Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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YOUR. AEMI<br />

Court permits searches<br />

<strong>The</strong> recent- Supreme Court ruling that ethical. Rather, the question<br />

school officub and administrators may scorch students should be .norc vul<br />

i student based on "reasonable grounds" ascncs or such things than sa<<br />

opposed to the previous requirement or "pro-Qfjjcc,<br />

bible cause," not only Is an inrringement or<br />

the rights or r jdenti under the<br />

of « ho ° l "**• "Fw the court.<br />

students will not have lhe same rights in """'"'"""' '-"••» *"» - >•<br />

school as they do on the street. When school officials are loo quick to<br />

<strong>The</strong> majority or the Snpreme Court deeid- search a student, it is likely to result in an<br />

ed that sarcry or the general student body "armed-camp" atmosphere within lhe school.<br />

»hould come before an individual student's For instance, in Brooklyn, a majority of the<br />

privacy, and there Is justification for their c|ajj of fcird graders was stripped searched<br />

concern. • whe" $50 was reported missing rrom a<br />

<strong>The</strong>re has been an increasing number or substitute teacher's purse — a majority, condrop<br />

and violence recently in the schools. In sioering lhe rod that most or the money was<br />

Detroit high schools, special security squad* found on UK first ch:!d examined,<br />

round 49 guns and 69 knives, along wiUi other ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mon. ^ m m<br />

the Treasury. To pay the foreign anl<br />

domestic dtbts Wt over rrom the American<br />

Revolution, Hamilton persuaded the governroeti<br />

Is lwrrow more than S70 million from<br />

the country's affluent. That way the United<br />

States could establish foreign credit, and the<br />

wealthy would arc about the country's<br />

"well-being even if only for selfish reasons.<br />

Since the federal deficit has always existed,<br />

why is it suddenly turning into a<br />

monster that threatens to devour our future?<br />

Even taking into account thr costs of the<br />

Korean and Vietnamese wars, the annual<br />

federal deficit averaged only S3 billion for<br />

the:25 yean following World War n.<br />

However, in the 1970's. the government<br />

ventured into grand-scaled social and<br />

- nuhtiry spending! without commensurate<br />

pT<br />

dependence, we must<br />

7'l e L our , ers , oad<br />

US With perpetual<br />

Self-scheduliiig: student<br />

right and responsibility<br />

Just what does sclf-sclieduling day r«H>'iionorthe 'balancing' process it employed at<br />

nx-anj fast September's scheduling ubles. and for<br />

For some, it means a long-awaited escape fe continued commitment to offering<br />

rrom a cerain uninspiring course or teacher, courses which, beocuse or their advanced<br />

For others, it means the opportunity'0 spend na!ure. toceivc only a lew number or<br />

another semester with a teacher who has students on their sign-up srrxts.<br />

proven to be quite interesting or dilTcrait. M(Jfc t,,JlJcntl seeded i0 walk awty rrom<br />

Yrt. for every student, it means one thins. lhe UD|es this year with complete schedules<br />

Something which no other high school stu- ^^ o(hcr m a a scheduling day.<br />

dent in tin city is allowed: the privilege u- M p^iem, j^med to come from the<br />

enroll in most any course that is offered in ^.y^ department. Students have voiced<br />

any y time slot that it is taught, g with any in- ^<br />

structor who will be leaching it.<br />

inl£n£ dw.,laBUre<br />

l d<br />

less difficu nKtene$l>,<br />

been, for Modems who scheduled last '° when „„„».„„ c<br />

C T^VH^h^hl U .5.dbE«cd or «*Von.<br />

g y<br />

way out. and «lack<br />

students, ranging from Speed Reading .o have the privilege or scir-schcdu!.ng uan<br />

Electronics. Too often. <strong>Lowell</strong> students lack they often realize. Many students attempt to<br />

the appreciation which a privilege such as abuse the system by scheduling themselves<br />

self-scheduling day warrants. to arrivr unusually late or Icnvc school ex-<br />

Many problems seemed to come from the<br />

English Department. Students have voiced<br />

their intense displeasure with that depart-<br />

ment's policies regarding the resolution of incomplete<br />

programs.<br />

But statistics for 1983 reveal that 68 per ^ . . , . . . .<br />

Many students ihis semester have a 2-3 iremcly early. This abuse threat:ns <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

<strong>class</strong> with mods 4-5 free. Many courses continuation as a high school with a 20-mod,<br />

which were previously offered 4-5 arc now self-scheduled day. Administrators are now<br />

being scheduled for earlier time slots. Why? seriously discussing the possibility of rctum-<br />

Lown such laxity ,n the iMcrprcu- To meet state requirements for a lengthened ing <strong>Lowell</strong> students to a seven-pcriod day<br />

_2* tion of student '» rights, could have a large im-<br />

school day. Unlike many other schools in wiih assigned <strong>class</strong>es and teachers.<br />

muter how much the schools tighten up the < the educational system in the United ^ FrolciM.(, i^.,.,, iv |eni!Ihcning in.<br />

M.-tuM)l day Rftuliuilly. Last September's<br />

Lmtclt. students arc granted lhe<br />

securityandsearchorihcirownstudcnlt.lt' ... . .<br />

freedom of being permuted to<br />

seems that they will not be able to prevent the It is ironic that, in our schools, the institu- scheduling day btought wilh it for some "" "*' "r<br />

majorityor such violence irpeoplc outside the I upon which we rely to leach the children courses, such as typing and freshman P.E.. ""*<br />

own t<br />

school are involved. of this country the rights and responsibilities an increase in instruction time from two to ' j<br />

As for drugs, it is unrealistic for officialsor our constitutional form of government, three mods. 77iftn»rH has heard it.nmorcd ' .... ... .<br />

to think that there will be a decrease in drug violations of those rights are countenanced, that the goal of this slcp-b> -step program is sen-scncauiing pmucges may appear to oc<br />

use among the studenu through the incrcas- Although the recent ruling was made with "• eventually increase instruction lime for all ^Uj J^T * rc :<br />

N» Mil<br />

receive nw<br />

l-ticini* ih.<br />

chanceh<br />

Ticull wleci<br />

pcrwMul.<br />

plicanT- li<br />

USCUflKUL<br />

qualities. .<br />

an U> 1x2<br />

tec ma) %c<br />

are r

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