Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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'•vsuhinc ad 1<br />

Foreign can and i.-ur bu*e*. I<br />

wiih bicycles. " "" ?<br />

Thcic arc but v«nc of the uviblc<br />

industn. while<br />

rcpLMing in bring about a currctpw<br />

din}: ri*c m food prodiM.on Hi*<br />

potkj of isolation had only brought<br />

ipnorancv and tucliwa-drvs* for<br />

Chiw.<br />

To shape China into a powerful.<br />

iiKxfem runon Ik-rig has formulated<br />

J yUn known as the hwr M«krm/jtion*.<br />

It oils (tn simultaneous ti,i-<br />

F.—tvements iezjTUutiurc. IIX!-.'*'.'\ ,<br />

•^•ncc-technology, and itcfcnse. f-i<br />

accomplish this, he tia.-. embarked on<br />

w hat looks to be a capitalist roaJ b><br />

pursuing ail "open ilo.tr" polio m<br />

attract fnrcipn knots-how and<br />

capital<br />

Dcnj!\ pJulos-phv i* sunitix-d up<br />

in hi* famous di.-ium. "It tliv>»|<br />

nutter whether a vat i* blatk or white<br />

a* lonp a* it cat cites tituc " A<br />

prjj:ituli»i. he lu\ Knit nrfntm* hj*ed<br />

on the rvl.ef lh.n jvople pn^Juve<br />

h<br />

it h»\ been<br />

China'* grain lur\e\t n*»e frnm 32(1<br />

million inns in I''M) KI 4(X) million<br />

la* 1 >ejf. anj the «O|!c pcauni int-t'tiw<br />

IIKUC than dtiublctl m I'»H*<br />

1'ethjp* jn e\cn greater IM-MHC<br />

fin thtrpcauntvwaslhe tcplA'cmenl<br />

in iu;«*ol *inct r i "Cinineni *tjpct-<br />

\iH*d i.»niiniunc* wild \trultcr. nmic<br />

hbcrjicil ."ii-ooiiiK- unils<br />

under *UU iriintntl I'ri^.<br />

and nec cnicr^n*c arc b<br />

*uria*c lhf*:ftvl»i«f IV<br />

of pnvjicly .mncd I-K-l<br />

dor\. jnd hu">*:t**rcpjii<br />

Alter hi* *uci-t. L t« with<br />

rciunn*. Dcn£ i*t>r* li\<br />

ban and military, rcfiui<br />

in It-Kcn tl*c npid >aj.v *j<br />

otLrr* in order to itllcvl if<br />

tiicni and «!!.;r nvv-nti\c<br />

duviiu.' wutV,;^ Ow .>( hi<br />

pr4»ii c*<br />

ititriy* ied at the u\jntrv. twt>-«v*tiiii M-ra»::ct<br />

pti.p.KCd h> i<br />

tlvir, ,t ,t pi,. Xhu^hxh,,^, :(-<br />

East, West exchange culture •<br />

In September of l'>7y Vi%,ir<br />

Dia.nc Fcnstctn nude a historic<br />

• u in Shanprur. c-v'jtiltshint t(*c<br />

,,, .'*J-r ••ity c*chanrc pr.»pnm<br />

hctw, •. ; Chinese and An>crr^n<br />

c.ty.<br />

Acc>ri!'(*^ to Fcinitctn. "More<br />

than 40 ongoing project! p-ikr :t trie<br />

moit acii%c itster city - .rion*lnp<br />

known." Tetcr K»*n%chci. a dc*njts<br />

;? tnc mayor, added "'<strong>The</strong> relation-<br />

*hip ha*, borne real (mil for both<br />

itdev."<br />

TIK mmc wu alu* :nditalic nf<br />

the ideological and MKIOIO^ICJ 1<br />

chanpc thai i* ofrun-irrg in China today.<br />

i» tu Ifsk'rt arc !e»--:xg<br />

lowanl* i less r.pi-l .ipc'>-»on of<br />

ccmniunisin.<br />

What caaclly t% a siste. tit> /clattoruhip?<br />

Hcnschcl (Vwribed i: -. a<br />

"*. . . tormal pcup!e-to-pcop!c program.*"<br />

A main goal is to promote<br />

mutual cultural understand in;<br />

I'irouph variou*> cichanues.<br />

Thc>c exchanj-es cncompa*s<br />

many ."" .** ct American and<br />

Chinese ).fc. iivludinp trade,<br />

buiincw. *.i^al:oi» mcdtcinc art<br />

uvi cultua. af.nculrure. -.psirU- ***<br />

the exchange of rjxi -"iinuU.<br />

Thr. N'o*jmbcr the Ttayor . 'i^l<br />

SU»Khai for i.. .;..rj time, ugwU<br />

yet another -..c.iicrand'i.n .i pn*<br />

ject% wnich tK ;i"e* v*'I cm .t:iu.*<br />

to develop,<br />

On the agenda n-r I 1 ''" - »•-<br />

KIMX's<br />

preseni<br />

-Sh<br />

1<br />

I'ntii-r [v.<br />

i Iri'tu Januarv 2^ h.i-.c lecture.! and<br />

In return k\tnmj Maniztne will<br />

rx>*t rcpicientitisc* from a ;clcu-<br />

Mon sutKin "i Shan/rui who will<br />

pp-Ju.e a stmibt pii^ram.<br />

In the world of an. San l-rar^iMo<br />

will send the exhibit "V CM.it.vc<br />

of Am-.ncj" in return Un "ft.WXi<br />

i'car* of Chinese Art" and "<strong>The</strong><br />

Treasure* ut the Shan^lut<br />

Museum." -*hit;h were c\!..4iti*d 4t<br />

the San Frinct**;i» A*ian An<br />

Museum.<br />

In theater, the American Ct>- 'vatury<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater (A.C.T.; i ' a<br />

SUnpr- . .hcaicr company ^,c<br />

Ul ' Jin 11 an euhanpe jnvoivine<br />

ir*J rrajor *<br />

n 'r^ -.JIM-<br />

I(.np,tal<br />

Mn-unc Icclured m S^r. l-rarkmo<br />

jKnit .virH.rwtiirc<br />

<strong>The</strong> San f : r incist.it /no ha* aim<br />

1 -ncfiled (mm ilic relations between<br />

. tc sivirr cilies<br />

' 'It f s a<br />

wonderfiil way<br />

for two cultures<br />

to learn about<br />

each other<br />

<strong>The</strong> final slcporthi*pn>,-ramw:i tht'iitioU n/>fli>/jfltf<br />

be a rvrfonrurxe b> the Mi^rui UUUUg'Z pefltejlU<br />

troupe in Mi. J understanding. ' *<br />

1 - of I9H*>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> .1x1 Frvnciym Ballet \\ alui<br />

insnlvrd in >hiv unit;ue e^cbaii^c<br />

ar^I will *.-*i. ','AJ student* ftom<br />

ih:% >car.<br />

ill primcc<br />

xit the b:|tinning<br />

C<br />

(.f a i|K»t. i'\vi«iij:c p-'-^ram JIKI<br />

v<br />

h.»s iniifoJ i *w».t"..tirp tisvh ami<br />

Yun-Yun «nd V<br />

i-Jl";.i.-prsits *:;.•:<br />

-.uni'v r—Lft- will<br />

librancs tr. r-<br />

San Franciu-i uiU continur to tri_ L nujor newi-upcrv and ms-pzirxt<br />

.-U-."... i.-<br />

)kar. :• - *r '. »c;c<br />

•(K...i<br />

Se;tntiK-r I'»H<br />

A ti.iL-ni.iu*<br />

mpial f,ntK*w<br />

r»l«' aliv<br />

i ttul Ch<br />

M. pru<br />

: \uitpj<br />

»iii!d<br />

. rov i *ol,'n>. In April I'W. Itnn.h<br />

F.n.-ijnfefnjr) Sir('-c1.(1ie> H-we<br />

t;riall_. jn. iBincevl acllniwledjlirmfiit<br />

m theCturwv: JI-IIII lor the li'si mixlit<br />

ni.dIKccif.Kr I Wl. alter tw.»<br />

>CJr* jixl j ; session* ol talks.<br />

O.IAIW IV.-iic Mirtisier /h-.. /.>anj;<br />

.tod Margaret lrutcber signed a<br />

42-pjge ireat) on the I*»7 UhCttcr<br />

Att-oMing'oihcU-rmsoliheSirMt-<br />

Hnii*h a^resiik-nt. Cftrru Iu- froiii.vd<br />

to leas c Hong Kong haste.-:)!)<br />

H - c will S j;o m:d a<br />

ill o v h.irv!!edclcnM.-iiui<br />

nd l yn jltjir* It* lc;al.<br />

ClUjlMUl.<br />

1<br />

•iKlMji Uvb'tll will<br />

Iv pfr- -rsei ihc ».:u will fcituiui j<br />

luv (• .'<br />

iUlll.l<br />

Ir e-l-no!<br />

•I. Oihei ti^hl- arx]<br />

ot the ic-odem*<br />

* cptk.j! view i<br />

,/ a.,,i,!<br />

Hjfh '"Imu V'IV<br />

i-piUtiM p.c<br />

l'ir up to 4i) r f* ;nt o( the<br />

Inrcipn-<br />

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