Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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^<strong>Lowell</strong> exchanges students with Oa1dand\_<br />

By Jonathan Atbirti<br />

BrtiyMcnrnkh<br />

On February 23 am* 26. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

•Bd Oakland High Schools parbctpsted<br />

in a student exchange.<br />

Ontbe 25th. 36 <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

tnvfUed to Oakland High School<br />

(OHS). via PART. Upon airivinc.<br />

they trere met ty their exchange<br />

partners, studenu from OHS, and<br />

then taken ic thdr partner's next<br />

three- clause*. In this way, the<br />

Lowdl students were ahk to view<br />

the school from aa insider's<br />

NCrv <strong>Lowell</strong> *n*!cats were im*<br />

prewed by the school's modem<br />

design, intruding carpeting in the<br />

hallways and clauroomf, the<br />

school's cleanliness, and the<br />

£atittocc (which included a swimming<br />

pcrol). Senior Leu Thomson,<br />

chairpenon of the Student Exchange<br />

Comniitue, was more Lnpctsscd<br />

with it: student body itself.<br />

"I thou&bt they were so nice, very<br />

cnthutiauic. and supportive," shr<br />

it>tfdj<br />

ATler attending three cUs.**. the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students wtrr irerrd to<br />

lunch, and ih.ti th: participants<br />

from ihe two schools p'ayed in •<br />

friendly volleyba'l game. According<br />

to lowell senior Nick Fioreniinos,<br />

-We whipped ihcm."<br />

<strong>The</strong> next day mi the second half<br />

of the program, when Oakland High<br />

students attended <strong>Lowell</strong> for a da>.<br />

45 students from the high ichool<br />

were matched with members of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s stud~nt tAchange group*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 43 Owkland studcats were<br />

selected mostly from the leadership<br />

groups at girt ichool.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> stodeuts involved met<br />

their partners, who traveled by<br />

chartered bus from Oakland, in<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'» fnwt courtyard during<br />

registry. <strong>The</strong>se Oakland srudenu<br />

then accompinicd their <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

counterpart* to *U of their clas«cs<br />

during which ihe "<strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

council (LET) usually conducts its<br />

business.<br />

After lunch, students from both<br />

.schools went suuide where they<br />

were entertained by Oakland Higtrt<br />

cheerleaders and <strong>Lowell</strong>s -no*<br />

Most Oakland sxulents then went<br />

back to their scfcocl by bus. but a<br />

few. including Student Body Prtsi-<br />

? dent Nolan Jones stayed longer.<br />

£ "I'd love to go here." slated Jones.<br />

* "It reminds me o.'a mini-college."<br />

5 JOM commented tut Oakland<br />

*• High Ichool wouU like to make this<br />

1 studcui exchange a traditional year*<br />

I ly even*. Students frora Oaklani aad<br />

I Low-ell exchanged *wt> years ago,<br />

* but last year the program was not<br />

Vblton from Oakland llUh School get loan her during tbdr vbit w coaiucud.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> rwmtly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> l.ow-HI Student Exchange<br />

from muds sit through fuunecn. OaLUivl could not he ptxiaed. <strong>The</strong> Ccmmittre hopes to make other ex*<br />

Because of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s majulai Oakland sto-!c&lv wtrt strved changes this yc-r, Inclidi^g one<br />

schedule, a group activity such as lunch, however, in room 262 Juring currently being planned with Red-<br />

the vollcybai! game oot«nucd by mod* 14-15. <strong>The</strong>se ar-, ihe mods wood ifiih School.<br />

Valentine dance pushes couples i What is the SAQL<br />

' ~»~^ r F" S*C Rep.? BrLrwbool/* What do *t need a a discussion Tl« SAC bod/, forthemoa mainly putKU•* because it<br />

By Akxandria Saje and<br />

MvtleeTrttaun<br />

"I want me a man!"<br />

Tetnale <strong>Lowell</strong>itcs had the opportunity<br />

during the fint week of<br />

February to ask their favorite guy to<br />

the Sadie Hawkins Valcuine's<br />

Dance on Fehruaiy 8.<br />

At a Sadie Hawkins daKe. glrU<br />

are encouraged to invite boys in*<br />

vcad of vice versa. In order to promote<br />

"pairing up," the Student Activities<br />

Board (SAB) lowered ticket<br />

pi ices for couples. Approximately<br />

half of -he 6C? dekeu sold were for<br />

couples, while the other half was<br />

purchased by snKjcnt* "going<br />

"<strong>The</strong> idea o/ girls asking guys<br />

seemed progressive, but then girls at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> always ask guys out, so it<br />

was DO major innovation," stated<br />

sophomore Katie Corrigan.<br />

Compared to the Halloween<br />

Dance, where the music was<br />

primarily funk and soul. Sonic<br />

Sounds provided a bit wider varies<br />

of music at the Sadie Hawkins<br />

dance. "It was jammin*." declared<br />

an anonymous senior.<br />

Dean Poulakidas (SAB Vice<br />

President), commented. "I think the<br />

Sadie Hawkins was a C 00 ^. successful<br />

dance. <strong>The</strong> SAB received<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>*tes supplied the action at the Sadie Hawkins Dance.<br />

many compUints about the music<br />

aftrr the last dance. But at the Sadie<br />

Hawkins affair there was a good<br />

mix. Besides, no matter what you<br />

do, someone will always<br />

complain."<br />

Some students objected to the<br />

"doubling" of slow songs and the<br />

repetition of others, including<br />

"Careless Whispers" by Wkun! and<br />

"Like a Virgin" by Madonna. As<br />

junior Jeremiah Turner put it, "For<br />

the same ic%ults. I couM have stayed<br />

at home, turnci off all the lights,<br />

and liuencd to KITS."<br />

Ironically. Sonic Sounds<br />

neglected to play "Boys Do Fall in<br />

Love." the dance's theme song.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students take heart<br />

ByGfecnAsacda<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

(LEO sponsored its Tint Ethiopia<br />

Fundraisrr during the period of<br />

February 12-15.<br />

All proceeds from the fundraiser<br />

went to aid the famine victims in<br />

Ecuop'a.<br />

<strong>The</strong> week of Valentine's has been<br />

one of the best weeks at <strong>Lowell</strong> fo.'<br />

clubs and organizations to s*;tl<br />

grams, according to student<br />

officers.<br />

This year was no exception.<br />

As early as one weel prior to<br />

Valentine') Day, dob members<br />

wen in the middle vourryard trying<br />

john<br />



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MWIM T-t t-JO^ TMUBS IVt<br />

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to get studenu to send their gram*<br />

end candy.<br />

However, the LEC w» DO* . a few student!, thought<br />

that we were joking around when<br />

we put up ihe Ethiopia sign."<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea for this effort came up in<br />

the LEC about a month ago and wa\<br />

"... a situation that couldn't be<br />

avoided." accord in j lo Harrington.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hrart-shaped gram*. *hkh<br />

were sold for 25 cents ca^h. wcie up<br />

in the tibrary window on Fcbiuary<br />

U and 15.<br />

According to Nick Ftorentintn,<br />

student body president, the LEC<br />

plans to organize other fundraisers<br />

in the future for other wtmhy and<br />

needy w g^nt/atKMti.<br />

V<br />

./.eve. ~Jx«vn<br />

vnac.<br />

Student Activity Card Representative<br />

for?<br />

Actually, in the wrrld of government<br />

acronyms. SAC not only<br />

means student activity catd, but alsi,<br />

U an abbreviation for the Student<br />

Advisory Council, the only body of<br />

student government uut U city*<br />

wide, with representatives fnvn alt<br />

15 public high school in San<br />

Francisco.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SAC is an open forum for<br />

high school studenu lo discuis the<br />

problems and progressions of their<br />

hiph school. It is one of the few<br />

*')* f«»r the different high K)KX>1><br />

have a physical and com*<br />

Each of the major high schools<br />

sends at least twt> representatives to<br />

. the SAC meetings, which arc held<br />

J Monday afternoons in the Board of<br />

- Education meeting room, and the<br />

alternative high schools send at least<br />

one student to represent them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> present Low-.11 repress*.tjtives<br />

are seniors Stephen<br />

AbramowiU and Wendy Yasukoihi.<br />

Abramowitz is also serving as the<br />

chairperson of the SAC. presiding kf<br />

the meetings and coordinating the<br />

activities of the cou. cil.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students h*r> in recent<br />

years been very active in the SAC.<br />

Kathy Coll (Cla\s of *S3) was the<br />

chairperson two years ago. and<br />

junior Eric Fastiff held the same of*<br />

ficc last year. Fa-JifJ" wryly commented.<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> controls the<br />

SAC."<br />

has little tangible power in general.<br />

It has no mnucace ever the student<br />

governments at indivwJaal high<br />

schooli, l

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