Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Government<br />

notebook<br />

LLC<br />

By Irene Let<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

(I.EC) is looking Tor committee<br />

ctalrs and workers. IntcrcMed<br />

students can contact Nick Fioren*<br />

i.vg.85l6)or«Leu Thomson<br />

(Kg. 8520) or drop Dy the LEC<br />

meeting*. whicS arc held Tuesdays<br />

and Thursday*, mods 14-15. in<br />

room 262. Everyone Is welcome.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Copper-SuW game is com*<br />

ing March 15-22. Four jugs will be<br />

provided, one for each clan. Copper<br />

(peonies) counts for your claw,<br />

and silver (nickels, dimes, and<br />

quarto?) counts against it. <strong>The</strong> tin*<br />

that receives the most copper pieces<br />

and the fewest »ilvcr pieces wins the<br />

proceed* from all four jugs.<br />

SAB<br />

ByDuk-HIYoo<br />

<strong>The</strong> Student Activities Board<br />

(SAB) is planning a Monte Carto<br />

Dance for April.<br />

According to Rally Commiuioncr<br />

Angie Artemoff. there will be a<br />

battle" of thieeDJ's.<br />

March 22 will be Mr. Irresistible<br />

Day. Each female at <strong>Lowell</strong> will be<br />

issued a ticket, and if any male can<br />

nuke a female amwer "ye*" VJ any<br />

question, thjt female mint give her<br />

tkket lo tint male.<br />

<strong>The</strong> male vilft the nxnt ikfctu *t<br />

[he end f Cw tl»y x» til tun mily w m<br />

a pruc, but will be lumcU "Mr.<br />

Irresistible."<br />

BSCS<br />

By KatheriiK !.ew<br />

<strong>The</strong> Board for School and Community<br />

Service* (BSCS) rccenil)<br />

bought new fotden for all club*<br />

which contain information on the<br />

ruici. regulation*, and requirements<br />

that each new cr proem club muvt<br />

observe. Thote interested in inning<br />

a new club should attend the weekly<br />

Monday meetings, mods 14,15 »n<br />

room 210 for details.<br />

BCO<br />

ByKathertneLoo<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual Powdcrpuff Football<br />

Game, which has been rescheduled<br />

many times, will finally be played<br />

today at 3:30 p.m. on Voync Field<br />

<strong>The</strong> BCO will continue to issue<br />

make-up ID cards lor thote who<br />

have lost their ID**. <strong>The</strong> cards will<br />

be sold every other Wednesday<br />

aftrnchool in room 256.<br />

"85"<br />

<strong>The</strong> Grand Ballroom of the Fairmont<br />

Hotel will be the >ite of this<br />

year's Senior Prom. <strong>The</strong> pro«n »ill<br />

be bcld on May 23 from V p.m. to<br />

a.m. (As of this printing, the title<br />

and DJ's had not been chotcn.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Junior Prom Committee h*»<br />

chotcn the Bank of America Center<br />

Boll Room as the location for the<br />

prom. <strong>The</strong> Junior Prom, titled<br />

"Once in a Lifetime." will take<br />

place on April 20 from 9 p.m. to I<br />

a.m.<br />

• •y *••<br />

<strong>The</strong> Claw of H*. will he doming<br />

i!-*k.%. for ihcii %ct*i«.«' ifi'Kti T)*c<br />

ptjnncO JJIC l»i th*. *ct:vity n<br />

March 23.<br />

"HS"<br />

"When I Hear Music" i«. the tentative<br />

title fur thi* >car\ Freshman<br />

Exclusive. Th.* dance :* scheduled<br />

fur March 15 (turn 6:30 to 11 p .n<br />

<strong>The</strong> trcshnun cUu* hi. pljrncti<br />

an upcoming viltboil f*mc with the<br />

iophomorc clavs<br />


Ihr Imrll. Hard. 8. IMS. hff 9<br />

Student government finds home<br />

By Amy Lee<br />

"After two yean of being 'out in<br />

the cold.* student |ov-.mment has<br />

finally found a hems." commented<br />

Dan Harrington, former <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

Council (LEQ Chairman.<br />

Room 262 is now the official<br />

meeting place for the LEC and for<br />

the Student Activities Bocrd (SAB).<br />

Became the new student government<br />

room i* too small to accommodate<br />

the tnany members of the<br />

Boanl of School and Community<br />

Services (BSCS) and the Boa >f<br />

Class Offcers (BCO). they met. in<br />

rooms 220 and 254. respectively.<br />

Executive meetings of these two<br />

boards. ho»c\:r. are held in room<br />

262.<br />

Besides providing meeting space.<br />

the student government room K. according<br />

to Nick Fioreotinos. LEC<br />

Chairman, "...» competent rein- was hard to get work done before. A<br />

forcement — i good center of com- meeting would be in one room one<br />

munication for all the boardi. day and in another room another<br />

Before we had the room, it was hard day. By the time all the numbers<br />

to communicate...and nobody really found out where the meeting was<br />

uicd to. But now we can leave being held, one mod would have<br />

movigct and be sure that they are gone by. Now, the students know<br />

received."<br />

exactly when and where to go."<br />

Harrington pointed out another BCO sponsor Marian Goanicz<br />

Student government officers get rrady for • meeting In room 242.<br />

advantage of having room 262. "It added. "It also gives the students a<br />

sense that this ix 'our' room. Territory<br />

is extremely importaw to<br />

teenager* ..and until recently, student<br />

gTtftmmrai didn't really bate<br />

a ler.itory."<br />

f*oora 262 was student government's<br />

"territory" until it m taken<br />

away in Maich of I9S3 to a*tow for<br />

additional <strong>class</strong>room ipace.<br />

Fiorentinos takes command of LEC<br />

By Debbie Hauser<br />

"Wiih every new leader, there<br />

will be a new approach." states fall<br />

semester <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

(LEC) Chairman Dan Hi<br />

Nick Kliirrnllnm K the new stu<br />

dent body president.<br />

abou: tcnior Nick Fiorentinos. who<br />

tock over the job for the spring<br />

semester.<br />

Rorcntinoi* tail student government<br />

position uas LEC treasurer<br />

during his junior year. He feels he<br />

cipcrtcncc on this board will be of<br />

great help to him for his new uslu<br />

Harrington states, "It's a hard<br />

job, and he will have to put a lot of<br />

effort into it. Nick has the ability tn<br />

get done whoever he decide* to<br />

do."<br />

<strong>The</strong> LLC chairman u the official<br />

title of student body president, a<br />

portion ilut 1-iKfcnlinm feels can<br />

put a great deal of pressure on someone.<br />

He states. "You are<br />

rrrrcscnun? a MUMI. au* it * hard f<br />

la be a*ate of all the wSool\<br />

ivvues."<br />

Fiorcnlmm has set nunv JTOJIS for<br />

the boaij Me hope* ID promote<br />

; more activities far student*, improve<br />

Radm <strong>Lowell</strong> by placing<br />

spe*Vcn in csery room, improve<br />

New LEC, '88 officers plan for future<br />

By Son Tom<br />

Aviv Laurence has beer elected<br />

the new <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

(LEQ chair-elect a^d in May will<br />

replace Nick Ftorcntinot. the current<br />

student body president.<br />

Issues which Laurence sees as requiring<br />

administrative attention arc<br />

the proposed rivalry between<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> and McAtccf. the selection<br />

of KbooU for pouiblc exchange<br />

visits, and projects to raiie funds for<br />

the starving in Ethiopia.<br />

On the local levd. Laurence seek*<br />

to provide for more executive<br />

mcetirtit in *.htch representatives of<br />

the four <strong>Lowell</strong> governing boards<br />

can meet *o review and discuss<br />

ichool problems.<br />

Commenting on <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

Council meeting*. Laurence said.<br />

"During the two weekly meetings<br />

currently held, some 20 minutes are<br />

spent on hearing reports. In reality,<br />

we need more time set aside for<br />

discussions...to listen to ichool<br />

issues and bear all sides. AccompUsning<br />

this will be my major<br />

E«pwt H»lreut «nd P«rm»n»nl<br />

rorH»ntndWom«i<br />

goal. Solving major problems iv a<br />

top priority."<br />

In addition to serving as LEC<br />

chair-elect. Laurence i* the Parent-<br />

Teacher-Student Association<br />

our<br />

training aver tv.T> sommcrs.<br />

Basic, the first summer,<br />

then your special skills<br />

the sennd.<br />

YouTlcamSl.100<br />

each summer, then $1,200<br />

a year for serving one weekend<br />

a month and tut) weeks<br />

annual training.<br />

For more information,<br />

stop bj* or call:<br />

U.S. Army Recruiting Sodoa<br />

4) W. PotulAvc<br />

Su Fnadsco, CA 94127-1303<br />

(415) 665-5631

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