta daaccr." i<br />

Zirarnermin irair.l<br />

DimUri and Frtucesc !<br />

Sin Jose, studied in<br />

i year, and then retun<br />

Joie. -<br />

li 1974. after perform]<br />

Sin Jose Dance Thca;-l<br />

manbctannuJyiRgaa-J<br />

Cisco dallct School.<br />

"One cannot b:<br />

dance at the same time .<br />

Zimmerman. "In Jariua<br />

look the btglifhool pal<br />

and got out of %ihooi r<br />

grade." Looking bsci i-J<br />

tion she added. "llu.vc<br />

alt."<br />

In 1977. Zimrncr irar ]<br />

• Company Member<br />

Frtnciuo Diixt.<br />

She decided to join Sal<br />

Ba!lct for H w*> ck»r to A<br />

home in Saolo* Shell <br />

what time they got op — *U Ihe trivialities of dail<br />

life. Behaviors haven"!

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