Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Let's go crazy<br />

luck (Juc. attracted • Urn turn-out In the<br />

courtyard.<br />

BySdeaeHooi<br />

TV Student Activities Board<br />

(SAB) held Its annual nlcooie<br />

tack dance. -_n'i Go Craiy."<br />

Se)ilember 21 from 7 to 11 p.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sold-oul dance ol 1.200<br />

students danced to the sound! ol<br />

Music Btaten In Loweli'i Inner<br />

courtyard.<br />

SAB sponsor John BKsett Cell<br />

• * crtnins went »ell arithout any<br />

raajor problems.<br />

"This would hare been the<br />

perfect welcoming dance it someone<br />

didn't Iry spelling it irlth<br />

lirecrackers." eiplalned an<br />

anonymou: freshman. referring to<br />

an earlier tncdem when u itring ot<br />

Grecrackcrs was throwi into i<br />

crowd.<br />

Otherwise, opinions v»ricd<br />

basically on the music and location<br />

of the dance.<br />

Frshnun Michelle Evans felt<br />

the dance would have been better<br />

II ll had been sused inside.<br />

"It was a great night to be outsld>.<br />

besides there was rren air<br />

conditioning." jilted junior Fred<br />

Frtlol.<br />

Senior Debbie Wong apreucd.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> music wis a bit boring at<br />

times, bur it was fun o» eratH"<br />

"It was i i;ood dance, but not<br />

one of the greatest." senior David<br />

McField concluded.<br />

DJ. Jim Daniels, a non-<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

student. reared. "LorKll appears<br />

to have many Intelligent students<br />

who go all out |usl lo hate fun.<br />

This dance seems lo have been a<br />

A Sacred Heart guest complimented.<br />

"Security and regulatiorts<br />

an- lough, hut <strong>Lowell</strong> sure<br />

knows how lo throw a dance!"<br />

Freshmen enjoy<br />

first dance<br />

ByBlrindarSlagh<br />

<strong>The</strong> Class of *H8 was the center<br />

of attention at ihc Tint of it* kind<br />

ever freshman AAIK*. "Hello.**<br />

September 12 in the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Red end white streamers draped<br />

the wait, .Mid music tilled the air.<br />

At 300 p.M. the doon opened,<br />

and the dancv officially began.<br />

How did thisdrnce come about?<br />

Two week* hefore school<br />

started, members from the four<br />

government board*, Student Ac*<br />

tlvilies Board. <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

Council. Board of Clavt Ollteer*.<br />

and ?h« Board of School and Community<br />

Services (SAB. LEC. BCO.<br />

BSCS). got together to organUe<br />

the freshman orientation. <strong>The</strong> idea<br />

o» a freshman dance was discustedj<br />

at that lime.<br />

According tn Din Harrington.<br />

LEC chairperson, the dance<br />

originated to help the Freshman 1<br />

Class "...become more ctoscknit.**.<br />

and possibly "...start a tradition."<br />

<strong>The</strong> dance was to help the<br />

ircihnian feel more at ea.se.<br />

-We (nought It wts • rr»Uy<br />

good idea to start the freshman oft<br />

with t bang!** enthuse*! Sabrina<br />

C«c. BCO chairperson.<br />

Although ll took 20 minutes or<br />

so to get the "n«w LrrKellltes** inio<br />

tbe dtoce. oote lhe> *rre there,<br />

ibe floor war full of dancing<br />

Why did It take the freshman «o<br />

long lo come Intt the dance am!<br />

not crowd around outside?<br />

As freshman Rachel Pitney put<br />

It. "It was a good Idea, but people<br />

weren't really taking It seriotuly.<br />

She added. "Everyone thought it<br />

wssaftwior."<br />

BreakiUncing helped get peopte<br />

on the floor. "Popping" and<br />

"spinning" drew attention and got<br />

everyone In the mooJ to danceto<br />

Prince, Michael Jackson, and CyndlLaupcr.<br />

freshmen do their thing it their<br />

•portal September dance.<br />

Rally incites spirit<br />

By April Chan<br />

<strong>The</strong> fint rally of the year war<br />

held In ihe imcr courtyard on<br />

September 24. and Introduced the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> vanity football and m m<br />

team.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tetter girls. Junior vanity<br />

and t.nitv cheerleader*, anri son\<br />

girli performed (or the audience.<br />

Senior Grace Lcong. a nhmrer<br />

ol the Ictler girt* expressed. "I im<br />

P«ttynenrou%. I don't have m-ich<br />

<strong>The</strong> highlight of ihc rally WM a<br />

dressing coolest" between the<br />

football player* and vohritecn<br />

from the audience.<br />

Senior Eva Moy felt that the<br />

contest was a goty* Idea bo.au-e it<br />

**... woke up people."<br />

Seven football players aid icven<br />

totunUvn were chosen, and one<br />

contestant from each team dressed<br />

In clothes feslKnaUd fa- him/her<br />

contained in plastic bigs. Each<br />

had to run to the oppotfte tide of<br />

<strong>The</strong> Until. October S. fit. Pigt 9<br />


the cnirtyard where he/the was<br />

tagged and had to run back. <strong>The</strong><br />

contest was won by the volunteers.<br />

Because of the rally's change of<br />

location, tt caused a bit of contu*<br />

tion.<br />

SAD sponsor John Bhsctl<br />

ttaicd. "<strong>The</strong> hard cement ir (he<br />

courtyard caused some problem<br />

for the cheerleaders and the song<br />

girH."<br />

•<strong>The</strong> rally mtx supposed to be<br />

held in the gym, but we changed<br />

our mind and decided to have It In<br />

the courtyard since it's such a nice<br />

da/ out there.** eiplalned Rally<br />

Cbcnmlulooer Angle Artemolf.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rally promoted spirit bet*<br />

ween ihc <strong>class</strong>es, with the seniors<br />

taking first place for the "<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Cap." Sophomores were second,<br />

junicrs fok third, and the<br />

freshmen w ere fourth.<br />

"t think the rally commissioner<br />

did a great Job overall.** commented<br />

senior Cindy Tong.<br />

vanity wng gtru entertained at the tint rally.<br />

LOT changes<br />

By Irene Kuo<br />

Tttc <strong>Lowell</strong> Orientation Team<br />

(LO.T.) is being reorganized as a<br />

big brother/big vlstcr organization<br />

in an attempt tn better meet the<br />

neetl*oll.c\hnicn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new LO.T. wilt strive for<br />

the same goals as before —<br />

primarily to help .'reshmen adjust<br />

to the vrhool. But in addition to<br />

giving the summer lours which<br />

bate bewmc synnmmom with tlic<br />

orginiziitoin. each member will be<br />

aulgncd to a itroup of freshmen<br />

from one registry witti nhom he or<br />

she will be In contact throughout<br />

the year.<br />

A similar organization existed a<br />

couple of years ago except it was<br />

more of a Wg sUi«/H»'* sister<br />

organization each memtxr *'*1 be<br />

(all of whom were girls [n up pit<br />

grades) were aligned to grout f of<br />

freshmen girls. That organlzi tor.<br />

tlioorm! amid protests of sexltU.<br />

From then on. UO.T. became a<br />

"...dub for the summer, active<br />

right before and alter summer,"<br />

according to Kathy Chen. UO.T.<br />

secretary. Each member ot the<br />

new LO.T. will "guide freshmen<br />

tnrouith the entire year — gl*e<br />

them advice, help them on sell*<br />

ichcduling day. TTut was the<br />

original aim of L.O.T.. b*tt it it<br />

wasn't carried through." added<br />

C.icn.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re were no tour\ this pa\t<br />

vummcr. "This >car was a trial<br />

period lo determine if the summer<br />

toun were actually KorthuhiFc "<br />

Chen affirmed. <strong>The</strong>re *crc plans<br />

to get rid ot them altogether since<br />

mm. freshmen lake similar loun<br />

on the firvt day of school.<br />

However, thr large loun directed<br />

bv Shield and Scroll members<br />

after ihc openinj; ol vhooi proved<br />

to be inadequate .incc "...some<br />

(rnhtr.cn still didn't know where<br />

some things were.** said Chen.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, the summer tours<br />

could be beneficial."<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be no change In the<br />

organization's government or in Its<br />

name. <strong>The</strong> new plans for the<br />

organization are scheduled to go<br />

Into effect beginning neit turnuter.<br />

Until then. LO.T. h recruiting<br />

rocmbes who will soon be meeting<br />

with groups of freshmen to attempt<br />

to molve persistent problems.<br />

Pledge<br />

returns<br />

By 'jay S. Lea and Min Son<br />

Starting later tbi* month, many<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students, faculty, and ad*<br />

' minlstraton will be reciting the<br />

Pledge of Allegiance every Monday<br />

during regHtry.<br />

Principal Alan Flbish made It .<br />

clear that the pledge will not be<br />

mandatory. He asked. "Why<br />

should someone be forced, if he<br />

cannot with a clcu conscience,<br />

pledge allegiance. t» • U he foUo-.rs a<br />

faith ihjl does no: believe In<br />

pledging?"<br />

Fibtsh ofao nolel that It has<br />

always been up tc each school<br />

. whether or not to conduct the<br />

Pan Harrington. <strong>Lowell</strong> Execu<br />

the Council president, proposed<br />

the tdoptlon >f j regular<br />

pledge, and the LEC voted in favor<br />

of it.<br />

"ll otljr seems fttlng thai w«<br />

should have a ti;nc s:l aside tor the<br />

Pledge ot Allc-jUncr lo the flag at<br />

z lop school sue) as <strong>Lowell</strong>.**<br />

slated Harrington.<br />

"How could I jtouibty refuse<br />

(LEC* proposal)?" Fibbh questioned.<br />

"My unly oincern." he added,<br />

"h thtt it (reciting the<br />

Pledge) will bttroiae pcrfunctorv.<br />

mcahingta-t. and dllfkult to adminhter."<br />

For the past few wesks. fl*K*<br />

have l>«cn plM cd In all the<br />

rcjti.tr.r.. atid hrglnning<br />

uupjtime in Odobvr. on every<br />

Nlondkir. .atlovs students will<br />

rrcilnibc Iledgof Allegiance over<br />

the ItMidipc'kcn tor the rc^ulticv<br />

lofnllow.<br />

A» effort will Iw made tu Install<br />

speakers In the r^istry rooms that<br />

are prevent!} wit!tout them.<br />

Those registries lacking<br />

speakers at the lime the ptc-.lge U<br />

given wilt recite it along with their<br />

registry teachen or officer*.<br />

Harrinxton originally submitted<br />

hn prjpoul lait >ear when he was<br />

LEC vice praUcnt. and the LEC<br />

voted for lusldta.<br />

Last year's LEC thought ol hav*<br />

ing ft r.juUr ceremony in the front<br />

courtyard bct

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