Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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SPORTS.<br />

fomas loses bet<br />

r>ft IB. Tb. LowtU. Ptttmbtr 7.<br />

unners win city championship<br />

By Betiy Mencalch,<br />

Whv #at linn Thomas, dean<br />

of studei.ti and crosvictintry team<br />

coach, *cen walking through ihc<br />

hall* with tte vord "Washington"<br />

written on hi* ih«»c€l '-cad?<br />

Thctnat made a bet wtih "a<br />

bunch ol Washington students.<br />

«nj former itu Vnt* Mho hang<br />

around tbc v«>lo Held*" ihai he<br />

would share his head and writ 1 ? the<br />

word "Wuhington" «n it il hU<br />

team did not vin the glrit. frushsoph,<br />

and vanity dl«r>ions »' the<br />

All'City Cross-Country Final*.<br />

Thomas made lh? bet because he<br />

«as "tired ol ihclf talk," and<br />

because of torTtdcrcc in his team.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> team won lh« All-<br />

City Meet cttall. but the froshsoph<br />

rumicr* vere unable to beat<br />

the W*Uiinf!on runner* in their<br />

division. Con«4ucnt!y. lhotnat<br />

loit hit bet — «nd hit hair.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> gult* team did very<br />

well In their nee- Although<br />

McAtcer*! M»u»» Oigle>i won Hie<br />

race. <strong>Lowell</strong> Imhmin Cheri<br />

Brown came in wcond, ioiUiwed<br />

by tenior <strong>The</strong>me Macdcn and<br />

Junior Oiclva Hern an let in ;'»e<br />

third and fourth positions, respec*<br />

lively. Seniors Jennifer Keini^itd,<br />

Rriti Anderson, Cindy Urown, and<br />

st>phoniofc Valer*e Neck also<br />

finished in the lop ten.<br />

Kim P&.I, Ihc <strong>Lowell</strong> girls crotv<br />

cmniry attittant coach. cip]iirte.<br />

Coach Mill An. Jr. cUIrrrd ihc<br />

Uck of ii/e aril ipcrti lu t>c the<br />

ute of ihc poor Maun.<br />

Commented lineman Mk-hacI<br />

Albert*. "We had so truth talent.<br />

it »c coulrfn*' (jet it ifj^Jher."<br />

Some ol ihe pUjx.t cited bad<br />

luck and bad brcaW at two u| the<br />

'eaiont for the lottet. A* outtide<br />

linebacker Kc*in Allen put il,<br />

"We '-:tt sot the thort end of ihc<br />

iticV, Our learn executed th- platt<br />

*er pworly."<br />

Many of the plajert rralivcd<br />

they were coinn to hate a tough<br />

te«un *hen ihcy lmt to Mituan H-<br />

7.<br />

"Mainly, we defeated ourwltct<br />

vn the field." taid running back<br />

and Intide linebacker Mel VaUby.<br />

"We could ha>e dune belter than<br />

the record thuwv"<br />

Dctpllc mittiiij; the pla>offi. ihe<br />

lc*m /imthcil (he tcston on a "inning<br />

note, lopping Wilum 2S-t>.<br />

Ait Jd.lrd. "I ihink .^crjll »c<br />

improved. We made gain* in c*cry<br />

ai[i«l. *Ve worcd murr p«intt<br />

thzn we c^'cup. Wcplj>cd all ins<br />

pla)filf leamt louRh."<br />

Hikthlttthtv of :he KIMIII inciud'<br />

el impretinc »lto*itJK* by Mike<br />

.•.mmrraun. 1% ecu IT afd<br />

tinehacker for l.owel!. and<br />

runninK-riac> l:.«c Idnis*- H|X><br />

ruttietl f»r 2It) jar«l\ ^k'aiini Lincoln.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> learn did noi ji*c up. "I<br />

wat (joins out there anu pUying t >~>:nl out in win."<br />

Dctpile a lint ft 12 \cnii>r>. A*t<br />

Itxikt forward io working with ihr<br />

1 foi . He<br />

team hat ". . . j lot ol potential."<br />

At for the !4».-k «i( *ue and tjuxit.<br />

Att ia>*. "We will maKc up for it<br />

in quiet rnthutiatm arcl dctTminalion."<br />

AIbcrt\ utd that nevi vcar'v<br />

learn nccilt It: le.irn ". . . how noi<br />

to Kned the vali-liiy if their<br />

nin. the Lo*cll f^nt and runner*<br />

V-*^--'—--^ •" became irate.<br />

"ft's completely unfair,"<br />

remarked junior Pcan Pnulakidas<br />

•»ht Lirciln. *hU; held a third<br />

(iU.-f record .luring ihe regular<br />

for tlie stai? tttk. ••-•- tirtonout<br />

oier .".; In»lU»n» In ihrec v' in*<br />

(o win the All-City chj-npio-.ihi[i<br />

games.<br />

for the fourth time in thr lati 'uuna- On incoming of Not ember .'». ill* title a,(ain. "Tradition illy<br />

ment and ha«i:iK •» rrguli.r w.ium <strong>Lowell</strong>'t champion learn pl.c had a goud team," ctpl lined<br />

reco.-ilof >^*'-***' IJ-1. In the pla>off the firtl round of the Califrn.n in- Silv-ntein. "I think the team will<br />

1 It; • • III ink I'I.JIIII A4IMI tin III •• I truitu Ul MIC «.dllll IM ta .11 " OM"^* ' ICIll. 1 II latin<br />

.rtut i.iurth rlacc Balh.>a. Ihc tertcholastk Federation ItrgioiuJ bciety strong cett;<br />

Girls 9 basketball team<br />

sets goal for playoffs<br />

Dy D*zi Harrington<br />

Wuh an abundance of enjiencncnl<br />

plajcrv. ihc Lo*ell irirlv*<br />

ba kethall team has ttanctl ihc<br />

time to the \v4tlcmi. Athletic<br />

AwK-iatioriiAAA) pl-i>»ff\<br />

"K«en *ilh the *->t« of three<br />

pU>cr\ from laM JITJT'N team. 1<br />

Ihink uc will do at lcatt at well at<br />

vit did ttvauvc of the progress of<br />

ret'iminj; pta\ciA," vtatei) tccond*<br />

)ear coach Jomct Tlmrtias.<br />

In prcparalion lor the upcoming<br />

AAA vrjHin. Lo-acll hat a lough<br />

;ircKat.m whetlulr Io ctintcnd<br />

wit!:. in-:luilinK t;amt^ ac-iintt<br />

nontilv tchoitlt \w.h at Trrra<br />

Nova. Arapon. and P'ake. Thn*<br />

teams hate » m th. -* nrt[>ccUtc<br />

leagues during the j ' ' «M-I.<br />

Tlie prewaton it a chance .<br />

wurk on fundamental skills and<br />

enhance teamwork. Thomas<br />

pointed out. "<strong>The</strong> nc» people or<br />

Ihc learn will hate tu work hard J<br />

catch up to the nvirc expenir -ed<br />

platers. <strong>The</strong>y ha * not r i)Ti'.<br />

will :rurtdc the toui;!>eit<br />

rompctition lor <strong>Lowell</strong>. 'Caliteo<br />

and Wuhit.^»i should be formidable<br />

opp, -.ition for ut. alic."<br />

rv added.<br />

Mayrda preiJu. -d. "We uv gome.<br />

n> make the pbteffs. and. with<br />

» '>ot of h-.4 work and very few<br />

mistake*, *.. could ^0 alt the<br />

way!-<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n<br />

thnuldbc'j<br />

don't Ut*nl|<br />

are." v.^ti<br />

ihted upo^l<br />

IVembe.<br />

Cross c<br />

Thomat.<br />

claim t,<br />

"Bavi<br />

K ifce CL<br />

o- th?<br />

mcJt linn t<br />

ty.*'Thonu<br />

"I don'i 1<br />

deser*r» ibJ<br />

Month- tn< I<br />

affirmed.<br />

A look i-l<br />

firus Tho^<br />

third in >-•.<br />

scawn. a<br />

10 gr* to I<br />

running<br />

sophomore j<br />

the joineu itj<br />

She joined j<br />

veawnindf<br />

comings.<br />

Tf.T I<br />

Lowdl't :<br />

outside hnt'<br />

"We di<br />

V'U Ihv I<br />

fcriencr<br />

•One o; I<br />

tttat we c<br />

Uut on*e •<br />

better."<br />

<strong>The</strong> last J<br />

••as •g*:' > .j<br />

lost 2« £<br />

I 14

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