Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Revised goals set<br />

for high schools<br />

B«MlnSob<br />

"ihc State Depanirv-nt of Educalion,<br />

on December 1.1. unv;ilcd a<br />

program, tcttinc new jooU rnr<br />

California high tci,ool undents.<br />

Bill Honig, »uic supenrtendctii<br />

of Hhoolt. wid Uui ikf program<br />

*'li try to iniiiiie .1 more compctifivc<br />

ttadrmic vlcdulc for all<br />

ituderut.<br />

For cunplc in f.,c "can, Hon raise the Mateuidc<br />

avenge for enrollment in focr )cif»<br />

of Engliih clan:* Own the currcrj<br />

67 pcrrxpt h» 75 percent. ar«3 ihc<br />

enrutlmetu in a ir.rcc )eai-.>rm;>rc<br />

foreign language tchviiti:; frirr. 22<br />

percent to 32 percent. Monig alw<br />

^Uhcs u> reduce the ttalewiuc hi^h<br />

whool dropout r^e from (he cuircni<br />

29.3 percent to 23.5 pcaent bv<br />

1990.<br />

Ittrnvver. according ;o Honig, the<br />

whooit and the diuricts have to<br />

nuke liie real changes, for he cannot<br />

forte the school diurictt to participate<br />

in the program.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program ctmtim of three<br />

phsiev <strong>The</strong> firw pha>c it to ict<br />

statewide urgefe for elementary, intermediate,<br />

and high vchool*<br />

<strong>The</strong> second pruic dcoli wjih «t.<br />

ting local goalt lor noted tlut thr- p^al of one<br />

ormoteycanoracour*e in fine art*<br />

could become 4 fcquircmint in the<br />

near future.<br />

*'Oth?r than thit." wid Fibidi,<br />

"ihc program and the goal* have<br />

minimal application to Lov>cit."<br />

Language lab requests funding<br />

By Duk-Hl Yoo<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> tiu.lcntt in wme nine<br />

language*, livien to thr Foreign<br />

Language Laboratory* 4un and H-rruti teacher<br />

Ceoriie Tchlko»ani attiKn weekly<br />

littcning and ipeakinR e\ercitc%<br />

in*oUinnlIic Ub'%equipment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lab tc^an vim- '5 yctn<br />

*^o »hcn Tchikov/nt u**c it iu<br />

baiictlructurc.<br />

"Ailhcuifh other whooli ma)<br />

hue machine*, we air tlm unl*<br />

hijtli whool in the San Fraiu-iwo<br />

Unified School DiMn.i to ha*e a<br />

Umtuage lab." fa\ *]* cvpUmct!.<br />

Totlay't Ub. like the \mjllcroom<br />

144 librar) cf earlier ytan,<br />

emphdii/e* the individualized concept<br />

of Urtjtujft: *!uilj. In adiUtion<br />

tu ihe «iti|tle>pcrv3n lidenii)* c^rrel.<br />

there ar« .IMI group lible* to<br />

... mni Association gives aid<br />

By Lew ban tec<br />

"In furtherance, of the tpectfic<br />

JUKI primary and general purpose* of<br />

(he Avvociation. a» designated in iu<br />

Aniclc* of incorporation, the<br />

Auociaiion thall:<br />

A. Dedicate iudf to eiuuring that<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School will continue to<br />

%jt »ii'i 4 curk^lur<br />

:i**.ii*Jed pnna/ily :n<br />

Middrn..v vtudy."<br />

<strong>The</strong> above paragraph* jre<br />

statementi of the nu;e<br />

change*.<br />

l.occ* dctlaml. ' 'TV Alumni<br />

Association i* here l»> see ihv. the<br />

whool that the; eiijojcd and uiil<br />

piepa'Cd them fur the future onlinue?<br />

U' r< available fur the<br />

nudentv in San Hntn> two.<br />

On the 73th ar-mct vir\ of it* cv<br />

ittciKC. the Association Sa* M^ up /<br />

; ;rmcnem office on campus and i*<br />

becoming a more active part v' ,;ic<br />

present *ct.ool. <strong>The</strong> otfuc. located<br />

in room 61, the urrc r.vtn a* the<br />

tku t?If"::c. tv the place out of which<br />

Lti.-cy :» conducing ifw*t alumni<br />

itofciiv iiuiwjininp F >-*cil in a*<br />

prcscm «i*duear* T U.J<br />

connection to the ch«»(," *:aicd<br />

Lucey<br />

Thr rviumit A*^ n pw out<br />

a bianrul ncw»lciicr to ail alt. .,i<br />

who'X idi'.irs»e* arc availbbic.<br />

\p.mv»r* at-iivitie* for alumr.i tnc'udni^<br />

! l r 125th Anniversary<br />

••<strong>Lowell</strong> Atumnt Uav ''"•sjrnt tranK<br />

at Car-llcst..k Park fcl tS' Re»l<br />

aikl Vhile Ball. pbRnrJ loi ine tall<br />

of 1985.<br />

Another way i.. which the Ali'nini<br />

\*vociaion helps tbc giadtu^cs •>(<br />

Lowcu « by keeping list* of vpto-<br />

Photography<br />

by<br />

I. ank Castro & Muureen Foster<br />

Student Discounts<br />

,VlM> jfxliuni;: hurulrtxls of<br />

exriung ponntit had trw*«J»<br />

~Fmnk Ceil*** A Auodata PlioiograpHj'<br />

Jf- ' 9il2f«l-M7/6tl-tM<br />

I'aul Loco i* tlu nw. t-\rcull*r<br />

dirrctnr of the <strong>Lowell</strong> Abinni<br />

AsMKiatlon.<br />

tiile *i»Irr**c» *il e*cii i'as*. Lutev<br />

iv working on putting all :hc mrreni<br />

:n(ormjlioti on computer vi thai it i*<br />

available to be drawn from »t JH><br />

timr<br />

From tbcv: lut* alumm can cm-<br />

Uct :ach iHhcr to JttMj.' rci.nnirw<br />

XMM::. (SC CUst . f i 'Z'> held it*<br />

5yji ftkUtnm '*iih tSc litip MI ilte<br />

life it'ember* .it tlu- Alumni<br />

A*>.s.utii>ii for a ten dollar vi'M<br />

"U>wcll ivoiicot the *»c\t." .. n<br />

eluded Luce). "SiuJt.-v tan t-n-<br />

Pearl's Men & V. jinen<br />

Hair Salon<br />

<strong>The</strong> Korean I<br />

ri(uipment.<br />

facilital'- Advanced I'bcemem and<br />

Nation., can tcuairr test ink*.<br />

IboiiKh the number ol a%aila l ;<br />

•ape* ha* mu1iipl>c ol ihc plan *av ,iiv> vent<br />

to the tupcrlntcnJcnt alon^ with *<br />

petition tipped by iner l.(xiO con<br />

cemnt <strong>Lowell</strong> students.<br />

<strong>The</strong> plan n"' only icquc*tc>l a<br />

"uniting" of tl^ lab with new<br />

L'atveiiev headphones, i* ^ n<br />

ly Allocatiui.<br />

Since the lat. ha* >.<br />

budp-t. it u forced IJ ICI><br />

,NEWS<br />

of ihc proceed* from inr yearly<br />

(,crn.-»ic and twavior.al e lab "<br />

noicd tYhlkwaui<br />

Za* jia commented. "In spitr of<br />

the lab'* cxivicncc to «r.e the<br />

iluJcnH, wt iio nt'i recei*e fund*<br />

from the whool ilivtrict except<br />

[»nce a**nit t»o >ear* a^n."<br />

"Tl'ere it a certain responvituli-<br />

*y for ihe School Uivtnei tn ba ii;f icrcc: 'r.\'.<br />

•;b":rc tc-'. qucstu»ns frnn cr<br />

content area.<br />

<strong>The</strong> qucvion* arc wo red in j<br />

tiilltitivc KI*I« Tlncc rc-diiif Jfvl<br />

tun written c vre**i°n i ! pritvuJc lor pcucntacc<br />

error.<br />

<strong>The</strong> n«al nurrher tnrnrci i*<br />

ihvuio! b> Itic number p»nvihlc u?<br />

fivi- il«; tc*i wore of thi: p-iticula:<br />

LIWCH It DINNER 4 j<br />


Storv* arc reporiid hv JiUfwt »>r<br />

*vh.«>I Ic*cl to hc»cr cv.i!ua:e the<br />

iivcrJll n-i'^s' »f a Uistric; or<br />

Kevullv rnnn ihc CAI' lt*t au*<br />

MV!ip.r.i[,.v- viitj.c* to a*ti*' m<br />

iniplcmL-r.nnj: new program* -n<br />

mcA* "kl.Kft tcquirc \tudent Icarntni-<br />

(•n>i*th Th 1 * *rA*"* fesi;lt* arr not<br />

iliuJ'Tl* h.»»c J»>fv t*e:t;r lHaii Ut*<br />

niiniv'ntrt.. l-cc SilvcrMein-<br />

^>i ±c vu'-'Aiue JiMitbut:->n -TI<br />

•-ILJi:., ^t.,V.. Un*»iiiia* lacked ifl<br />

:!^ -,".;^r r-"--"*;': !•;; the *tite-<br />

<strong>The</strong> uuict J:^ divided inw f*jut<br />

cf-nteia j 'xi[>« whii-h arc then tubdisidcJ<br />

into quariile*<br />

(Oi.O2.Q3.(>4 hJch schot»l i*<br />

ranked within a qiunilc. On the<br />

vtatcr.ide liivinbut*,;."! of HuJcrtt<br />

HforC'. <strong>Lowell</strong> ha* rai.Vcil in Ihc<br />

higScv: quanil-* tur each content<br />


INC.<br />

sr CA MtisTrf «4C-MM sr CAW<br />

* si ± it<br />

Ml "-Mrtnt i«r*l<br />

l! 1<br />


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