Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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In this issue:<br />

School elections... Hot spots in the city...<br />

See Government See Profiles<br />

Affirmative action:<br />

Equality or reverse discrimination?<br />

See In-Depth...page 15<br />

Don't waste your money!...<br />

See Feature<br />

Super Bowl preview...<br />

See Sports<br />

Ihtuiw ItO, Kumivr 4 Lo*ell High SehiW. San Fr-inciwo. CiMorniJ *».».»<br />

School rivalry issue<br />

rekindles controversy<br />

.Sophomore Stephanie IJU and junior Ma> Wiinc rctrmcd fir\l ami<br />

third places, rrspeeihtly. In the CtiEnrsr-Amrriran Citi/rru Alliance<br />

(CACAI oratorical contrst.<br />

Speakers score<br />

at tournament<br />

B* Jrssfra 1 runj:<br />

of Ih.- Km.-r.sht Team<br />

oiicc again (Mumphcs! m t.ic<br />

Chi.ie%c- American Citi/rnv<br />

Alliance (CACA) Oratorical Ortcit,<br />

the Invest-in-America<br />

OiatorieaJ Contest, and the league<br />

debate •- •- iw'^ii.'ual event*<br />

junior >i»y WW); u-\ lust aid<br />

thin! places. ie*pv»tnct), in the<br />

CACA CJR'ru on Nosemhcr 30. In<br />

addition u> rn»fiht;s, l^>u receded<br />

$350, and *A'oag jwned S^SO in<br />

c)»h award*.<br />

Lau tpoltC ua te^'btr ri rruitmcnt.<br />

and Wonjt dli.u\Mrd the HVK of<br />

childcare.<br />

"1 bettered in Uc message of my<br />

speech." W*l I-iu. "and it wa% c*<br />

tra nkc to vV>4 he of Chh^sc i5c-u.tni<br />

,; <strong>The</strong> foliowin/ week, on<br />

|^ ^Docanher t, in the l.*neu-in-<br />

> America c-icipeiitioa held at S* mflbw"»<br />

Reu»,rant in OM Mi,<br />

Ktiior Matk SJxxller tupturcd the<br />

^ ; lint place tele and won 51 Z<<br />

t-:i*r ."'^ e R*** 1 )' Cioh o( OiiUrA •»<br />

• A-*^ jipotaored ih» annual ctwest.<br />

•S^ W "ShaiM Federal T*^ be liwicnte^tV;<br />

oj?** wjt ihu you-'-, Ufpfc.<br />

V ihcrJd not be i<br />

-..- (onr^neat doe* ottic tnnuy.<br />

runt: 1 Ihi-u,:!:; I'.ut ..p> i>I .':<<br />

mtS- Ii.iLlt ulk-n I fu^-tM »(v.il<br />

fiont of mUr 'itfe -iid-x^cs "<br />

il >> nutlet who ;,iou M-HI!J he .We :..<br />

vpcjk in i;twit oi j p-,,!i!u." IK: «*•!<br />

IX Dcccmiwt .V. Jl I!K' debate<br />

tw.mjnicni at El Ccr'iuj High<br />

School. \enicrPn '.ipK^P^tcctived<br />

a trophy in viriity •. .v^Irvl..xiglat<br />

>r niv<br />

partner, th-'j^h "<br />

Uird i«* J >lii(J in Mrerj:!*! m ll«<br />

leant frum -Mokluil c :nt% to<br />

c. She t* "tf JlIC plea>^i" tl"'<br />

fc h*\*i\ vjrti!) Lincoln-<br />

trnii: Itssn'l had Tot a ton;: true<br />

I iLcwtsc. Kwoni; reOcxtcvj. "I<br />

iltini that ~-ur team i* li^inp extremely<br />

well :ndctu:c. but we K-t:cr<br />

get «ir act toceihcf for the IU'» lindividual<br />

e%ei*»l."<br />

ShiKjU thsre be a-i otf^ti<br />

rviv-ven l..r*eli Jt»l M.Alr<br />

p'CM-Jft't. h-i<br />

ihc two v.h«xns<br />

.'- & letter to Harnn/ton,<br />

juicrKv brings Lp ihc htp n\jlr\<br />

i jt uscJ to exist between<br />

uwcll ocfotc My closed m the<br />

')1[Y\ Ljurcncc ixtcd "J. Lu^cne<br />

McAtccr opened i:. it* (Poly"*)<br />

pla*;c." He tlnni v that the old<br />

ihy should be icinu_.cd between<br />

ll : new p..|y (McAteert and<br />

k:iiiNrr» ihc Culy arxJ Umell<br />

1I\. '"Tl^.-c »a* J IIUI>* WIH^-H<br />

i'i>" * iiti i bij,". ^i" i>r. il cillcd the<br />

[ lopti;. '.VFLVM r u»ti ll m tlivir<br />

i-i] lot j >,.jr " Hv -w.>'. ttu: ihf<br />

Tnc Loudl F.wmivc Council<br />

(LF.C) di\c«i-.*eil the rttaltv iwuc<br />

jr^I ilcvt^ed Out the Muilcnt Nxt\<br />

shtHjId ilctide whether there will be<br />

jn olfitul nvali> ot not. "IK-<br />

Mudcnu will he able to \i'!c f«ir or<br />

u^ai.ist the nvjin iljcin^ the<br />

Jareur> clevtton. Ifpjwed. the l.LC<br />

would he JM- io end the rivalry at<br />

an>t.me itui it t* ixt in U'^fU's<br />

p.>\'cd v» tltc studer.lv can Nti<br />

un«lcrklw*l tttc iku*c Otw nui<br />

;if^uifxri in f^'.T of ihe n\ilrv<br />

Ihjt i! vniilil [>n>mmj tctumil ipiti<br />

Itnc it^nvnl .i;.-jm»! Ilw rivulr><br />

I'.II i! inj> pw ilii.- »kt».iii!\ j<br />

r»iii>c In \JMJ!I/C ej.n other<br />

K.-ti-/ iJjimi that tU-re \*.i* «T<br />

^jivlahviii jt (IIK* Junn,: tlKr <br />

Lo A ell -I',.!) main, but he doc% n<br />

titiy-nihvt il Ivir. • muth o:<br />

Stwe fpp'nenix dul r*:l thin!, trut<br />

a nvaliy neids to be official. <strong>The</strong>><br />

•HfMC that J ti^alt> tanntrt t-c "nijmrcd."<br />

th.it it juit ruiurjilv happens<br />

t«hc(% arjtuc AM the) uuuld<br />

lilc .* fi\jlr) bevausc. a-, junior<br />

Ptior tu the clcaitn. J of tiic A'-hlcy Mil; p puts it. "Il woi.M bnnp p<br />

con atyut xnt* w til he Lou<br />

tujem* closer topnhcr."<br />

100 students lack immunizations<br />

B; irtneKuo<br />

On iTTcember "". putilic Ite^liJi<br />

nunck came to la* ell and<br />

vaccinated close lo \5>) \iu4cntt<br />

agaiiivt meat!-*, ir.urup;, jnd<br />

rubclb.<br />

Trv.\e itUkkntv **ifr aiming t ,00U<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ite* who had tacuniplrtr<br />

health record* and faced ciclminn<br />

fn^m whool if then records vcie<br />

not complete by December 10.<br />

Thcrr remain aprrotinu;:!y 100<br />

Miwicnti whuv rcconii lie still<br />

incomplete.<br />

in tuor.i 12^. ihe nunf'k office,<br />

from R:•J^ a.in tn 12 noon. Three<br />

nurvc*. Judinj; the uhool "••**.<br />

adrrunislcrrd the vacctrm which<br />

were free of cent.<br />

AccvrJifif to Sharon Ar y.M.<br />

health wxHkcr. the clinic «i« held<br />

for »Wi!er4i* convenience, ""here<br />

would K. no eicuK not w ^ct the<br />

»huti, and jtutlcati wouldn't be<br />

-chrxil prtisnj; them." she<br />

"!: wa% a gi«rj idea to get Ihc<br />

oti.rft at Khool because 2 lot of<br />

pcoo'c d»n't (o to a doctor. ll\ a I>X<br />

of t.ouh>c to search for •« »n>!<br />

make an jppointnicm. It*: AI\\-><br />

. e\;>en\ive," teaatned v»fht*nK>re<br />

Ktmbcrly Gnifith *ho pantctruinl<br />

SopnH»rc Tcrri Vaughn vaid. "I<br />

don't hlc setting ihoti, bul it HA<br />

cairer for me to fit them at servcl.<br />

It »a\n'r emhi'-a'Jinit or t-v<br />

painful."<br />

"\ didii't mind. 1 ji:it pit in Inc.<br />

w-a*tri.very perM>»-.tl or vrcW<br />

VII * iXl had :o do wa* *^> rol up >i*ur<br />

Mi.r '*oc I didn't want tu j;ii oui<br />

of m\ *-7 10 get my %hoti," i-»d<br />

*enu>r Johr.wi Chan<br />

Junior Grace Kao ajcrul tlat h<br />

wot convenient getting her sbot» jt<br />

Khool. but added. "I frit awkward<br />

because I went at '0:30<br />

»irm the bo>» were setting their<br />

ihott. <strong>The</strong> girl* had k. nHl up their<br />

slccvT*. but rtxnt 11I the Nij' had .0<br />

ukc olf their vhinv because the<br />

nur%c« wanted u> pet the \hott A\<br />

high up on the arm a\ pottible<br />

"I d»dn*t think it t/a* go>«l (hat<br />

they 1*••'. a that war." vhc vaid.<br />

Soote uudentv were eAcluded<br />

from whool becaut; liny dkln't<br />

receive notice* to pet their ibots.<br />

Senior Uutme t*.ui.. »h wa*<br />

culu-kd (rirfn s;h«J for two ti;>i.<br />

u»J. "1 ihoujht trut kinee I dWln'l<br />

?e whole ep.*'' : c<br />

was rcill> ilunib." dffiared *- utir<br />

Madeline Mun|:cr. v.j*<br />

excluded 00 Decaabcr 13. idtdn't<br />

Set my record stnlghlcncd cu: umil<br />

Jdnouy 3. but lien I haj bctn ux<br />

ichool for two day* **nen 1<br />

shouldn't have been."

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