Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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•Crutc.field, Madden — Atfietesof tfeMonth<br />

TV Lmll. December 7, J5M. Paj» 19<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Cross country runners earn honors<br />

By Irene Kuo<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re are oilier people who<br />

should I* 'Athlete of the Month.' I<br />

don't think I'm belter ihan they<br />

•re," tenior Thcietc Madtlen inthted<br />

upon learning that the v»at<br />

December'i recipient of the title.<br />

Crow country leant couch Jam7*<br />

Thomai. however, ditputcd her<br />

claims.<br />

"Bated on continent-) licretc<br />

U the number one female miner<br />

«n the team. She's placed tint<br />

more thar. an> ol!jcf Kirl on »artiry."Triumaiulrt.<br />

"I don't know any teniur who<br />

rtesenret the title of 'Athltte o[ the<br />

Month* more than (he dor-.," he<br />

•iMrmcd.<br />

A look at Madden's record ton-<br />

Hnns Thomas' praise. She was<br />

third in .jirlt* All-City ciost cour.fy<br />

ih i Kiwn, tecend in Ihc girls*<br />

two-mile run In All-City trjck latt<br />

seaton. and she ha* been selected<br />

to go to ifw N.TCAI meet* »:*ery<br />

tea ton-<br />

Miaddcn HM been funnitit". since<br />

she *L\ S-yean-old. She bejfin<br />

running competitltcly in her<br />

uphoruore jear at <strong>Lowell</strong> whrn<br />

ihe Joined the cross country earn.<br />

She Joined the tr»ci; team Utt<br />

season and plan* on running this<br />

coming iMion.<br />

Tillti'-tjwithhrr, it become* ohvious<br />

that running Is Maddrn's<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1<br />

IcolbaP<br />

primary Interest. She Jeiotci her<br />

•ftrr-tchool boon to it. She<br />

does. '1 belong 10 any olhcr school<br />

club I iide* Iipttlon, a club for<br />

runner<br />

"My •l.olc family run*." the<br />

ttaied imply. "I run for fun so<br />

l're never It it n. 'ivinK •» up."<br />

Madden enjoys being with the<br />

mem ben on both teams. "<strong>The</strong>y<br />

arc really fun people." *hc \iid.<br />

She was a member of trie San<br />

FranHwo Merionetle swim team<br />

until the joined .'.OMCH'I cum<br />

country team.<br />

She doesn't know which toilejtc<br />

ihc will atlciJ. Ihcjgh the knolo so.<br />

"I thins *hc hav the potential.<br />

Six- *hould be the point-piicr on a<br />

college team," he Mid.<br />

Thomat declared, "She's imprt^ru<br />

tremendously thti teaton<br />

and last track t-aton. Shu<br />

developed more confidence in<br />

herself, and the %tancd running<br />

ckner to her potential.<br />

"S!n?*< *irked hard (or thrc*<br />

yeai. SU iicte.-vet a'J the success<br />

the ii ceding thii utum. anil the<br />

everything she got in<br />

i tcauini."<br />

JV football gams<br />

experience<br />

'sfRo•vrf<br />

jy Ttlor C«r\ilT tlV)<br />

111 hat ended. and<br />

recorn.<br />

"Kteot.ic rr^lly tried to huve a<br />

(ood time." stated Nick Phillips.<br />

out tUc Hrebacker.<br />

"We didn't do well n-* itk-illv.<br />

but the kldi gained a i.; in experience."<br />

noied coach .'ill<br />

"Onr of our big downfall* »«:<br />

'}•»' *e couMn t pull to^eihc D *<br />

team a> ^jkViy at we should hate,<br />

but once «• c t'id, wr f^lavtJ anuch<br />

better."* italed punter Alii-; Jordan.<br />

Th'.- latt name pUjcd (hit tcawn<br />

was .lpamvt Waihinj;iot.. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

never thowed vo<br />

thrcnachci alled<br />

it a dra*.<br />

Tu' 'towpu MJled. •"Jtlicr<br />

were played rcafN well. In<br />

the K»»" e ait-.m« MUiton. 'fu^r<br />

Ah Koint renJe 'our t^Aichdo »n*.<br />

We won that «(ame .*S In I'."<br />

"A hiKhlijtht of ihe teaton w4*<br />

th- Mitt ion game." eiclaimcJ<br />

^UT^T Ah Koini;. •'Coin* info the<br />

first lull, we were tied. Trc exciternral<br />

bcKan whe:, Mtuior. wored<br />

in the *ecmK! half Hul we turned<br />

•round and j.- iou*Iy<br />

becauvc I thou^Iit I coiilii.i'l handle<br />

Ihc dittancc." remarked Outchticld.<br />

Crulchfield decided lo join the<br />

eti' country te-im when he told<br />

crmt country coach Jim Thoma*<br />

that he thought tic could do well<br />

and Thoma* "...laughed at me."<br />

hCciplained.<br />

Crutk-hfield. who placed fir*t (or<br />

l^'*cll in ocry invitational me-'.<br />

took il.e AA,\ an»n in (he vanity<br />

diti\im- tin* yv&t. He mi tornpctinit<br />

againi d\t All Cit/ field<br />

t!.a: i*i«lui1ett opponent* «*;lh<br />

l»\tcr tinm coming to il : rJitt.<br />

Wt.y. thfn. did he do vt well?<br />

CrutThficld aitnbul.?. hi* turco*<br />

to <strong>The</strong>m A*" cu-chinx- "I<br />

didn't knu* (he tinl thing jboi:t<br />

runr.int: Umg (JiMan^e, but I<br />

followed h'i Aihke thtoughout i*ic<br />

viton. »nd it workeJ oul (nr tbe<br />

bnl."<br />

rhufiut mmmentcd. "Working<br />

hard and not having any lerious<br />

injuriei In the course of the *ca*on<br />

arc two ol ihe major factor*, a* to<br />

why Orpheut won."<br />

"He ai*o had the confidence lo<br />

win clo\c race> hecauu; il the Pthcr<br />

people have Utter time*, you have<br />

to believe >oi! can beat them.<br />

Some runner* atk me il they can<br />

>>eat the other runnen; Orphc>.<br />

told mr he could beat them!" commcnicO<br />

Thcmai.<br />

Crutchfield feel* that he »urpri*ed<br />

a lot of people with hit »ictor>.<br />

but while it wat hh. Iini year in<br />

crmt country, he waui'l just<br />

"...oil the urect." "I had three<br />

yean of track behind me.** Crutchlicld<br />

empha*i/cd.<br />

Cruutificid iv lookir : forward<br />

to the commjc irac . *ea*on<br />

ticcaute "...the *hc icr the<br />

Pittance, the better I run.<br />

In track. Cnitchfieid n.rt* the<br />

quarter-mile and doc* ti - high<br />

ai.d triple jump*. L»« «• ai in All-<br />

City competition, itc n^oL third<br />

pljrt inthe "iple-juinp.<br />

Crutchfieli!'-. educational plan*<br />

includ.- attetiiling V.C. Qsrkclcy<br />

wf. ..• lie will major in biology. Hi*<br />

main aspiration after completing<br />

hit under)tr- 'uate education it to<br />

Girl netters surprise opposition<br />

87 Ouk-HJ Yoo<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lt-*e!l flrU' tennis team<br />

kom;ludsd the ir*wii> by taking<br />

third place overall with an V3<br />

;ht \;i-Cit><br />

Co-deuG-lcFc<br />

Ihe <strong>Lowell</strong> wa<br />

•yi-veedrd junior Traci C<br />

an.l *c;'honore Laura K-ro<br />

the title in the dovbic* caie<br />

"Hating a putitite a<br />

helped u* tL. be w-'ce*tf<br />

vra'r" reseated Keoull.<br />

Ltiwell team itl junior* An»rcla<br />

Cheung rnd Andrea Srcto came in<br />

tcc» thicc very tiruni; uncles<br />

j'Ujcrv • 'in pared to <strong>Lowell</strong>**<br />

yuunc and inrzperienced playcn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lnweil team, consisting<br />

-"nlty ->f toi'homores ami juniors.<br />

ifreed that IPC iperience

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