Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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J*te B, Thr L»rll. Junior, 18. f)SS<br />

..SPORTS<br />

Varsity cagers remain<br />

hopeful for playoffs<br />

By Stor Park<br />

<strong>The</strong> vanity lutkctball te vd opened<br />

league pU*' with three quarters cf<br />

great tetkctUU against Lincoln, but<br />

fell to the Mustangs. 61-47.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> pU)cd three quartcn of<br />

•ggrrMive and controlled ball<br />

•gainst Lincoln, a tor ten team in<br />

the Bay Area, and w-erc leading by<br />

eric point four punute* ireo the<br />

fourth quarter when thing.* tuned<br />

railing apart, and Lincoln pulled<br />

««•:* to victory.<br />

Cooth Dave Low tUtcd trut it<br />

wsv a "tk-ek of i game." but lhat<br />

some of tftc miKuu tt thr end rcaliy<br />

hurt them, like untimely turnovers..<br />

Low stressed lhat the game wu a<br />

•rcat team effort. ai*l |« fell the<br />

whole team deserved a 'of of credit<br />

Two super performancci were<br />

turned in by center Mark Horn and<br />

forward Mike SUtiuno. Horn had<br />

20 poirai and 13 rebound* and Mat-<br />

Mifto grabtvd 15 rebound*. Dolh<br />

g*»c up scseral inches to their taller<br />

opponents, but MaiMiitu commented<br />

that tV continuous Dractice on<br />

screening out oral the aggrcssisc<br />

play fatty paid off.<br />

I^JW stated that there was "scry<br />

food ieo.ir.worV* and the team effectively<br />

cleaned tt» jjme pUn<br />

against Lincoln. In an effort to<br />

Sports feature<br />

neutralize Lincoln's eiircrr.c<br />

quicknen. <strong>Lowell</strong> employed a<br />

"fake prcis." applying slight<br />

pressure upenurt. hut basically<br />

backing up into a zone defemc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Induns alwi handled the<br />

pressure applied by the quick<br />

Mustangs very well and even tried<br />

to run en them occasionally to throw<br />

(her.) off-balincc. which was successful<br />

at times.<br />

During the tecond week o*<br />

December, the (cam p?*>cd in the<br />

Scrra Basketball Tournament a.id<br />

lud one *m and two losses. Low<br />

fei' CK team pljscd fairly writ, and<br />

one ol <strong>Lowell</strong>'s losses was tn Ihc<br />

cons elation game against<br />

Westmoor. a team fatorcd to win i's<br />

league.<br />

<strong>The</strong> highlight of the team's<br />

preseason wat probahly it* four consecutive<br />

v iitor ics agiirtst some good<br />

caliber icamv <strong>The</strong> Indians defeated<br />

Ocearu hy vt. HiHsdalc by 25.<br />

South Cit> by 13 and Burlingame by<br />

25.<br />

IJIV Oatcd about the Mreak. "We<br />

jutt did »kit we needed (u d«t and<br />

pi't cvcr>ihinj i«»geiher."<br />

Th** COKH and i*>c pla;en *v contest<br />

23*18 at halfiimc and 30-2 •' at tltc<br />

end of the inird qiuner ttforc<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> \paikedioaseven-point lc*i<br />

midway dmxi/ii the founh quarter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "tec-saw" pattern of the<br />

game continue? as Aragon surged<br />

back to take a one-point lead in the<br />

Ian minute before <strong>Lowell</strong> brought<br />

the ball down court, and Horn took<br />

the winning shot.<br />

Low uid that the crowd was \cr><br />

Uxid throughout ih- ty.\e. and the<br />

pavers ipptrcuted the -Aippon of<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> font.<br />

YcMciJay, the «ur«it> team<br />

pLi>cd league opponent O'Conncll.<br />

Th: score was uuvailable at <strong>The</strong><br />

jimcl/ went to press. B«rr> Pon esade* two Aragon defenders as bf scores.<br />

Are <strong>Lowell</strong>'s athletic facilities adequate?<br />

H>Marn!nV\Hnrrl><br />

With a vtudent tsv^ clove to<br />

3.0UO Modemv jnd irt\ f^ciltii<br />

Utwcll hj* n>ire sport* *;K ifc<br />

than «h.-r public high vein*-!* in<br />

San Frjncwv <strong>The</strong>re arc Xzn outvtdc<br />

tennis own* and ni.'-e iKit*idc<br />

r^sketbail ci<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> hj* aJequate- *>,nort*><br />

f»rilitics: but rather jrc thew<br />

fjciltttc* in pmxl ktn>Jiii*sketh3ll<br />

coach Date Low. the lights in the<br />

gym need to be replaced. Low. Fdward<br />

Bums, hod of the Physical<br />

Edocuion Dcf rtment. are? JV<br />

basketball coach Gary Macaluso<br />

came in during summer vacation to<br />

coat the gym floor. According to<br />

Low. it would ru%c uVcnt.x -.re*'!<br />

diitrkt forever to do the job. jnd<br />

" . . basketball u;jum would bo<br />

o\cr before it would be done."<br />

lenm* ouch Barbara ('rain ^aiil<br />

t'ut tt»c n«ot* fntnt t.w ticc* Jie<br />

cau*in}' hump* on itv tennis courts,<br />

''fji't icvN that t!w courts jrc m<br />

••Vtnhle" condition and comtwined,<br />

"Wt hjse a loi o| \iMitnp<br />

<strong>The</strong> inick u jl*o in pour ci-ndttion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> track boundary

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