Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Alumni news<br />

... from the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Alumni Association<br />

This >tar nurb. the 75th birthday of the Lovrell High Scheo!<br />

Alumni Auocltiion. <strong>The</strong> Cliu of 1910 dcdicani iu am.ua! ijur.<br />

book) (o the .icw or^ani/aiirn. irus:<br />






Alumni Quci:<br />

1. What achicvcmcnu do Lwrllim Frank Olis (Class uf I86H)<br />

and David Cheung (Class of 1980) have in common?<br />

Answer Both attended U.C. Berkeley unil cKh «s Gold<br />

Medalist of his claw (ranked number one). Olis ia 1K73 was<br />

Berkeley's fim Medalist. u,*l Cheung was the most recent.<br />

2. What Lov.cHitc MI the first woman :o receive jn honorary<br />

degree frum UC Berkeley?<br />

Amwtn Dr. Aurelia Rinchardt (Clav. of IS>32) who »is President<br />

of Mills College fcr 27 jcars.<br />

3. Who wu the first Rhodes Scholar from California?<br />

Answer: William Critlcndcn (Class of 1901)<br />

4. What <strong>Lowell</strong> student body president became a Rhodes Scholar 1 . 1<br />

Answer: David Heilbron (Clx'i of i?M)<br />

5. What Loucll God had a btrA written about him called <strong>The</strong><br />

.\la\ler of Light?<br />

Answer: Dr. Albert MicbjUon (Clo.vs of I86h) who rtxcimj<br />

America's first Nobel Pr/c in Physics foi his research mlo the<br />

properties of light (1907)<br />

b. F. r what is Stephen Mather (Ciass of ]S83> remembered/<br />

Answer: Because of Mather's efforts. President V>oodrow-<br />

Wllson wus persuaded to create the National Park' Service in<br />

1016. Mather vns iu first dirrctor and was cjll.-J the "Father<br />

of the National Park Syttem." Camp Mather, the city's summer<br />

vacation camp in 'be Sierra Mountains is named after him.<br />

7. Who is responsible for the pine trees along Luke Merced Drive<br />

and the coujncaslcrn plant hedge which borders lite eastern end<br />

uf the campus?<br />

Answer: <strong>The</strong> Class of 1969 planted thrm as pan uf "Proj-ct<br />

69 Pines."<br />

8. What school facilities vicrc ran:rd after graduates?<br />

Answer: <strong>The</strong> Meyer Library for George Wilson Meyer (Class<br />

of 19-13) who was killed in Germany in 194?; Vr,ne Field for<br />

former football coach (1920 to 1950) Mike \byne (Class of<br />

1916); and the Ucsl. the newly ruined Carol Charming <strong>The</strong>ater.<br />

9. What Lowtllite was co-founder of the Thundering Her it!<br />

Answer: Frank D. Madisrn (CKss of 1HK4) was a cit«foui:der<br />

of tlie city's largest law firm. Pillsbury. Madison & Sutro.<br />

sonKtimes called the Thundering Herd because ol the big c<br />

number of lawyers it employs.<br />

10. What is the Lowtll connection to the Morrison Planetarium<br />

in the Academy of Sciences in Grilen Gale Park 1<br />

Answer: Alexander Morrison (Class of 1875). co-founder of<br />

•he law firr.l. Morrison & Focrster. donated the plancurium<br />

to the city.<br />

11. What <strong>Lowell</strong> <strong>class</strong> had is graduation ceremonies in Golden<br />

Gate Park?<br />

Answer: Because of the earthquake and fine on April 3. 1906.<br />

graduation ceremonies for all city high schools (Mivsicn.<br />

Polytechnic. Commcux. Girls' High, and <strong>Lowell</strong>) wire held<br />

in the park. <strong>The</strong> school building (then on Suiter Street) was<br />

used to house soli'iers and police in June of 1906.<br />

12. What current <strong>Lowell</strong> teacher and former sradiute of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

couched OJ. Simpson?<br />

Answer: J:ick MeBridc. math teacher, when he was foolhall<br />

coach at Galileo High Stliool<br />

r 9AM rNANCltCO<br />

ui holp you w m ,-our<br />

in any pc. of tno wodO<br />

Cc« A»T<br />

J47 Sufor Shut*,<br />

No snow, but...<br />

Sophs 'Trip<br />

the Ice<br />

Fantastic'<br />

By Stephen AbrrnxmlLt<br />

<strong>The</strong> S^homorc Clau of 19*7<br />

prewired the »cc bating nigh:. Trip<br />

the tcr r,ii-auU\ at lite San Francttcn<br />

Ice Rink on January 5.<br />

O\-:r *X) <strong>Lowell</strong>ifc* aitcndexl ttK<br />

ctenf. wh)ch lasted from 5:15-7:15<br />

p m. From each Utit dollar* of admK%H>n,<br />

rthi included free >katc<br />

tcnul. one dollar went to the OIa«<br />

uf '87. In all, the wpbomore* earned<br />

S79.<br />

<strong>The</strong> uitc jock-cyv. Muiic Matter*.<br />

with the auunnce of Patrick T\c.<br />

*87 Ur-cti Executive Council<br />

reptc«rtali%x, nxunlcJ niuvtc for<br />

the \kaicn' enjoyir^nt.<br />

Sophomore* enj«> skating niliht.<br />

Several \tuJcn:* c»prt>«J disappointment<br />

thj; the iLilinp oni><br />

UMcd for tv»o htjun. At 7:15 \twp.<br />

\lutcn »rrc not only nked to lea»c<br />

the ice. but toeut the building.<br />

According to nnk employee John<br />

Thunlon. weekend teething setiiom<br />

take place frum 1 to 5 in the<br />

afternoon and fnxn 7:30-10:30 at<br />

nigh*. Since rink rrurugen rewne<br />

ir>: ir^)rninj lor the pcrv-r?! p^iblic to<br />

tkatc. thit time period uit the only<br />

one available<br />

"t liked the event because it<br />

wasn't too crowded. io e\rr>onc<br />

had enough room to ikjtc," noted<br />

sophomore Judy Mm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> San FranciWn Ice Rink, the<br />

only ice nnk ii the city, it locirtJ<br />

on 48th Avenue betveen Kirklum<br />

and Lanton Street*.<br />



$6<br />


PERM<br />

S15<br />


Student<br />

notebook<br />

LEC<br />

ryUwlwMiU*<br />

take place thi* mon*>. (>n the t\*Hl<br />

Are cmduijtct fof thj <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

Council* 1-ECiChiirpcrwnelect.<br />

canJidjr:* fur Cla»* of I^fed<br />

*priiit otficcrv<br />

<strong>The</strong> etui f the wmcttcr mark* the<br />

end of the tern for current LEC<br />

Hjningtoti Thccfuiipervin for the<br />

•»[Mng vrmcitcr uill he senior Nivk<br />

An all-*cho»>l f-j^Ir-imng ditve<br />

foi ihc Ethnifun relief fund i\ being<br />

discussed J! this time, with all the<br />

money gting to help aid the drought<br />

victim*.<br />

Presently, the LEC it working on<br />

getting air frevhener* lot tftc<br />

twthroomt, installing an cnclinet!<br />

announcer's and press hot fir the<br />

football ficlJ. anu a February student<br />

exchangi* with other htph<br />

%cht»»li in the Bay Area.<br />

SAB<br />

y f c<br />

<strong>The</strong> Student Activities Board it<br />

planning a Satitc Hawkint Valcntirte'k<br />

Dsy dance called "Why Do<br />

Bo) 1 * Fall in Love?" ic February;.<br />

According to chairpcrwMi Mike<br />

Zimmerman, the SAB : - *ti!l<br />

"rcvupcrjtini;" from the Winter<br />

tUII. TK- c* (or a fundraiser.<br />

••'S6* #<br />

Tl»c Jun:' T Prom Comminee will<br />

choose ?TM t the following places<br />

for their Ju; or Prom: the Gold<br />

Ruum H the .Shcnrr-,, the RaKum<br />

Rrom at the Sheraton, or the Gr, >4<br />

Bail Room at the llyati on Union<br />

S^ujn;- Possible DJ't are Mut»c<br />

Mastcn and KMBL radio Nation.<br />

PouJerpufl football pocticei for<br />

the junior* art bold every Tuesday<br />

and Thursday from 3:30 to •l^»<br />

p.m. <strong>The</strong> head coach i* Michael<br />

Alberts.<br />

<strong>The</strong> '80 officer* are planning a<br />

service project "..for the conv<br />

muntiy rnd not the school." UMi 'S6<br />

president Luiw Yamamoto. "It's<br />

nunc WIUJMC do *cr*c the community)<br />

hec-mve there'* n

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