Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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<strong>The</strong> Other Cafe<br />

^Sboko Kashiyamu<br />

icaion to (urn this place into<br />

§tdy club six ycais ngo was<br />

fijedsion a well as a personal<br />

^omedy provided plenty of<br />

bah artistic and business op-<br />

^•'reJkxted Chip Romcr. who<br />

(per.pf <strong>The</strong> Other Cafe.<br />

iejr Cafe, located in the upper<br />

ihbury. is a popular comedy<br />

got in San Francisco providing<br />

Sif comedy from improvisation<br />

Htmateur open-mike nights.<br />

|t',of the week. It is also one<br />

"e'roedy clubs which admits<br />

Cafe, which is currently co-<br />

•Romcr. Bob Ayr«. and<br />

', opened in 1974, strictly<br />

: first. "It was sort of a hip-<br />

§ffi>" according to Romcr.<br />

an liter, Ayrcs. along with<br />

Bfjner, who is no longer in the<br />

purchased the business and<br />

into a nightclub with folk,<br />

one night of comedy a<br />

Her Romer and Snow j.'incd<br />

farmers of the cafe, two yers<br />

la took over, the movr \va*<br />

ievbtt the entertainment of Vie<br />

r/e-entirely to comedy,<br />

bout this time, comedy was on<br />

ing in the Bay Area, and we<br />

mid be good for the business."<br />

Bed. He attributes the growing<br />

pof comedy at r.e time in San<br />

& largely to Robin Williams.<br />

Sout ; - San Francisco and<br />

j ' V ' c in Hollywood.<br />

,was sort 01 a catalyst for the<br />

aedy scene. Kis great success<br />

""tarty flow of performers as<br />

Sence,' Romer observed,<br />

./who performed at Vie Other<br />

•t'other comcd"y clubs in the<br />

*"' move to Hollywood, has<br />

i to pop in unexpectedly from<br />

and perform for the<br />

nt surprises aside. Vie<br />

tits top local comedians<br />

la regular basis, including<br />

"ard, Dana Carvcy, Paula<br />

f Bob Goldthwaii. and Bob-<br />

r known comics, such as<br />

^ a n und Jay Lcno,<br />

QNjghl With Dand Uttemum<br />

(lined at Vie Other Cafe<br />

X,as well.<br />

I the entertainment itself,<br />

fe seems to be liked by the<br />

audience as well as the comedians for its<br />

atmosphere.<br />

"This is a great place because it's not<br />

'ike ihc comedian is up on a big stage<br />

ill by himscir. li's more personal, and<br />

I think many of the comedians rely on<br />

heavy audience participation or<br />

response." stated Greg Tolby. a member<br />

of the audience this particular night.<br />

Hi-continued, "I think it's a treat way<br />

to spend an evening. I m^an. with movie<br />

prices so high, it's a way to enjoy<br />

something completely different for a few<br />

dollars more. Comedy is addicting,<br />

though."<br />

Bill Caipinc, who works the door three<br />

nights a week, observed. "I think Vie<br />

Other is one of the more liked comedy<br />

clubs in the city because it's more relaxed,<br />

homey, and ha< a nice ambiatice. For<br />

me, this job seems more like a social<br />

outlet than a job."<br />

Goldlhwa : t. *ho often headlines at Vie<br />

Other Caff agrees. "This is like my<br />

favorite place to play because the audience<br />

is pretty hip and there rcaily isn't<br />

any pressure here. <strong>The</strong> size is just right<br />

and the atmvsphcrc is nice."<br />

"Fooling amund. or cvperimenting, 10<br />

put it more respectably, is encouraged<br />

here, unlike some other clubs where you<br />

feel like you're under presvjre to impress<br />

somebody. And it's 'accessible to all<br />

MUNI lines." joked Tom Kenny, T<br />

member of the comedy trio. Uncle<br />

Slinky's Pipsy Doodle Revue, who often<br />

plays Tin- Other Cafe.<br />

Paul Kozlowsky. anoihcr msmbcr of<br />

Uncle Stinky's, added, "Sometimes, this<br />

place doesn't even feei like a club<br />

because the windows (which cover an entire<br />

side of the stage) provide a special<br />

outlet. It encourages improvisations,<br />

usually of people walking outside or<br />

something."<br />

On October 31 of last year. Vie Other<br />

Cafe oocned a branch in Pucito Vallur-<br />

M. Mexico. Romcr conceded that their<br />

new bushev; is doing well, but is still<br />

in its growing stage where ihcy ire "still<br />

testing the water."<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir business here in the city, on the<br />

other hand, may be labeled * success.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cafe is usually full for pcrtbri.-unce.<br />

on Wednesday through Sunday, -vhen<br />

they have a hcadlincr. Mondays and<br />

Tuesdays arc usually comedian auctions.<br />

Admission fee for Mondays and<br />

Tuesdays is S2. and varies for Wednesday<br />

through Sunday shows, depending<br />

on the day and the hcadliner. For.more<br />

information, one may call 681-0748.<br />

(Editors nole: three of the clubs reviewed in this<br />

section have an admission policy of "111 years and<br />

older." <strong>The</strong>y have reputations of being popuiir<br />

among many'Pay Area young adults.)<br />

'Night Life'<br />

is fine,<br />

but...<br />

While some young people envision<br />

the ideal adult evening out as<br />

dining and dancing at a prputar<br />

night club, other teenagers have a<br />

different view of what goes into a<br />

fun-ftllcd evening.<br />

In the informal poll conducted at<br />

*chool. some SO student* were uked,<br />

"What t\ your idea of a Tun*<br />

evening?" <strong>The</strong>ir responses were<br />

many and varied.<br />

Seven students responded that<br />

going out to dinner, followed by an<br />

evening of dancing is their favorite<br />

way of enjoying a night ot fun.<br />

Two varied a Nt from this pattern<br />

and said that go.ng to a movie after<br />

dinner would be preferable, and<br />

two others picked going to a party<br />

after dinner.<br />

Spending an evening at the<br />

movies was the first choice of five<br />

students (skipping a dinner out),<br />

and three suggested visiting a<br />

favorite pizza parlor before going<br />

home, while two voted for Mopping<br />

off at tin ice cream parlor.<br />

Four Lowcllitcs indicated that<br />

having a party evening was 'heir<br />

idea of ihc mow fun. Four athletic<br />

students picked an evening of bowl'<br />

ing as their most enjoyable activity.<br />

Driving ami cruising amund in a<br />

fancy sports car was listed oy ihrcc<br />

seniors at a way of having a satisfying<br />

lime.<br />

Otcr a do/cn vudents reminded<br />

in A general way. indicating J\ long<br />

at they were with friends, they<br />

would be content. A senior stated.<br />

"'A fun ni^hi out doc\ not rcilly o>pend<br />

on what you actually do.<br />

Everything depends on whom you<br />

arc with. If you go out with someone<br />

you like or with someone<br />

who is just fun to b£ around, you<br />

can"! misv"<br />

A junior commented. "I like inviting<br />

some friends over and doing<br />

T*r Lmrll. Jmuart IS. NSS. Fqt II<br />


most anything together." Another<br />

junior reflected. "I always have<br />

lots cf fun whenever 1 am with my<br />

favorite friends, no matter what we<br />

do."<br />

<strong>The</strong> remaining responses were<br />

mostly i-.dtviduali7cd in nature and<br />

did not fit a specific category.<br />

A junior opted for in evening of<br />

ptaying Trivial Pursuit. Another<br />

junior cited, *'... walking up and<br />

down Haight Street with my<br />

gang."<br />

"To me, an ideal evening is one<br />

that merely deviates from ths<br />

routine that I am accustomed to on<br />

weekdays," offered one senior.<br />

Washing television wts mentioned<br />

by on!y two student*. A<br />

senior chose "... having a pujama<br />

party." as her number one choice.<br />

Anoihcr said, "... going out and<br />

having a big banana split.* Other<br />

responses included, "... renting a<br />

good fT-ovic." "... getting a full<br />

night's sleep without worrying<br />

about cramming for exams." "...<br />

silting on the bench and watching<br />

the sunrise." "... going out to<br />

Candlestick Part., cbrcring for the<br />

Giants, and '«cczi f .R to death."<br />

"... talking *.•* '"JC telephone for<br />

hours," and "... listrning to<br />

r**.ords with a member of the opposite<br />

sex."<br />

Two respondents can't get away<br />

from the academic influences of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High. A freshman enjoy*.<br />

"... gaing to the library to do<br />

I nntewnrk with mv friends and enjoy<br />

inj: many reference buuLs<br />

and research materials." A junior<br />

U happiest "... when writing letten,<br />

journal*, and poems."<br />

I, these various responses are<br />

typical. <strong>Lowell</strong> students find a<br />

variety of activities pleasurable in<br />

enjoyhg a "fun-filled" evening.<br />

Ha Ha a Go Go<br />

By Eva Fcsta<br />

<strong>The</strong> rumc "riv-ha a go-^o" implies '*... lauding<br />

and continuing, as opposeO to dining and dancing."<br />

stated Jim Baikc of the Ha-ht a go-go, a comedy pub<br />

on Clement Street.<br />

rhc Ha-ha a go-go offers comedy seven nighu a<br />

week and serves beer, wine, and soft drinlu.<br />

In addition to its unusual name, the Ha-ha a go-go<br />

is marked by a uniqtic physical appearance. <strong>The</strong> club<br />

•s a ruTow little hole in the wall with a floor<br />

decorated in a large hlack and while checkered<br />

pattern.<br />

On Munday and Tuesday nighu, aspiring come*<br />

rfians can try their luck with "open mike." Admission<br />

to th ic shows is one dollar.<br />

According to nunagcr Becky Irwin. the open<br />

microphone U what makes the club special.<br />

"We provide a training ground for up and coming<br />

young comics. If a person has lalcrr . pcrscve/ance,<br />

and keeps coining up to the micropuone. sortKon:<br />

will snot him. and he'll get 'hooked' "<br />

On Wednesday nighu. Steven Pearl hr«u a show<br />

with other local comics.<br />

Thursdays. Fridays. Saturdays, and Sundays,<br />

"headlined" such a> Dana Carvcy. Michael Pritchard.<br />

and Robin Williams perform.<br />

Junior Suah Remkicwicz. who frequcnu the club,<br />

enjoys the "uff-tbe-wal) atmosphere."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> remedy il really outrageous . .•. it> an interesting<br />

pUce to go at nigh:." she enthused.<br />


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