Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Flft J, Tht LiMtU. Jmmry O. SB<br />


LEC organizes fundraiser for Ethiopia<br />

One of tfre frequently overlooked function of studcnl<br />

government at <strong>Lowell</strong> is to sponsor mini-course*<br />

which inform <strong>Lowell</strong> students about current isAues in<br />

and out of school.<br />

In the put, thU ha* been done on certain days such as<br />

"NurJear Awareness Day," when a representative<br />

from a certain society would come to <strong>Lowell</strong> and give<br />

out button* and bumper stickers and talk to ihc students<br />

who passed by the booth about crucial world topics..<br />

Now, with respect to past student government effortt.<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council (LEC) may have<br />

put into practice the most effective mcaiu of both making<br />

students aware of a world problem and helping to<br />

alleviate the problem.<br />

World hunger is the problem, ind according to the<br />

LEC, rundraising is the answer at <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> ability<br />

to run an effective fundraiiing program at <strong>Lowell</strong> is<br />

evident as the 3,000 students and faculty members at<br />

the school would guarantee an adcquiic number of<br />

participants.<br />

As for the reasons for starting a fundraising program,<br />

recent statistics show that 33.000 people die<br />

everyday throughout the world because of starvation.<br />

Much publicity has been given to the problems in<br />

Ethiopia, and although impressive help has been forthcoming,<br />

the problem continues — not just tn Ethiopia<br />

— but throughout the many Third World rations.<br />

Every contiibution helps, according to non-profit<br />

organizations such 3s Impact On Hunger and CARE.<br />

Students hamper immunizations<br />

California and San Franciso» laws set clear irimunUation<br />

reqjircmciiis far all students concerning<br />

vaccination aiuin>t ceruin disease*. Despite tlic<br />

generally effective efforts of Loucll High School to<br />

conform 10 these requirement'., problems have surfaced<br />

that muM be considered.<br />

<strong>The</strong> system used at <strong>Lowell</strong> m insure thai all Mudcms<br />

have been properly immunised is not the prunlcn.<br />

Students who appeared not to ha\c .ill or the nevco^.,<br />

vaccinations were notified and cxjtcctrd to citht t „ ' •<br />

proof that their immunizations were actually up-to-t^ir<br />

or to get the proper doses.<br />

Ihc school was more thjn helpful in this rcsp. '.. On<br />

December 7, nunc* from the district's health center<br />

came to <strong>Lowell</strong> to provide a clinic where students were<br />

able to receive the vaccine for measles and rubella.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was no charge for these vaccinations.<br />

After the Tint notification, it was announced thai<br />

beginning on Dcccmter 12. students lacking the proper<br />

immunizaiioi record would not be allowed to attend<br />

any o*" ihci' clawcs until Uwy satisfial the<br />

requirement/.<br />

Tliis uitimafjm. althuugh nec«\ary. caused ore pn.<br />

bicm. Some i'udenii who tseked sufficient immuniu-<br />

*_*;JI rccordi, >nd the academic drive found in nuist<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> savleu^.. took the ultimatum as an epportunity<br />

lo t Jtc t couple vf tiavi olf before Oirutmas va^iuon.<br />

&c students wort not allovcd to attend their<br />

were not supposed to be in school, many of<br />

them ctm- to Lcmcll and spent their dxu time<br />

Anther problem. j»crhaps mofc serious, ha*, to do<br />

with the students from Louell who stil! have not<br />

rcccned the required vaccinations. Trie patents itl<br />

these students, hase been notified, arvi their runes hase<br />

been vent to the Depart IT. nt ol' Health. As oi the tost<br />

count. KvAevcr. there were still 73 inadequately \.iccinatcd<br />

students at Lou ell<br />

Who. then, is responsible for resolving these problems?<br />

Vie Until believes that it is the Muil.-nts<br />

;hcm.»clves.<br />

ut of 1.055 students who had inadequate immunization<br />

records on file at the beginning of the<br />

-chonl year, only 73 remain. It is a snv'l number who<br />

arc being negligent in their t;sponsiMlitics to the rest<br />

of the student body and all of society.<br />

Some people may consider immunizations a trivia!<br />

matter. <strong>The</strong> truth is. however, that there have been outbreaks<br />

uf mcaslc*. runclla. and mui.ips in California's<br />

recent past.<br />

LJWIUU- n>cani lobe in the best interests of the people.<br />

In the present situation, students should realize<br />

svheic their best interests lie and act accordingly.<br />

which need assistance in their efforu to I dp others in<br />

Africa. Asia, and South and Central Amt ica.<br />

If the 3.000 people at <strong>Lowell</strong> gave jusi on.; dollar<br />

each, there would be S3.000. and $3,000 could be the<br />

minimum goal of such a project. <strong>The</strong> Lowett feels thai<br />

effort* by Mudcnt g-' :rnmen: in thir rc^an; will be<br />

must tmnonant and worthy of full student participation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> editors hope that all student* contribute in<br />

some way, and ge crously. to make this program<br />

work.<br />

Club projects serve school<br />

In crdtt ' pmttdc ct'. »c and valuable<br />

services for their school and '.-mn.. ty. <strong>The</strong> BSCS .<br />

Service Project Committee rc» CL'%.. « projects to be<br />

cither 25 nun-boun of work in the community or at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, or a donation of $75 or 10 pticcnt of Uie club*<br />

toul funds, which ever is more<br />

Several of ihe clubs provid; service by goi"3<br />

Christmas oiioling at rest homes, while others spend<br />

time aiding the elderly.<br />

Some do volunteer uork like the Students for Animal<br />

Rights, which helps, at the Society for the Prevention<br />

of Cruelty to Animais. <strong>The</strong> Red Cross Club memherx<br />

spent two weeks doing volunteer wnrk it Uiguna Honda<br />

Mospil?!, helping in whatever way pimiblc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Spinisli CTuh shared (he spirit of Christmas by<br />

soctuling time nuking cookies and distributing them at<br />

l-ttuisc [.ombard Scruml. Tlie Gourmet Fnod Cluh had<br />

a canned f«*\l drive anJ al%n helped nut at St. Anthony**<br />

Dining Hall.<br />

Some oilier clubs pmvide service to llic <strong>Lowell</strong> com*<br />

muniiy by havinp their pn»jeci\ fucii* on *mnc IJI*C »»*<br />

rrruir or clean up. Hie Computer Club transferred<br />

•. "titputcr programs for tiic Spcci.il Eduration Program<br />

?• Lnwcll. and the Wcxhers by the fixittuii field were<br />

(uintcd h> the Calilurnu Scholarship Fcdcratiim. <strong>The</strong><br />

Comedy '/AW is in the process of clearing up the<br />

debris that surround* th? temporary cla.ssrooim.<br />

It is important for clubs to icalizc that part ol their<br />

icsponvtbiliiy involves providing services for their<br />

community, be tt in or out of school.<br />

If a club fails to complete .. service project, the BSCS<br />

levies a $75 fine. When this fine is paid, it i» di-.utcd to<br />

a charity. Hither way. the community benefits.<br />

Luuell dutn provide a saluable service by completing<br />

positive projecu. <strong>The</strong> Umrll applauds ail clubs<br />

for their cffoits and their consideration in helping the<br />

community.<br />

Recommendation writers invaluable<br />

Some teachers :irc fortunate enough to escape ilic<br />

tedious task of lillinj: out icttcrs of rc^nmincruiatiim U-f<br />

students applying to colleges ami univer.itmv aut»>*<br />

the nation. Howcscr. lor most f.vultv nicnt'wf..<br />

especially thtnc who (each AdsarvM Placement and<br />

honors courses or nun) junior and senior slasw.<br />

receiving |jrj:c nu- .!»ers ol requests for letters oi'<br />

recommendation each war IN commonplace.<br />

Counselors, even mote so than teachers, arc<br />

swanped with rccomiiivrHtatinn rcquc?'% because they<br />

arc less numerous than their fellow (acuity nwmhcrv<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of recommendations per counselor is filtrn<br />

greater than ihc t;uani*t, r .i.r.iplcted by most tcachcis<br />

Taking into consid-.nl ion that tcichcis. -.n-J<br />

counselors spent! their free time and quite oiicn their<br />

two uecks nt the noliday season in December wriiinf<br />

these letters, ihc;- should be thanked mr ihc lime ami<br />

energy thes- voluntaiil^ pat forth to t'elp students.<br />

KecoitiiDcrkLttion writers have 1i> deal wiih many<br />

problems in their race to heat the deadlines %et hv the<br />

various colicgc* anil univenutiev Probably the most<br />

sci"to»'s, ;ind ilcfritcly tlicrm»si annojin^. ct :hcvc pm-<br />

blcmsUi'i- *:-j:i,Vn«iic" r.-cuinmerxbtio.i. this occur.-<br />

^hci studrntv. tif'^r because »f diwrgatiuaiion<br />

oi inahiiity f-j wxurc their first choice, of icachcn.<br />

give their tcochen and counselor, inadequate he in<br />

whult to complete t'e icconnrcrulation.<br />

Another problem (vcur.. **hcn the tcichcr or<br />

c<br />

^ish to attend. Tlic clteci upiir. Lowcll'% ie.K'hcrs and<br />

counselors is simply more apitticatior.s to do.<br />

StitJriii; a*c c\pectej tn l^;!p tlicir rccorr.nicndalion<br />

wriici> b> ->iv>sit!intf !"^c: sliects listing their major Mfivnics<br />

at»a intcrou ,UK1 by preparing the cpvclopc lor<br />

" di<br />

Tlw ^tudcia is «ls*> expected to show tl»c common<br />

cuunc&> ol thir<br />

ides, and the c<br />

descloomcnt jf<br />

inc »tu*it !•<br />

minority. I in \<br />

Why then. *<br />

have the rif f.t<br />

school it ;..>••<br />

*ho have beer<br />

the Pi»t ihriv >.<br />

ihc iamc ji ^.<br />

down. 1 h-i^c<br />

escry das. r-.±..<br />

ed. etc.<br />

Anyone •*<br />

J:c^tlon i r i-J<br />

hasv ^r't.-rJ<br />

ruvr mJd. ih-1<br />

2±i ineir pcr><br />

Ih? rru j . i<br />

All<br />

tVjt UJl!,.:<br />

Mi»I Mu.|ci<br />

the jll.^-i ..<br />

hc.itco Jiv<br />

Lit 'II ii<br />

'•;•':.!..• •

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