Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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ftge «, TV Lmrtl. January IH KK<br />


.. js submitted b> the Jour^jllsm I cla\sc*<br />

Seme New Year's resolution* that prohihlv were no* nude but<br />

should have been: Ntck Florenllnai tu i -n telling funny jokes;<br />

Paul Miyamoto to learn how to break the Ji*c jotkc)<br />

team, \\U\K Mjucrs.<br />

In j;cncfjl. students th;xjght the<br />

IV.UMC v.meJ enough tn plcjw: tl>c<br />

«!i\crw vljJen: N*l>. jnj that it uat<br />

JIMI «bi>.T4Mc. Junior INerrcGu)-<br />

Whitc commented. "'I likcJ tttc<br />

ma»ic heca«*c u »as the t>pc that<br />

had j deftnttc te.ii...si»u cimltl ICJI-<br />

I) pet into il."<br />

Vcrj (c» ktuilcnt\ tuU in ujtt fur<br />

mure ihjn ten mimito to get ihcif<br />

pictures ulen. To supper the line.<br />

»(.h cixjplc MI\ jwigncd a number<br />

jrxl tepoHed for pkturrs when that<br />

lli<br />

Ihi ><br />

kept the line short and lltmirjr.<br />

><br />

(Ia\hc0 <br />

tludeniv c\p*f\*ol jppunj) tlut the<br />

hour loii^; line of Ij\i sear's Winter<br />

tlail UJS not repcatetl.<br />

"MhlKloc Magic" caplititid Ihc man) tupps cousin.<br />

ihc ciimnin^ of the Winter Itjll <strong>The</strong> n>ist olten ciprtud corncourt<br />

Two pr-ners and .wo ptamt wa^hut l,< dance n.«rw«<br />

pnrwe^ were elected fr.m. e-un ** * cl1 cunvjnxted. <strong>The</strong> H>al!<br />

staff installed a prefabricated<br />

:U*sptu*a kmj: and t{uccn (mm ihc wooden floor uhit.li came apan<br />

vmtor ctiv» <strong>The</strong> laiter hoturs were c%Cfy f^ fcu> Irvine, thin cracks<br />

presented to Kcstn Allen anti Janet whcrcrrur.y highhcrU »crcc.«u;ht.<br />

Jee. re*pe*n*cl>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ftill was m« J firuncul sue-<br />

l-'u-binKtl John TUUMIVIPO vho tCN ^ Trsc SAB ""dc a record !>iw<br />

•c wa\a \enior pnr<br />

••i^jvplca-iani- pr"»I"<br />

°* 5191. However. Nurd<br />

l> \uiptiM.-d."<br />

iiwtnhcrs were sjitsficd wah the the<br />

ciKiimrnicit. "<strong>The</strong> wrwile csemnt: Bisseti summed up ihc hoard's<br />

» »m*«4hl> the r»»ni fK|in,.v -i, d.vsn'i nutter thai »dnln'i<br />

nuVc njones. <strong>The</strong> impor>.>n<br />

wav hcauulul ...ihctc was plents o! ,h (V (|u| |hfi ^ M ^ ^ ^<br />

iljnctf jpjce csersthmi: was umccscnonc loved it."<br />

perfect: '<br />

Run-off elections slated today<br />

U> Djn lUrrinctitn<br />

ltjj>. Januars IN. i* the run off<br />

I!J> m the cUMions for to-..ell I:v<br />

i-Liiioe C'tiutKil U.KC'l vhairclcvt<br />

Students<br />

•Iluul n\jlr> between U»>e!t and<br />

\KAtecr Hi^h .Vlh».l<br />

pthitHKiiifl.l-Cs-hjir-cki.th> clcv<br />

IIPJ; either V.tw TaMill .-r Asis<br />

Uurcrkc.<br />

I-..C the Class S. the follow<br />

iii[: I'J>1U1JI?S njvj '.UKJ; II he<br />

run oil eUxtion* P> sunn* -il »iir<br />

sole an.nt» hint) Wedi>e*»lJ> "<br />

prinune*<br />

t rrUtnu<br />

I.KC Krp«T>*nl»ti»r»<br />

Find YiHjr Loscly GitU Mt<br />



A. Ih-'U<br />

J B l<br />

Tr*n»I«ifmcr T) pes of Vti>s<br />

. . and Mnrt!<br />

lUilrsirij: Street<br />

I(etwccnI2ndi ?.-mA\cs.<br />

j\ tmlj twi> ejndklates ran for that<br />

olfice. Mclantc Monte verde<br />

utftce. Incumhcnt >ecrctar> Uurtc<br />

lor thai pmilum tn ttv: pnnuiiev<br />

the otikc ot (fcshnun vccrctars<br />

nil t*x he \o«ed on in ihe run-olt*<br />

is if<br />

Icnnifer Kcm^o'd *ot l that<br />

s,, 1 : jj^ L-u,.ii.'» pfive^ fu*<br />

l » tun candidates ran tor ihjt uuik.,^ \tttamilil> ihi* *enie»ter jnd<br />

IIIKV. . iinihcm Secicfan l-uine ilut theieh..\ been J J-MCJ! deal iimrc<br />

ln.-ashi dete.tleJ Melanie pjnivipaluu. in tfm elation tlun in<br />

Hontcseidc ti>r tlul nmtioti in IIH; P.4I ,.fK-s<br />

pnnurio<br />

riw t'Hui<br />

will n«ii be • >ted tin in the fun-i<br />


Heii.jrfU otd. "Get to the Kmiii<br />

in tnc miJdlc lounyaril and vote!"<br />


IS1 OffAUStnvhaiulisr<br />


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