Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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NEWS.<br />

Court eases grounds for search & seizure<br />

BySbokoKahljama<br />

<strong>The</strong> Supreme Coun, citing the<br />

growing problem of disorder in the<br />

public schools, ruled thtt school<br />

teachers end administraton may<br />

tench a student whenever there are<br />

"reasonable grounds" to think thai<br />

• student may hive violated the<br />

Khool rules or the Uw.<br />

Trus ruling was made on January<br />

13 by a vote of 6*3. <strong>The</strong> court main.<br />

taiaed that ttudenti are entitled to<br />

some protection under the Fourth<br />

Amendment, which Kates. "<strong>The</strong><br />

right of the people...against<br />

unreasonable searches and seizure,<br />

shall not be violated."<br />

But unlike police, school<br />

authorities do not need a wanant In<br />

order to conduct a search. A student<br />

may al» now be- searched under<br />

"'reasonable ground* * at opposed<br />

to the previous requirement of<br />

"probable cause" which involves<br />

more fV^^ifi and evidence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> majority rule also statrd that<br />

the searches must be "reasonably<br />

related to their objectives and not<br />

excessively intrusive" In view of<br />

.the age and sex of the staSem and<br />

nature of the infraction.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Supreme Court's ruling caiuc<br />

after three lower court proceedings<br />

and nearly five yean, involving a<br />

student and an administrator, who<br />

searched her purve on "reasonable<br />

grounds."<br />

Ine case oegan wttcn <strong>The</strong>odore<br />

Choolick. an av^ant vice-princip«l<br />

at Piscauway High School in New<br />

Jersey, searched me pune or a<br />

female student who was reportedly<br />

smoking in the tearoom.<br />

Although the girl denied that she<br />

ever smoked. Chop lick found<br />

cigarettes, marijuana, and some<br />

notes suggesting that she was selling<br />

Ihc drug to other students, upon<br />

searching her purse.<br />

Choplick then notified the girl's<br />

mother and the police. During questioning<br />

at police headquarters, the<br />

girl admitted to idling marijuana at<br />

school. She was trio], found guilty.<br />

adjudged a delinquent, and placed<br />

on probation for ooe year.<br />

Bttt later on, the Supreme Court<br />

of New Jersey upheld contentions<br />

by the student's lawyers that the<br />

evidence (the contents of her purse)<br />

could not be used against the girl<br />

since the evidence was obtained<br />

under "reasonable grouwL." »ti<br />

was insufficient grounds for a<br />

search prior to the last court ruling.<br />

New Jersey officials then appealed<br />

the case to the high court, arguing<br />

that the aclniionary rule<br />

shouldn't apply ta searches of<br />

juveniles in school.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nwtl recent ruling by the<br />

Supreme Court revered tic sutc<br />

court and found that Chopiitk's actions<br />

were not unrcaKwuh*? under<br />

the circumstances.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nil in* is coniiiUnt with<br />

previous court decisions extending<br />

•tome constitutional protection to<br />

students, tut not allowing the exact<br />

application uf the same rights that<br />

adults arc granted.<br />

One example of this is the court's<br />

Jeciitoo that, although students facing<br />

suspension arc entitled to rotk-e<br />

and a hearing, they do not have the<br />

right tn a lawyer or to present a<br />

witness at such proceedings.<br />

Justice Byron R. White, tn<br />

presenting the majority opinion,<br />

declared that the key to finding an<br />

accommodatinc ground for two<br />

competing interests was to strike a<br />

"balance" between the student's<br />

Rich amuses audience at noon concert<br />

By Chris Cristra<br />

Two noon concerts featuring jaw<br />

pianist Joshua Rich were L-Jd in<br />

room 70 on February 21.<br />

Rich performed two 35-minute<br />

concerts in which he played a wide<br />

i*ariety of selections. He presented<br />

songs by such modem artists ks<br />

Prince and Stoic Wonder, as well<br />

M playing a number of jau.<br />

ragtime, and DIJCS selections.<br />

Rich considers himself a jazx improvisationalisi.<br />

An improvlsatiooalUl<br />

plays different versions of<br />

popular songi. For example, he<br />

starts with the basic melody of a<br />

song, and while he plays it, he ad they can<br />

continue their work." uid Gloria<br />

Ruiz, the program's associate<br />

producer.<br />

Thtwe who need help nuv call in<br />

at 552-7700. If the niton *rc not too<br />

buty, they nuy explain the problem<br />

tin 'he show.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> program offer* an excellent<br />

opportunity to gain training txHh n<br />

mcilia production and tutoring," said<br />

Rui/.<br />

<strong>The</strong> *how it ain-,cd at elementary<br />

Ui high icJjoolagcd viewers., par*<br />

itcuUHy ih*nc who have language<br />

problem; aM ••( the tutor, are<br />

bilingual.<br />

"San Francisco u a diverse city.<br />

It tus all nationalities and must serve<br />

them," reasoned senior Mary Jane<br />

Sanchez, the txni of the Piesday<br />

show.<br />

Junior Kama Bcnitex said. "1 think<br />

tlut having a show tike this is a goo>i<br />

idea because 1 know that there are<br />

people who really do need help with<br />

their homework. I know my younger<br />

brother does."<br />

<strong>The</strong> program is the Tint of its kind<br />

in San Franchco; similar programs<br />

exist in Chicago and Los Angeles.<br />

"It feels good to know that you're<br />

helping someone who needs help."<br />

said senior Meller Dacayoban.<br />

"Beskies. you even get,paid for doing<br />

something you tike to do." he enthused,<br />

referring to the minimum<br />

wage he and the other tutors are<br />

earning.<br />

" I hope to become more coaftdent<br />

when I speak and face the public,"<br />

\ s awe vooKOf sone Money t<br />


Hfi!RCflR€<br />

S* n f ••?«*»• C* W123 (witti blow dry $13.95)<br />

VMllMBlCrOUPOfi<br />

Cogpon Expires<br />

March 1965<br />

aid junior Dcrick Un. He expects his<br />

nujor challenge will be not to "...get<br />

nervous in from of the camera."<br />

"I hope I won't be challenged by<br />

:he problems," he declared.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first thov aired on February<br />

21. Approximately VQ people called<br />

in. Accnlin^ to Ruiz and the tutors,<br />

that wa* not bad 'cr a Mart, though<br />

theyctpccT to receive about 100 calls<br />

per Oiow in tlte future.<br />

the nrogram will be a bomb or *<br />

srruuh.'' otnei .cd senior Chau Shuc<br />

KwoV.. "I don't etpect it to become<br />

a fcottine."<br />

Bat *ht- predicted. "<strong>The</strong> ihow will<br />

get better and better *» it becurncs<br />

better luiown."<br />

Ruu fears Urk of publicity and<br />

"...puJpte not knowing enough about<br />

the program.<br />

"People might think that they need<br />

cable, 'out they don't. <strong>The</strong> television<br />

is the added attraction. <strong>The</strong> real service<br />

is over ihj phone." she<br />

emphasized.<br />

<strong>The</strong> twelve tutors ate from <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Balboa, and Mission High Schools.<br />

Among the students whom school<br />

counselors recommended. Ruiz<br />

sclcctol those who were bilingual and<br />

had high GPA's. high skills in malh.<br />

ami "stage presence."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y had to be disciplined, but<br />

not too shy." she explained.<br />

Despite all the cxcita:jcnt. the<br />

tutors fonccOcd that their work was<br />

"II gets sn hot with 23 huge studio<br />

lights focusing on you that you feel<br />

like you're metting!" revealed Kwok.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tutors' contract expires in<br />

June. Presently. Ruiz needs two additional<br />

tutors, preferably Asian.<br />






«Ot POKTM. <br />

problem: it is<br />

is the poor am<br />

When you ha<br />

Can't blame t!<br />

Robert H»ck<br />

Ltncotn. rurthi<br />

ly no rcasoi<br />

bicms....<strong>The</strong>y<br />

throw trash o;<br />

Attheprcse<br />

cannot handle<br />

cleanup jobs<br />

TELEY<br />


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