Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Student proposes<br />

end to self-scheduling<br />

Daar Editor:<br />

This letter is concerning the inefficiency<br />

and inluitncta of Self-<br />

Scheduling Diy.<br />

On January 30. I9K5. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

. Modems were given the "unique"<br />

opportunity of choosing their<br />

couno at well as their icachen for<br />

the upcoming spring semester.<br />

. I. along with many other student*,<br />

felt ..Sat Self-Scheduling Day w»<br />

uajuit and incompetently<br />

admlniitered.<br />

I believe that dqiartmrnt head*,<br />

counselor*, teaencts. Shield and<br />

Scroll members, and student<br />

government officrrs should prognm<br />

students inf J <strong>class</strong>cv In other<br />

words, students should not be allow*<br />

ed to program their own schedules.<br />

In my opinion, students should only<br />

be given the dunce to telec* their<br />

courses and net their teacher*. This<br />

method of scheduling will present<br />

unnecessary frustration, confusion,<br />

and headaches.<br />

Furthermore, the unfortunate<br />

snidents who chene lost or near last<br />

on Self-Scheduling Day felt that<br />

they had all the leftovers, fhti<br />

system ofchoosing teacher* is simply<br />

unfair. I do understand that the<br />

ones wno pfogranffned near the ?tu<br />

will hare the oppominirv to choose<br />

fast •- thai is. in two ysan. To<br />

other students and me who had to<br />

rearrange cor entire schedules upon<br />

discovering that the desired twr.<br />

were closed, the cipcrienc was<br />

simply frustrating.<br />

Morecrer. twener* were unanlc<br />

to control the mob of student* that<br />

w*i waiting for green shreu in the<br />

auditorium. Students, anxiou*<br />

because they couldn't hejr their<br />

names called, ran down from their<br />

seats and lwanneri rmxmd the unforturute<br />

own dittnbuilng the green<br />

sheets. I bclietc that both the<br />

studenu and the teacher* are to<br />

blamr Tor the disorder.<br />

Furthermore, there was frustration<br />

and confusion everywhere in<br />

the gym. Disappointed students<br />

were scrambling around to find<br />

<strong>class</strong> opening*. Confused ones<br />

fltdn't know what to do with ihcir illegal<br />

or incomplete program*.<br />

Siudcnu who dcipivcd tbr available<br />

teachers p-irpovrly failed to cumplete<br />

their schedule* 'A hlcly on need. <strong>The</strong><br />

a%trafx «ho'--Ojio grant wai Sft.000<br />

and 70' of Hanard\ *tudcnt%<br />

receive Mime form of firuncul J«1<br />

batrd uMj >m neat. All the other<br />

Ivy Lcagur tchooU nn o' r er similar<br />

evidence that their student hodin arc<br />

not vim ply rich, white and<br />

fUttcrncrv<br />

Sincerely >ourv<br />

John H. McOuckin. Jr.<br />

NortKm Califiirnia AitmivtuHu<br />

Chairman tor Harxanj College<br />

itm rVi. Akomito $«r. Tnrf Sdnart,<br />

C**. 1ML VMVm THM, AnMb<br />

Ted C. Co«T.n (S?13):<br />

7** Low.//. Marrh S. KM. Aic J<br />

RESPONSE _•<br />

f Question man<br />

ny Amy Lee<br />

"My best frieoJ turned my<br />

only pencil into an erotic sculpture."<br />

What was the best excuse you<br />

ever gave a teacher for being<br />

absent or taiily?<br />

Juan Carlos Hernia (8615):<br />

"I was tn lhc bathroom and<br />

couldn't get my pants zipped.*'<br />

morning sickness."<br />

David Kim (8812):<br />

"I almost died. 1 was riding<br />

my bicycle down Si. Francis- a<br />

one-way street. I couldn't ace<br />

the car that turned the corner as<br />

it was coming; toward me. I<br />

s*vcrved to the curb and fell in<br />

some busbeft."<br />

'Hallway mob' responds to teacher<br />

Dcu Editors.<br />

We. as \tudenu uf <strong>Lowell</strong>, have<br />

never had caute for complaint about<br />

our tcrchcrs at <strong>Lowell</strong>. Howevc*.<br />

reading the letter that was published<br />

in the January' itujc of this<br />

newspaper (Students Harass<br />

Teacher) disturbed u\ greatly. We<br />

arc not upset with 7V bi>*rtl. but<br />

ra'hcr with a teacher who rut<br />

dittorud and cufgerated the truth<br />

of an issue.<br />

Tfci* teacher cl>iimcd that a certain<br />

group of students who arc "in the<br />

minority. I am quite certain" has<br />

been stowing little t^pect for<br />

schooling and teaching by arming<br />

the oppi> rlun iltc* provided by<br />

modular scheduling. Tht* tUtcmcnt<br />

is a farce- We have thown our<br />

respect for %cnoolmg and tcachtm:<br />

by attending tU^^c^. learning, and<br />

achieving detent marks in our<br />

count*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> author of the letter continue*<br />

her story by saying that shr hat<br />

"begged, crvrcalcd. itueaiencd. .<br />

." the students. *.* we can recall,<br />

this teacher has onlv threatened,<br />

screamed, and yelled at us.<br />

One more thing we would like to<br />

point out is lhat the uohor of the letter<br />

haphazard!) chotc one individual<br />

at a win of %achficul ci<br />

Author clarifies story<br />

Dear Editors,<br />

Since I have never had the<br />

privilege of vuiting an Ivy League<br />

institution, try impressions of Ivy<br />

League schools were based solely<br />

on information from three current<br />

Ivy League students, one alumnus<br />

and several publications which I<br />

referred to. My article's intent was<br />

not tr scare away potcn*' Ivy<br />

Leaguers, but to present an vbjec*<br />

live analysis — the advantages AND<br />

disadvantages of attending these<br />

schools.<br />

I did not interview any adnuiucm<br />

directors, a factor for whkb 1<br />

apologue, since their vie** -*xre<br />

not prescated in the article.<br />

Everyone has their own opinions —<br />

the information in my article<br />

reflected the viewpoints cf those<br />

whom I did ulk to.<br />

However, if tb« Harvard<br />

representative chuutes to focus on<br />

the so called "inaccuracies" in my<br />

article, he should have memioncd<br />

the fact that the tuition fees 1 listed<br />

are acto&lly even higher now (1<br />

Usted 1982*83 figures only) Even<br />

with a considerable finaockl aid<br />

package, many students still have to<br />

have sufficient fiosocial resources<br />

of their own to be able to attmd<br />

these schools. <strong>The</strong> general consensus<br />

among sources WAS that, indeed.<br />

a majority of Ivy Leaguers art from<br />

upper middle <strong>class</strong>, white collar<br />

families.<br />

Also, when I wrote that a «"ident's<br />

hopes on being accepted<br />

depended greatly on "chance." I<br />

did not mean lhat college official*<br />

cait the names of all their tpplic-nti<br />

into a birrcl and then randomly<br />

drew out the ones who would be accepted!<br />

I simply meant that it b oifficult<br />

for students who apply to soch<br />

schools to get in. because these,<br />

highly selective schools only pick<br />

f nxp the cream of the crop of the<br />

country's high school students.<br />

Since top student* apply to such<br />

school*, they arc enrnpeting with<br />

other top students front all over the<br />

country, and If they are accepted,<br />

tncy should consider themselves<br />

lucky. Many applicants who do<br />

have the qualificaVoas arc tcjccttd<br />

simply because (here are too many<br />

applicants and not enough room for<br />

all of diem.<br />

Shirley Ng<br />

Author of " Pro and con of<br />

going Ivy League"<br />

ample. Ttm vjpejtMt has been tubjevted<br />

to many confrontation* with<br />

the pfincipjl. restricted from hanging<br />

CJI or even walking im the second<br />

ffunr. and pumihcd by being<br />

forced to clcut up garbage.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tcwrber who wrote to <strong>The</strong><br />

Lnvrll Knotihconlysubjectofour<br />

protest. Trtcre arc other teachers<br />

who rcleate their emotion* 'inprofewtttrully<br />

by yelling and/or cursing<br />

at uudents. Such teachers set<br />

poor eumplcs as adults and probably<br />

have no patience in the<br />

<strong>class</strong>room.<br />

School i\ a place to learn, but one<br />

thing we have learned is that all<br />

work and no pUy 1: not the w&y.<br />

Socutuiug, c 'U'Tkling school aclivjttc*.<br />

and just enjoying going tn<br />

vrhool is also very important. That<br />

is what makes this *chool scry<br />

sptrucd. and to deny the human<br />

right* to laugh »nd exprcu oneself<br />

would be unfair.<br />

Names witUeld at requc*t<br />

Story called<br />

'Harlequin'<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

We arc writing in regard to the ar*<br />

tkle "An Unforgettable Night"<br />

which appeared in the feature section<br />

if the January edition of 7V<br />

Lentil. We found the uory inlulling,<br />

petty, and straight out dull.<br />

We *)«« believe that 7V UmtU h<br />

an tppropriaK pla.t fo- such a<br />

Harlequin rvnunce. <strong>The</strong> story openly<br />

supports nc cxancralcd Importance<br />

lint many Kcmrfen place on<br />

appcarancei «s

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