Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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7V Ur-xJ, Urn* I. IMS Taf 7<br />


Ethiopia's future appears grim<br />

ByVlkrmmPwrkh<br />

^ masiive contriJ-JUon of<br />

relief ud from Western nation, in*<br />

tenul urift and « parched lane scape<br />

may perpetuate the Eth opi*a<br />

famine for vean.<br />

Several factors braght about IIK<br />

current famine, including the expansion<br />

of the Sahara desert r*A a<br />

severe drought, which has alto affected<br />

nearly 30 other African nations.<br />

Poor agricultural method*<br />

resulted in extensive soil .rmton in<br />

northern Ethiopia, while the Mani«<br />

government** 'neffectivc «ate<br />

farm system failr. to yield grain<br />

production comtnenumtc with the<br />

soaring binhrate.<br />

Though the famine was predicted<br />

as early *t 1992. both Western<br />

governments ami the Ethiopian<br />

regime were cither slow, or unwilling,<br />

to react. <strong>The</strong> Reagan Ad*<br />

ministration was reluctant to commit<br />

long-term development aid to a<br />

socialist suie. while Ethiopia's Col.<br />

Mengism Hiilc Mariam »-ai accused<br />

of using the fairine to weaken<br />

Eritrean and Tigre separatist<br />

movements in drought-sirickcn northern<br />

Ethiopia.<br />

By the time a BritiUi Broadcasting<br />

Corp. film aierted the world to the<br />

Ethiopian crisis, in October. 1984.<br />

the famine had reached catastrophic<br />

proportion*. At least 300.000 lives<br />

had beer cluoi^l, whih it* million<br />

more livoi on :he br.nk ct starvation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> im-ncdiate reiponv! w« a<br />

torrent of contributions to tntenuliorul<br />

relief jgencict of CTtinf in<br />

Ethiopia, from both [trivia group*<br />

and Western govemmenu.<br />

Thus far. the Urge*: zo<br />

has been Cx Unfced States, whose<br />

food shipments tottiled 55.000<br />

metric to:» u *hr oj jf January.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Reagan Adminluration. which<br />

has already allocated S59O million<br />

worth of aid to African famine<br />

relief, wilt shift $176 million from<br />

other hudjets, and ask Ccngreii for<br />

a supplement of $235 million.<br />

Parado-.icaUy. while aU is<br />

reaching Ethiopia at record levels,<br />

relief center* in Sudan are experiencing<br />

an influ* ot*3.000 Ethiopians a<br />

day, amounting to 850.000 refugees<br />

by late Fcbruiry, <strong>The</strong> refugees,<br />

whose pvirrary leaton for flight It<br />

political fear, preterit a major strain<br />

on the Suzanne economy. Sudan.<br />

once ttpected to be "the breadbasket<br />

of the Arab world" »jn w><br />

longer feed 2.3 million of it* people.<br />

Sudan hi* also been cmbrcilcd ia<br />

a controwny involving thtir connection<br />

with liners airlift of the<br />

Ethiopu.i )(r*i. i< Falashas. from<br />

Cudar>csc refugee campi. In mid-<br />

January, Sudan, fearful cf alienating<br />

the other Arab nations, callcc a halt<br />

to the seven-wee* covert eptrttico.<br />

kuig 7,000 Fitajbu rfnnoeu in<br />

Sd as nuny u 10.000 in<br />

Ethiopian relief effort ha»<br />

»lv. been beset by civil war in the<br />

notihem part of tlie covntry. where<br />

the famine is most severe Eritretn<br />

goerilUs have been battling wcceuive<br />

Ethiopian govemmenu fw<br />

23 years, ia bopea of gaining In<br />

dependence for their nometand, *bsorbed<br />

by Ethicpu in 1962. Additionally,<br />

Tigrcan guerillas have<br />

dcmandcti grottcr autonomy for<br />

their province since the mJd*70's. In<br />

reprhal, Ethiopia's am/ has bombed<br />

villages and mined agriculture<br />

land in Eritrea and Tigre.<br />

At this point, the prognosis for<br />

Ethiopia'* future looks grim. According<br />

u the Worldwatch Institute,<br />

a Washington-based mean..*: group,<br />

"population-induced climate<br />

changes and long term soil erosion<br />

may perpetuate the Ethiopian<br />

famine lor yean." A possible<br />

mean* of reversing this trend would<br />

be a nviutve, combined treeplanting,<br />

soil conservation, and<br />

family planning effcrt. for in the<br />

long run. Ethiopia's future depends<br />

not MI much on famine relief, but on<br />

long tern • development atd an end<br />

to civil wa;.<br />

Pro: A hope for peace Con: Keep 'Star Wars' fictional<br />

By Robert Klni<br />

President Ronald Rcasan. h<br />

March of 1983. ittrod^ced "Star<br />

Wars." the program that may<br />

render enemy ICBMt (intercontinental<br />

ballistic miuiies) "impotent<br />

and obsolete" by ihr* use of interctptir<br />

rockets and lasers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Star ^Vio defensive system,<br />

describes James Fletcher, a science<br />

adviser to Reagan, is divided into<br />

three intercept phases in which<br />

enemy mrsilcs will encounter in<br />

succession.<br />

TV first phase, called the boost<br />

intercept, tikes ptacc immedlitely<br />

, after the launching of enemy<br />

missiles. "Battle station" satellites<br />

armed with "hyper-velocity guf»"<br />

use electromagnetic energy to accelerate<br />

"smart bullets." <strong>The</strong> smart<br />

bullets possess enough kinetic<br />

energy "to tear apart the miuJc<br />

before it comp>ctes its ascent,"<br />

describes Fletcher.<br />

While ir space, the enemy<br />

missiles would each release up to<br />

tea bdcpcndcntly targeted nuclear<br />

warhead^. US space-based sensors<br />

using Usrr probes would detect the<br />

warheads and guide thousa:.<br />

and the 1CBM in particular, more as<br />

a pre-emptive mcam by which to<br />

draMicall? curtail any reulUtor><br />

reprisal in the event of war."<br />

Star War* can "renxvr »he preemptive<br />

option, both for the Soviet<br />

Union and the United Sutes." if<br />

either country *eek* a prc-emr/tt%c<br />

fim strike.<br />

In addition. Stir Wars would inevtubly<br />

reduce the damages inflicted<br />

by a nuclear attack.<br />

Pcrhips the best argument for<br />

moving tentatively w ith Star Wars is<br />

that any new weapons system constitutes<br />

barfainint chips when dealing<br />

with the Soviets in arms talks.<br />

After Reagan proposed his Star<br />

Warv plan, the Snvicb announced<br />

that they were billing to come ;u the<br />

bargaining table jfter not nwtmg<br />

for many months. <strong>The</strong> Soviets said<br />

that they wanted to "d : scuu" space<br />

weapons, in addition to nuclear<br />

weapons.<br />

GHtl<br />

School 5up?3«s<br />


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Hv Alrtanckr t,au<br />

Ptnidcnt Kitruld RcjfEan culls it<br />

the Strategic Detente Imiutnc<br />

(SDI). <strong>The</strong> inrtlu ^11 it "Sur<br />

Wan."<br />

Ihcrc arc at lea*: lour reawtns<br />

uhy "Sur Wa»V,* as a def.-nsc<br />

sjvtem^uvt nc*cr come int» bcinj;.<br />

1. <strong>The</strong> »)*trm would hate to be<br />

perfect. Th.s d«K*s not ippcar at-<br />

Utnablc. Within one minaic. it muvt<br />

track and destroy moving targets of<br />

one square meter (the chm section<br />

of a ttiiuilc) anywhere on the entire<br />

earth"* surface. With submarines<br />

able to fire misvilcs from just about<br />

any of the water areas of the planet,<br />

this would he a vcr> d'tricult tasK.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> sj»Jem h too npettslte.<br />

Current pL" > to fund SOI call for<br />

S2b billion oscr five >can. To this<br />

end. the ftwal year 1985 buitgct includes<br />

$4 billion for research and<br />

dc\-cU«mcnt of space weapons.<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> system h not practical.<br />

President Reagan has suggested that<br />

lavcn. oaittcle beams, ot projectiles<br />


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could he used n> destroy enemy<br />

mitwlc* or uticlttcs. <strong>The</strong> Pentagon<br />

has atcmrxftl to pnnc ihat this is<br />

feasible h) icMmp jn jir-n>-jir<br />

"homing oserla>" Uut tracked and<br />

uestro)ed a single mimic wht>^c<br />

launch timr and des'ttution were<br />

known in advance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tcvhw)U»v> insclscd in tracking<br />

potcntully thius^nds of missiles<br />

nwvinp fatter than a thousand miles<br />

an hour to unknown destinations<br />

would appear to be the stuff that<br />

dreams arc made of.<br />

With the current level of<br />

technology, a la«r could not<br />

destroy a fl> in; seagull, let alone an<br />

incoming missile.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> ssstcm tbilairs exhllnie<br />

n^rrrtnents. In 1972. bu*h the<br />

United States and the Soviet L'n**-.i<br />

agreed to ban all defensive<br />

weapon*. <strong>The</strong> jgrccment is called<br />

the Anti-Hallistic Mivsilc >stcm vjpjWc ft misMlc iktcnsr<br />

It would Jppcjr that the current<br />

admmistratH>n is willing to abandon<br />

the ABM treat) for an imperfect,<br />

impractical dream :hat ssould be opprcssiscly<br />

eipcntise.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Picsident himself* as said the<br />

only way to nuke nuclear svejpom<br />

impotent and obsokte is to reduce<br />

and cscntually abolish them.<br />

"Sur Wars" don not appear to<br />

be a logical way to reach tins gital.<br />

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