Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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fmi. TWtUmtU.Marth t. ItSS<br />


Violence escalates<br />

abortion debate<br />

BySan Btnardud<br />

Sim Font<br />

•HOC* "^ inwinffi of rrtr^T^vrm<br />

M sbcTtioti riinW his fffVtif^ the<br />

tlora fai Kccot tuoothi.<br />

Accenting to federal Marcc*,<br />

then hrre been 30 testatttes of<br />

boabifl|. HrUiotoMat. and anoo it<br />

abaction disks itecc May 1933.<br />

In addition tt thb oven violence.<br />

BOOK doc on w.V) perform aborliooi<br />

btvc reechwd tckphonid iad<br />

mailed death thrcrfa.<br />

• lavesti{a.'oa « the Federal<br />

Bum of Alochi), Tobacco and<br />

Futaiiut cotcod> however, thit<br />

then h no evdeoct of coy orjaioiod<br />

bnornt camp* go, even tbough<br />

' acrcnJ hombh'p i«vc occurred oo<br />

the tun? day, tod nuny hive aim<br />

pbee la the Wathinjton, D.C. area.<br />

la rcspome to this jrowtoj<br />

violence, some dliies have hind<br />

scewfty guards, rdd evacuation<br />

drilu. ml mjne.1 narTcn in ml-<br />

Eroolko. run hia* to the abortion<br />

debate. -<br />

terrorist techniques.<br />

Goddard Medical Associates in<br />

Brockton. Muiichuicm hat<br />

responded to clinic violence in a different<br />

way. <strong>The</strong> clinic, one of the<br />

largest private Institutions offering<br />

abortions, announced in mid- .<br />

Jimmy I9S5 that it would perform<br />

no more ibonioni. Of the cJinlc's<br />

230.000 patients a year, only onetenth<br />

of one percent went Sir<br />

This aiioounccmenl and some<br />

antj-aborboa demonsmlons coindda!<br />

with the anniversary of the<br />

Supreme Coun'« 1973 dcciilon<br />

legalizing tboniaa. Every January<br />

32. • "Much .'or Life" is orfiaizcd<br />

to parade in front of Ihc Supreme<br />

Cam to Washington. D.C. This<br />

year. 70.000 people participated,<br />

the largest number to dec<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is evidence, however. th«t<br />

despite the stepped up nciiviues of<br />

the Mi abortion BOWKM. ,xiblic<br />

opinion is swinging to Or. prochuJce<br />

direction. A W«sM.ifton<br />

Post/ABC News poll, cuoductcd<br />

lanutry 11-20. bleated tic: 32<br />

percent of adult Americans Wjvut<br />

.• woman's ri£bl to choose abortion,<br />

as comptred with only 40 percent in<br />

1911.<br />

Although the nui-abonimi urror.'sts<br />

have generally been<br />

associated »'lh the anti-abortion<br />

montnrnl. ill the evidence to date<br />

indicues llut llw people cemmitting<br />

violence «re acting independently of<br />

any legitimate organtuuioj.<br />

In fast, strong abortion toes such<br />

as Presided RooJd Re ' and<br />

Jerry Falwell. the IcaLi •' the<br />

Moral Majority, have publicly *nounced<br />

violence as a n*eans of protesting<br />

abortion.<br />

Riu Casey, a representative of<br />

National Right to life, believa.<br />

"...unedacaud and emotional people<br />

ire ooing this (the bombings)<br />

and they should be punishcC » the<br />

fullcU extent of the law."<br />

It's completely<br />

inappropriate to<br />

threaten death<br />

when your point<br />

of view supposedly<br />

supports<br />

life.<br />

Casey says that the abortion clinic<br />

violence is counterproductive to the<br />

pro-life cause. "Things have to be<br />

chimed thuaigh legislation." she<br />

Mserts. "<strong>The</strong> violence on the outside<br />

has to stop «o that the violence<br />

inside can uop."<br />

Planned Parenthuxl of Alamcda-<br />

San FrRncisco declined to comment<br />

on the isl« when contacted by<br />

Lowtil reporters.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> constituents have «pre»scd<br />

thci.' condemnation of the<br />

Reagan's budget cuts<br />

threaten students<br />

By Betty Mentnkh<br />

How would Reagan** proposed<br />

bodies cuts for education affect<br />

Reagan's proposal in cut •tut'em<br />

rid \j 2-3 billkr> dottart could affect<br />

nun? <strong>Lowell</strong> ttudcota. Guaranteed<br />

Student Loan* would be cut for<br />

Mudem* ftota families wbh a taxable<br />

income tbovc $32J00. Nationwide,<br />

more than a milUoa coUege itudeou*<br />

loam ind grants would be completely<br />

halted.<br />

Another part of the proposal b a<br />

new mmthmim of $4,000 on all<br />

federal grant! to etudema<br />

If these proposals are ratified, the<br />

oaiioQ *ill be Krioosly affcctnJ.<br />

since presently •hoot half of the college<br />

studenu In the cooatry receive<br />

KMM flcaodal aid. la 1983*1984. in<br />

the University of California jyitera.<br />

earned more than $32,500 received<br />

t.000 at UC Bcxbeky alone.<br />

In the nine year, ova 12,000<br />

HAPPY<br />


LOU!<br />

LOVE.<br />

JILL. SAM<br />

aid BETH<br />

students in the UC sytfeni were loaned<br />

more than the new proposed<br />

minimum of $4,000.<br />

According to Reagan's proposal.<br />

mVUV! income students could receive<br />

money from a special program cilled<br />

CLASS. However. CLASS loans<br />

would have leu favorable conditions,<br />

such as a requirement for the student<br />

to pay off his debts while he b still<br />

in school.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se cuts would especially limit<br />

the chances of a kmrr or middle income<br />

student to attend the more expensive<br />

private universities. At Stanford,<br />

if Reagan's proposed budget<br />

was in effect, two-thirds of the<br />

undergraduates at the university who<br />

presently use Guaranteed Student<br />

Loans would r.K be eligible for these<br />

loans.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new Secretary of education.<br />

William Bennett, strongly supports<br />

tb; President's proposed budget. He<br />

HAPPY 1STH<br />

BIKTHDAJr:<br />



LEE<br />

LOVE,<br />

KRL&RVE<br />

Bennett's statements that srudrots<br />

whose scholarships are cut wij bf<br />

forced to give up their strrcos.<br />

automobiles and "mrce-weeki.3Mhebcach"<br />

vacations particularly<br />

angered Fibish.<br />

"Bennett's statement about fancy<br />

cars uid vacation] arc on their face<br />

designed to excite the emotions. This<br />

is demagojucry. not pjoi politics."<br />

Fibish responded.<br />

Deficits threaten<br />

national security<br />

By Robert Kim<br />

Unless action b taken soon, the<br />

unprecedented sue of the budget<br />

deficit threatens to cripple the<br />

United Stales by boosting Inflation,<br />

interest rates, ard unemployment-<br />

Currently, the disparity between<br />

government expenditures and that of<br />

acquiring revenue is in otcess of<br />

$200 billion a year and the projected<br />

deficit for 1989 b KM billion.<br />

What we need to c-mb* the<br />

growing deficit is a plan that raises<br />

additional money and cuts government<br />

spending.<br />

Pint the fide deficit, the shortfall<br />

between the anxunts of goods the<br />

US imports and whal it ex^r,'.<br />

must be dealt with. <strong>The</strong> tn-^c<br />

deficit, caused by the strength of the<br />

dollar abroad, makes US capons<br />

more expensive, therefore hum<br />

American companies. Tfib. in turn,<br />

coefibutes to the growth of<br />

p py<br />

mem and reduced ula will eventually<br />

lead to a receutoo.<br />

Next, we must trim the defem*<br />

budget. President Ronald Rcsgzn<br />

had desired a defense budget of<br />

$286 billioo. but alter Congreu<br />

premiered him, he compromised a»J<br />

agreed on $277.5 billion. Th'j,<br />

however, h still more than S pcixeM<br />

above the total that Cooprcsi voted<br />

Tor the 1985 fiscal year defense<br />

budget. TTK new budget b ttill too<br />

great and must be cut.<br />

I* it fair that the President wutts<br />

an increased defense budget while<br />

he plans to cut student-loan prog.inu<br />

and funds for the National<br />

Endowment for the Aruf<br />

reduce deductions; this would increase<br />

the amount of taxable<br />

Although the Bradtey-Ocphardt<br />

plan would not raise any additional<br />

revenue wi'H its tax rales frurn 14<br />

percent to 30 pftr.nl. j modified<br />

pUn with a tax rate increase of 4<br />

pcrcect would raise in additional<br />

SSObillkm.<br />

Increasing taxrs is certainly not<br />

appealing, but li' we do not combat<br />

Ite budget deficit, it "mil push ap<br />

interest rates, cau the doUar to be<br />

over-vnlucd. Inflicting severe<br />

damage on the Airerican dollar,"<br />

contends Martin Fcldstdn. a Kar.<br />

In general, a<br />

more efficiently<br />

run government<br />

will save taxpayers<br />

' money<br />

and reduce the<br />

deficit.<br />

Fhyuology teacher Niitcy Brewer<br />

uid. "lt'tcotnptctdy uupproprulc<br />

to ihreaten death when your point o<br />

view- MppmttUy wpporu life."<br />

'Prcudem Keagan ihould get off<br />

his bun and dn iomethinf r vard ccunowics prores-or.<br />

In general, a more efficiently run<br />

government will save taxpayers'<br />

money and reduce the deficit.<br />

For cxzmpte. if the IRS (Internal<br />

Revenue. Service) collects unpaid<br />

taxes, then die government will<br />

have some S100 billion more wit?<br />

whkh to fight the deficit.<br />

Senator WUItan Cohen says of<br />

the $600 toilet scats purchased by<br />

"<br />

t're military:<br />

d-cltrrd frc&hnun Peggy Kotui. <strong>The</strong> budget<br />

"It gives new meaning to the<br />

wnnl ihnme."<br />

deficit is a silent Clearly, if the govemmeji had<br />

killer.<br />

been ff.onitoring expenditures efficiently<br />

to avoiJ cost overruns. 'Jie<br />

government would have saved<br />

William Murphy, former dirrctor money. Instead they purchased $400<br />

of the United Performing Am Fund claw hammers and $900 wrenchcr.<br />

of Milwaukee, expresses the in additioo to t!' toilet seats.<br />

frustrations of many by saying ". . <strong>The</strong> budget deficit is a silent<br />

.we're tradieg ballet for bombs." killer. Pctylr do i» feel it directly,<br />

f Moreover, we need a new ux but it has the potential "to hike Hi-<br />

with...the antion that the federal I pun that raises more revenue. lemt rates, choke off unesrncnu.<br />

Korcmment tus a responsibility to I Senator Bill Bradley and Represen- ciobbcr trade, destroy rural<br />

auure that every student can go to the I utive Richard Gephardt have pre- Aruiica. kill Jobs, and shrink cor<br />

school of hi> or her choice." I posed a tax pbn that would future." said detae&l Prciidrffli.il<br />

PrincipJ Alan Fibish opposes the ^eliminate many loopholes and candidate Walter Moalalc.<br />

budgctcuuandstaird."lamdisturbed<br />

by the willingness to cut education<br />

by an administration which has addressed<br />

hsclf repeatedly to the issues<br />

of national security. It is my belief<br />

tliat tic strength of a democracy and<br />

the interests of national security are<br />

best served by an educated electorate."<br />

HAPPY 18TH<br />


DAVBD<br />

CHOW<br />

Restaurant<br />

231 S VAN NESS AVE.<br />

SAN FRANCISCO. CA. 9 673-8201 -2<br />






President 1<br />

March of 19831<br />

Wan." the<br />

rctrJer enemy ]<br />

tincntxIbalUu'cl<br />

and obsolete" I<br />

terceptor rc-Ait<br />

<strong>The</strong> Stw War J<br />

describes lacusl<br />

adviser to f<br />

three inteKcpi<br />

coenry<br />

weerujon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first phal<br />

intercept, take&l<br />

. after the lutl<br />

missiles. |<br />

armed with<br />

use <<br />

eclcrate "*sinart I<br />

bullets p |<br />

yy *to i<br />

before it<br />

Jocribol<br />

While in -\<br />

missiles wuuld f<br />

ten I<br />

warhenij. US 1<br />

using laser proe<br />

warheads and I<br />

very small, i<br />

rockets. <strong>The</strong>se]<br />

wouHlhcnt<br />

"the reentry i<br />

homing ]<br />

enemy warhead \<br />

Why should tl<br />

Star Wan?<br />

Says George i<br />

chiel science asll<br />

"We considcif<br />

weapons as untl<br />

as a retaliatory t<br />

to prevent war I

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