Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Paga 20, TtK <strong>Lowell</strong>. December 7. , 9if4<br />

SPORTS,<br />


Dan Harrington<br />

Marnin Weinreb<br />

Intcr-club football is becoming more popular with<br />

every passing week here at Lowel!. After school on<br />

Thursdays and Fridays, for instance, there ai\>.<br />

usually at least two or three games on the football<br />

and soccer fields.<br />

Whin did ihis football phenomenon start? <strong>The</strong><br />

first official football game between clubs, as we<br />

know it. look place between the Adventurers' Club<br />

and Star Fleet Com naud during the fall semester of<br />

1983. <strong>The</strong> highly publicized contest was won b Siar<br />

Flee! Command. 28-M.<br />

After this first experiment, other organi/atiuns<br />

decided to schedule their own panics. <strong>The</strong> Lamc-O's<br />

Football Club, created for competitive play between<br />

its members, began to play ^antc^ against other<br />

clubs, such as the Basket: all Club, the<br />

Beatlcrrianiacs, the Comic Book Society, Epsilon.<br />

and the Comedy Zone \rraivhc.ich.<br />

With the inception of club football competition,<br />

another outlet for club unity and pride « s created.<br />

Entire club memberships turn out for the big event,<br />

if not to play, to cheer their comrades on to victor)'.<br />

In most cases to ;'aic. club football games have pnv<br />

vided healthy competition and a now sense ol .portsmanship<br />

for each club that has taken pan.<br />

Would it be possible to start an "Intcr-club Football<br />

League" this spring ut <strong>Lowell</strong>? If there is interest<br />

in this idea, the clubs and organizations at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> should begin to organize it through the BSCS<br />

now, so thnt any problems could be ironed out.<br />

Let's keep club football games a strong part o! the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School tradition.<br />

D •'<<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sa Francisco 49crs ars not only or.i: ol the<br />

best teams in professional football, but they arc a<br />

team with character.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 49ers might not be very flashy, but they arc<br />

lough and sharp and can beat u team on any level.<br />

Joe Montana runs one of the most complicated<br />

and accurate passing attacks in the NFL. He mixes<br />

up is air attack with long and short throws to all his<br />

receivers tn backs. When the 49crs arc no' throw-<br />

ing the ball. Wendell Tyler and Roger Cr:iig i'a/_/.ic<br />

defenses with their brilliant, rugged running<br />

Not only are the 49crs able to score points, but<br />

their hard nose defense shuts down opposing teams<br />

and always makes the big play. <strong>The</strong> defense is lead<br />

by players like corncrback Ronnie Lott. who often<br />

comes up from covering iiis receiver to make vicious<br />

hits on opposing running backs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team not only depend.; on veteran players,<br />

like- Jack Reynolds, but also has rookies, such as<br />

Todd Shell, getting in on the action.<br />

What makes 'his 49cr team unique is that thsv<br />

have personality. <strong>The</strong> players and coaches take each<br />

game as it comes, and are not big talkers. Thcv do<br />

not make predictions on their upcoming games. t!ic<br />

playoffs, or the Super Bowl.<br />

Jn the tielil. the team plays with dignity an;!<br />

pride. You very rarely set Bill Walsh blow up at an<br />

official because he disagrees with a ca'.l. Even<br />

though the players get very emotional jnd<br />

sometimes frustrated, they very rurrlv get into<br />

fights. <strong>The</strong>y arc .ible to accept the referee's calls and<br />

control their enu lions towards opposing players.<br />

This character which the 49ers possess makes<br />

them a true professional foothiJI team! H w<br />

Rough start for varsity cagers<br />

ByStcttPartc<br />

I he vinlfy basketball icim<br />

opened Itt 'fVt-'K5 scaion wltii an<br />

Impressive »in mer Upland of<br />

HUhbomuKh, KJ-32. but then<br />

sulfcrrd two lough tov*c* against<br />

Sacred Heart. 46-32. and St.<br />

Mary's. 65-57.<br />

High point notion In the<br />

Upland //me >en( tu *uard<br />

Shcl'Joti j..i|lh with 29 points en<br />

14 ol*" WtiiiK-<br />

Lo»rll seemed to hate lt» whole<br />

name clicking against Upland.<br />

Point ctiartl tnd co-captaln Jimmy<br />

A rchulela noted thai <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

plajtd "(food pressure defence"<br />

and «u able to lake Upland out of<br />

its game thriniith earl; lummcrt.<br />

Forward and co-captain Uric<br />

Fl«men remarked. ". . . our olfenw<br />

has several option* and our<br />

fint option. Sheldon Smith, with<br />

hit scoring skill*, just look the 'oali<br />

straight to the basket."<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact that Upland is a Division<br />

HI Ici.n (<strong>Lowell</strong> b a Divittou<br />

1 learn) kept the team from netting<br />

overly enthusiastic, and indeed the<br />

game* againit Sacred Heart and<br />

St. Mary's were m-n-h tougher, but<br />

the team showed U could be competitive<br />

tins year.<br />

Coach Date Low remarked<br />

about ihe Sacred Heart -["me.<br />

"We played a good n«mc and<br />

maintained poise." but he pointed<br />

out that the team just did not<br />

shoot »ery well.<br />

JV hoopsters look<br />

forward to season<br />

Coach M waJtiio U huiy Instructing the J V team.<br />

By Shirley Ng<br />

<strong>The</strong> JV ba\- '-all Ir-m. hopiii|I<br />

(>> ret>tnm a total ol 1A f»n:c- tliiv<br />

\citon. Ib prcvrjv'n 4ml ci^nt<br />

New member* «;»pccied to ma<br />

M)I tontnlmliotit ID th; (ram i<br />

dude Anihdi) Ckmcr.i. Amlic<br />

I'crkuv.. ami Jack I>>Ki<br />

Alui iif» to ihr JV team will<br />

<strong>The</strong> uam »ill lm»W lu rcl'irnou Il,c w*tii'i '>*rrall *K*» nl the<br />

()U>cr% Dai)l Stmicti and Alun JV vqujil ;\ 4 ptnitiir are. "With<br />

Cjnii vu trunv caiccr tuunn pUjcr\. »c<br />

qualilw*. Otiwrr rrturninit key tiair j icr* t>rit;hi oulUxtk lemardi<br />

plaicr\ include Sean (olan and (he future of Lnwcll's batVcibail<br />

(irttC Hollo*at. pn>iirjm." *-!Jcatu>oaffirmed.<br />

Low fdt that the team played<br />

with (irons intensity and that the<br />

experience kept thea from letting<br />

down even Ibot'fh their ihoU<br />

weren't tailing.<br />

Sacred Heart, a top contender<br />

in Ihe West Catholic Athletic<br />

Lcigue. did hate a distinct height<br />

adtanlige onr the Indian*, but<br />

Lo*>ell was abie to neutral Ire the<br />

hrinht advantage through a tough<br />

p.*eMuring defense.<br />

<strong>The</strong> St. Nary's game was close<br />

throughout. <strong>Lowell</strong> trailed by only<br />

one point at half time. 31-30. and<br />

Ifal Ihe game up with about two<br />

minutes to go. *il then St. Mary's<br />

tianeo to pull away.<br />

Smith scorn] 25 points anc 1<br />

center Mark Horn controlled the<br />

uoards and pmbably had hit best<br />

game cer A» an Indian. Archulcta<br />

remarked. "We really started<br />

tkmly, but climbed back into the<br />

gam;." He pointed out thai St.<br />

Mary's aggtmlvc man-to-man<br />

defense gave the team tro-ble early<br />

en. but <strong>Lowell</strong> was able to adjust<br />

later.<br />

Talent and u/e-*lic Lowf I' did<br />

no! fnauh up tcry well with St.<br />

Mary's of the Catholic Athletic<br />

League, but Archulcta felt that the<br />

team 'played tety well."<br />

It it too early to make any<br />

oaluatioai of Ihc tea in. but Low<br />

tin been kx.kin£ forward to the<br />

ne* teawr. and fceli he has a Rood<br />

core it> go clonn with the suppen<br />

in K pbycrv who could ch.p in<br />

trron orclfthi pointi a night. He iv<br />

very plctwnl with xh^lr tuitaile.<br />

dedication anmj comjxtitivenci.<br />

(odo*ell.<br />

L»«w Haled lhai the pmravm<br />

Mai tiMC4lI> a lime tu refine vimc<br />

ke> poinii iuch ai r\hounOinK »d<br />

defu'tc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Man en. jre >niith. Ar-<br />

.liuiu. any ad«enc rlfccU.<br />

b?Ka*i regular practice m earl> er,, <strong>The</strong> proeavtn conmu hatkeiKall coath DAM.J |.ow twth Lowel will ha>c duhnc (he<br />

began en Noiembt' Jl and swrrc thai the JV pliers' major prcK^uin *»ti IKT on Decemtxr 11<br />

regular ICSKUC play will open on «rak.nfvi i\ tltcir tatk •>( et- a|(aln«t T=malpaii and on January<br />

laiiuan 4 in a Kan:r \entu ar j-rrfn^c. *hili then vtrenRih* in- II jtfalrnt Arajjort. <strong>The</strong> rcjiuUf<br />

chnvjl Lintoln. elude ilicir coinp iiti*rnei% vcaton opener i» on January .1 *i*r-<br />

Huptoc ttiat dejuh on (he iicnch i)i-ptS. dcdieaimn tu .iractice ami tutiincolnat Uwcll.<br />

mil mean wins *'" the court, the JV the ipnrt u( tutV-i'jll, and their<br />

iqu-tl »ill If carr)iriK a hi^h inta! tirtire In learn ana iirtpr

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