Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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PSf« i, Tht towH. January IS, JM5<br />


Bishop discusses religion in politics<br />

the Hifht fUvtw* mtLam £<br />

5»ifljr « prtirruly Mr ftiArf "r*rAr<br />

^Jiropu/ fXtxrte o/ Ciiitjtinnt.<br />

With relijfintt pluytng such an influmtUxl<br />

ntir in the recent r/rrtio*!.<br />

ift* 1 pittitici edit on, Jessica teuiif;<br />

and Qvia Nc*mrytr. sjxtkf in<br />

Bisltop S*int concerning uturi<br />

fl X"l,t from pru\e--tt-tchool to<br />

fundamentalism to the wparatitm of<br />

church anJ ilute.<br />

WJart Is the fc'pbcopal Church'*<br />

stand on the separation of church<br />

and stitt?<br />

Of the lirvt 13 colonies, seven lad<br />

an cstaclishcd church — a-d it happened<br />

to N~ our church, the church<br />

of England. If you lived in ow of<br />

thotc seven nates, you * have time set<br />

a*ide for every ooc to pr*y.<br />

medilale. be ceruc:cd. *-r j*ivt be<br />

i|«iic;. This acknowledges ihc<br />

ipinnial rcali;y of the human hemp,<br />

without which * person's upbringinj<br />

unuld be ooc-dunenstoniil.<br />

Pwvcr goes on all the tb.c on a<br />

firuwul lescl. Inra 5nod cradc on a<br />

math IcM. for a date, or fur a clear<br />

kOmpicaion. But Having a religious<br />

club will not help on a math test tf a<br />

person d In i study for it. Education<br />

it ihc uvial and communal<br />

understanding of life.<br />

U there a danger In -.ll.,wlnfi<br />

religious activity In publk schools<br />

— I* It • vtrp In Ihc direction wa,"<br />

frum wparatlon uf church and<br />

<strong>The</strong>re ate ail linj* of dinger in<br />

t*Mi world. A student can be nutTted<br />

playing football. <strong>The</strong> <br />

on the cffoj.tvcncn of religion.<br />

In Ireland, people are murdering<br />

each other in the name of ChriH —<br />

but ih: primary reason for the<br />

fighting iv »ver jobs. Tl»e l*rotcstantsown<br />

nrnxtof the larger companics,<br />

and the ->orken arc mostly<br />

Cath«flic. Su il»e r;al problem u one<br />

of economic* and noi idealism<br />

Wfilt the kdtc of multlmillionaire<br />

tckvhl.m es-aa&elUts,<br />

doo Ihr tax citrnpt itatm of<br />

churcho need in be changed?<br />

<strong>The</strong> people wih targe television<br />

*txm» male between SI4 and 524<br />

million a >c-r. <strong>The</strong>se pe.>p!c arc<br />

one-man bands — itngle units, and<br />

not pan of any deiKjminat'on<br />

In California, the Fpivr-yal<br />

Church hav seven horrc^ for the<br />

rcuidcd; it feed* 1.300 people t* roc<br />

m-iU a day; hoasts 1.000<br />

ntntielns; belp* the elderly arj<br />

worker*; opcraics night mumiiie*.<br />

"I'll bet you<br />

thai under the<br />

white sheets of<br />

the KKK you'd<br />

find members of<br />

the Moral Majority."<br />

rurtv hotp.ul.. and supports gavi<br />

who ha*c AIDS<br />

Falwcll uvr\ hiv Mi nillton to<br />

keep political pow?r going, n*»t funding<br />

!hc labovet — he's just .-n>;<br />

thc-.c helping people on the street.<br />

f ik^.'l thiiA. »c OMIUUI be Used u><br />

the tame «.ay fc" cruriLiblr work. I<br />

•Sink he tFalwell) should be uxed<br />

severely on the money he eamv tt;<br />

maintain hiv Cfs> and pohtu'j^ ,*J*CI<br />

which gets him inviuiinr.v to the<br />

White HoukC.<br />

Ho* h the K°*wnnicnl icotox '"<br />

dfMlnguUh between charitable<br />

profitable rcllRlou*<br />

k<br />

Dntinguivhing w lp:d — that's<br />

where ihc challenge ^uiues in.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prevent yJrpiri'trauon has u\<br />

in :> kind. Fini, n'i cutting scrvtc^s<br />

to the poor, and, tcTind, n ci{vcts<br />

the churrhr. t" pick up UV ;1;;L.<br />

• flitd. il wart 1 to ?>'. Lf.ur^i-Ci.<br />

1415) 982 05io<br />

(l-otmcil) Tunic Traiinc Ci'.l<br />


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