Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Frankiewho?<br />

ar^Z U . "° ""'' '"*•""'" 'ideoU.ho.n.e.el.thooKhit...<br />

rrankV"'!;,, ,„ FMBU, ^%1(|- ££• ^ ~ -'<br />

Goe, ,., llollv.ood. a mU,lcal ln.««k I,•!,«!.« tii.R<br />

Itroup [,or, Liverpool. »l,Lh i. -We .lidn'l vrl out to .hock IHro-<br />

«h.klrB .,;, the pop mu.ic »o-l,l. ,,.e »|tl, the • r.o Tnbci- ,idco."<br />

In t.ie beBinninB ol the .car ,,atcd I'.ul Kutl;«|,,tl|. "Thcons<br />

Ihcir deh^t ,inKlc. »K«U," «rnl ,x all about Ihe honor, ol »ar. and<br />

to number one on Ihc l:n|tli.h I •lon'l think the udru i. an. mote<br />

Cham, alter bcirt banned by the ,,olew than. .a>. the •£_•_. i>l<br />

BrlttUl UroadLa.unii Corporation llarjaril '"<br />

tor bein, loo rufe. II ha. reached Accordion t« Hc'.l. Johnum. Ihe<br />

the I«o million .lie. rfarfc. lead .inter. 1-ranlie ihouMi.'i be<br />

Ine (..sup. curreni .inttlc. taken ton .criou.!..<br />

"T"o Ti.bc" a powerful jnd<br />

chilling. anti-*ar anthem<br />

Ura.ti.ht tu the tjp of the chart* in<br />

Eu gland «iih T n a week, cf relca*e.<br />

Hut rTnitl/nd ii not lh< nnlj-<br />

e Wang .port, tier cj<br />

"Fr«nU.T.hlrt.<br />

"Our main purpmc i* io entertain,<br />

)ji»e ttlcaturc. and h*»c a*<br />

much (un at p.m., lc while Join*<br />

ju*t llial." ilatcd Johrton.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tiruup'iunuiual name camt<br />

from an old American p Arra.<br />

LAV weekend Hie group pU>cd<br />

•wo lolii-tiut concert* ai ihc<br />

Katiuki theater, ^hkh were »•<br />

cilintoer.i*.<br />

If jiu're interested in Kelitn>* a<br />

I'ranWc T thirt v> thai jou ma><br />

>iin ihe rn.*ing number u( (anv.<br />

and i**%r -n •.'.* ; ul UJ ~p rn<br />

them, bul t!.: !.»ke* read "Irankie<br />

«ay*..." and are w>[tt at vet era!<br />

D<br />

<strong>The</strong>Lo'ell. December?. i> «t« 17<br />


'SupergM'is super boring<br />

By Siudra Wong<br />

Superiitrl. which premiered durinK*<br />

the ThanktRivinrf holiday*, did<br />

notditappoint -• it w,*.* a turkey.<br />

Newcomer Helen Slater play%<br />

Kara, who -icntually he.ome*<br />

SuperKirl. Slater i* appeilinii. but<br />

*he vannot tru.ue the nu^tc by<br />

henei:.<br />

Ihc IJ*I N*j\[* manj rcknowned<br />

a. uut including I'aye<br />

I)unj*j,. l'cterOrle. and Mia<br />

I'jrro«, bul ihcir talent* arr<br />

Hj%ird.<br />

rhe *ii>n upeiu In Aftftt Cin<br />

where Kaia iv |>l4>tn>; »ith ih.<br />

Omeifa Itcdron. a power xource<br />

»ir*I to the cii>'* Mj.iiral. /altar.<br />

iiiccl> pla>eil by I'.-trr O'l'iwle.<br />

had ori|finall> "borinwrd" fhc<br />

p«»».-r umrce and »i. beinK vcolil*<br />

e.l 1>; KarVt parent* All/ra and<br />

/w rini:<br />

thaMtirn'iimU ihrt.ii).<br />

I'fci'icUl ly. tt;c cit» will pciM,<br />

if the p*> «c: vmrce iwi'l (ounj jm!<br />

rrturneil wmn<br />

Karj deti.ln in f;n j((Cr the<br />

Orr.cca Hciirim, *\,,:h |jnd* «n<br />

l:"jrth. Dunni! her inp. »Iie<br />

revei»e* her "wptr' rnmcrt. Aflcr<br />

all, her tou*in U 5up an nu'fenthu*Uviic<br />

J-'j»c Dum* j>.<br />

Sciciia li.e-. in 4 Khuululi houw;<br />

-ilh her *4*»y udekitrk l.ianca.<br />

platetl b* ilfrn«).i Vacvar...<br />

Students pick best TV shows<br />

By Stephen Abrarnowili<br />

Ilelic - it or not, jlmo.t c»er><br />

Lo-cll *tjdeitt w.<br />

A recent poll<br />

howc*T. that Lm<br />

diffeient listes n<br />

jjrammint. 1 i l<br />

i ;<br />

.<br />

* r<br />

pircer '! vf<br />

the i»le*J. J •itiwt<br />

* It lie* (c[c> ui.m. lllur*. St. !:'wt*/>err. M urn t'j'lT.<br />

ha* repealed.<br />

tdtitfi have -en<br />

and / )»U4«.<br />

llaved on Ihe poll.<br />

*oap . Lpe: •v J'IJJ a ma; ;nr rinte<br />

in<br />

n Ictoiuon prn.<br />

.<br />

Of<br />

lent** T.V. whclul,<br />

r*<br />

C U rve tele*itinri pr«| crann<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> tiudcutt<br />

ma* complain unm >l be popular >*ithoul<br />

atKtuI tiKt much homework, but lilcnl rtl 3ietor\<br />

ami actre**e*<br />

, Can<br />

they *lill (ind tinic<br />

lu wauh IV )ou iiH<br />

,i me . U>K Luct<br />

•* It.lOHt<br />

<strong>The</strong> retult* of a 2.H)*lui!eni poll I.UL;I! e H.ill<br />

.T St.A S In<br />

*•ith<br />

>ui<br />

repealed the j^er. d>,*e ^irwinK time<br />

i* Z.I limn per il i> and !.•• lut<br />

AIJTI Alt! i' rh.ncn.illei!<br />

e o\k<br />

pe- week. Some l.mell.i<br />

to ten hour* a day! >V» \ f ! I'ler*. 1 Although W> Mmutrs aiul<br />

DJIIJI lop the naiic-nwiite Sielvn<br />

*. 11 f t**n.i ti<br />

P Hetnu^'.nn SwSd t.. I ** »tar itf O>»er t'p av tlieif ia>.>ni'differ<br />

ptefcf<br />

A\<br />

Hrcatl. from n.Tii.m^l »ctcr.<br />

t. the<br />

»ai T.;e Uill C»t" Stx»*-<br />

Student* *•!»« mentmned (f:c-n.<br />

Family Tie*, and lt\ Your Afi»*mo*l<br />

often a* their l.itoiilcv.<br />

producers are turning away fnmi<br />

tl>»it: • Ui "tic<br />

i the cm<br />

ptcktd JhettillO"*hc*i<br />

new tltow ol<br />

*cawn. R.'iimlinK oi<br />

program* in thi* <<br />

toward di-imaik *ho*t. Mis It'* Your SUnr.<br />

»h^r ihc*<br />

;»nw .i. the<br />

fa.! I'lM<br />

bu-lnwprincipir - if*'-arJer to ehu^et, reprc*cnt the puhl-c »»;make<br />

a viewer Utt^h lh*n to make u * a matter o f 'wa,t and *cc i<br />

himcry.Tliu*. there are nuw (ewer :he*e *ho«* *uni*e foi a *ec»'iu<br />

quality tiicnmt and more drama*. %c-*». i n<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> *tudcnu cho*e ibrte If— do man> *tudci.tv tpeti.l<br />

. their top :i*c d>amatj their lirnc when iticy come home<br />

,t*c! Alter II. il n.. r<br />

M.-h>*.lu1etl . i IV. oi-<br />

\ u-!ed a* i|;i<br />

Dxtlchi icr and i» v.ejr. a<br />

h<br />

> J'c beau Niuel.<br />

bracelet uhich t;Io«i hene.er.he "'"!"•<br />

i. near a power tourc<br />

Uoon her a-ii>al<br />

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