Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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, Io~».7. Jmncry IS. 1985. P*P »<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Smith - Athletes of the<br />

Hoopsters receive January sports honors<br />

RtDanPuncr<br />

SheUixi Smith. > Jtruury Aihlctc<br />

of the Month, ti a starting guard in]<br />

the icorir., tadc en the unity<br />

basketb»ll leant.<br />

He b averaging more than 15<br />

poinu i (tine and hu icond 20 or<br />

nun points four times.<br />

Smith feeU ttat his test effort was<br />

In the tune ijiiiut Upland, whm<br />

he KOTO) 29 points in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

K3-32 rout.<br />

•<strong>The</strong> team u not Uut close off the<br />

conn, but when ths |atne stans. we<br />

really come together," Smith<br />

Stated.<br />

"Basketball U a total team<br />

•port," added Smith. "Even il<br />

somebody scores 30 points ud<br />

play* outstanding defense, he still<br />

weds wppon from the rest of the<br />

team,"<br />

Accordinf to Smith the tctm<br />

coyld easily be a play-off contender<br />

if n playa up to its potential.<br />

Though [< pUyed soccer and<br />

baseball in junior high school.<br />

Smith did not play organized baskethalt<br />

until his sophomore >ear when<br />

he wu on the junior vanity team.<br />

.Tmiih believes that watching<br />

basketball on television helped him<br />

become a better pUycr. "I used to<br />

watch Dr. J, then 1 would try to imitalc<br />

his movesV<br />

"I thought I had done a good job<br />

of leaching nryielf About buketbtll.<br />

but I found that! was ntx nearly as<br />

good on defense as I thought 1<br />

wii."<br />

Smith credits his Improved<br />

defense to coaching, but think* he<br />

wai never be as good defensively as<br />

he Is offensively, because he lacks<br />

some of the quickness thai the great<br />

defenders have.<br />

Optimism on girls'<br />

basketball team<br />

By Bet*y Mmen'rh'<br />

AtUt Unfit «iAict« ih Ihc OtCvaMKi<br />

Comes, the <strong>Lowell</strong> fill*' luvkctbjil<br />

team hopes to do wc!l againvt the<br />

tejnu in their league thi* season.<br />

Duiing the ptocavm apin^t tesni*<br />

out of the league, the team won M<br />

games out of 12. Terra Not a. Mill*.<br />

and Burlingame high school* were<br />

the only teams which were able m<br />

defeat the <strong>Lowell</strong> team.<br />

In the fira league game apaimt<br />

Lincoln. Lowetl was victorious by a<br />

Report<br />

score of 51 -33. rait *omc members of<br />

the team were nut satisfied with their<br />

performance during the game and<br />

said Out they will have in pUy better<br />

later on in the sewn* againvt their<br />

tougher competition.<br />

Before the Academic Athletic<br />

Smith did not play basketball in<br />

cither his freshman or junior years,<br />

because be wu worried about<br />

grades. "Even though there is plenty<br />

of time to do homework when I<br />

get home, I am sometime! too tired<br />

to do il."<br />

Smith has no definite pUns for the<br />

future, though he would like to pby<br />

baskclbtll fw a unall eastern<br />

college.<br />

Smith and Brown shoot their way 10 honon.<br />

n (AAA) ri»>o(N. the tea n<br />

1<br />

Wilwtn. 11K- ICJIII txt.cM* Hut<br />

Wa\tiinj;i.)n jml Wilum will he Itic<br />

_ p<br />

puy Wilvm fur the<br />

Plj)cr> ciini teamwork a\ Ihcir<br />

Mnwpe*ta»set. "Nooncpcrumcarrio<br />

the team, whkh fnrvc> uv to »IHk<br />

together." said \cnior Megan<br />

Purcclt. "We know- each inhcr"*<br />

ability so we can work together ci>nliucnily<br />

a» a team." jJJed venior<br />

Joan Cornell.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Icam hu a diwdvanupc<br />

agatmt must other AAA tcinu, a* it<br />

u one of the shorten tcam> in the<br />

league. <strong>The</strong>y have 10 work Irani tt»<br />

compensate for this height difference.<br />

Team members also credited coach<br />

James Thunus for their success. "In<br />

the two year* Thonus ha* bcrn<br />

coaching us. he ha* really developed<br />

our potential. He has made us team<br />

the fundamentals, so now we ha\c<br />

more confidence in ourselves."<br />

senior Cindy Brown concluded.<br />

<strong>The</strong> three freshmen players. Cheri<br />

Brown. Lydia Bell, and Karina Wong<br />

have iidjuvtcd quickly to playing<br />

with the turn, and they are becoming<br />

an important part of the squad.<br />


DR. WIlllAM B. WU 6684I8B8<br />

sol CUMOIT «TBUT. turn o<br />



By Sandra Hong<br />

"I'm not much of en rndittdual<br />

player. I'm more of ateam player."<br />

staled senior Cindy Brown. January<br />

"Athlete of the Month."<br />

Brown has participated in learn<br />

sports since her sophomore year. She<br />

h^pbyftlootheiofthsdllcwnfofthc<br />

pavt two seasons and is looking furw*rd<br />

to a third. In addition, she joined<br />

powdcrpurfandfAnfor thecrtns<br />

country team for two years.<br />

orawn'i fivnriie >port is tuuetball.<br />

She t* presently « forward and<br />

a wing uo .he tirls' u>arr..<br />

Janvs ThoRus, coach of the girl*'<br />

ruvkctbalt learn, praised her effort*<br />

» » "warn pUjcr." "Cindy practice*<br />

regularly. She doe* wUicvrr she can<br />

«>f r ihc court and on the cuurt to help<br />

the team." he obtcrved.<br />

•J In her jun-or year. Brown maJe an<br />

"J all-lounuinent tcr-.t fif l/iwt.l it the<br />

DraVe Toerrumem. "For the thiee<br />

•* that <strong>Lowell</strong> pU)Cd. shr con-<br />

__ siucntfy scored well, and the al*o n><br />

- bunded well.*' commented Tbunu*.<br />

Lavt year. Thoru* rrquired all<br />

members of the basketball team to<br />

join crass courtry in onjer to condi*<br />

lion thcmsclti* for basketball. This<br />

>car. Hrowri joined the cross country<br />

team on her own will. She finished<br />

in the top ten at the All-City finals.<br />

Bruwn S3kl Uui she comes from «<br />

very sthktk Tamily. and that Is why<br />

really influenced my sporu. He<br />

the enjoy* sports. "My fsthcr has<br />

helped me obtain the fundamentals,<br />

M*t he never let me quit." the saw.<br />

Brown recognized Thoma* alto.<br />

"Bnrh of ibem have Itelptd me the<br />

TTHM in athletics. I respect them, and<br />

wncn you respect a person, > toughe* to<br />

win than ir. other years because<br />

RUlen thoot their way to th« champtonshlps.<br />

iti winning ways with a fta* less 6-0<br />

record.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team has been a dominant<br />

force in the league capturing the<br />

season title 15 out of 17 years.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> again easily made it to the<br />

championship match against<br />

Washington tin November 28 that<br />

would determine the All-City<br />

champion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final score was <strong>Lowell</strong> 1.253<br />

and Washington 1.238.<br />

r~ Tennis, Anyone?<br />

Professional<br />

Tennis Instruction<br />

Beginners—Intermediate<br />

Advanced<br />

Call<br />

John Cervantes<br />

- 751-S63S<br />

many of the learn member* wrre<br />

relati-.xly new and not as espencae-<br />

ed as. Ltm ind Paul Daijo. rifle lean*,<br />

captain.<br />

Even with many new rKmben thiteam<br />

easily beat mo« i-f their cmrpctm>r*<br />

by qune » J-'«: inttfia.<br />

"I.n the iruich ap<br />

h<br />

Gj'tlco. uc<br />

i-i by ?0O<br />

SGM M^t Yo*hiJj -Ret), nfl;<br />

team coach, noted mat L cruel I was<br />

such a dominant forte in the league<br />

due to tne fm thai member* praclirc<br />

much ,noic thin other te^ms.<br />

I "Shooting involves a lot mere<br />

14 mental concentration than physical<br />

I j strength You not only need<br />

1[ o physical uren^th to :»ld up the grin.<br />

~'«t mental conceniratior. to help<br />

1. vith aim and cunsislcccy." sUteO<br />

E Yoshida.<br />

limited<br />

Additions.<br />

n>cManiMOTrta*kY.I«Talwmn:tj<br />

vrancn iMnvid;»ir«;Mmi«;<br />

l l v WE orjy y «art a fo« Bur U > >»M IHnk y ynt \r |j|jol<br />

srarw-<br />

i! ln«ld. ld ram-rca. c [heir's h' ituxn* txn ax«r. w w»

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