Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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I ir><br />

<strong>The</strong> ton//, Dtcember 7,19*4, Pag* 15<br />

IN DEPTH<br />

<strong>The</strong> SAT: is it overemphasized?<br />

Colleges question SAT<br />

BrEraF.au<br />

li the Scholastic Aptitude Test<br />

(SAT) ottr*inphaiiicd In caliche<br />

cfllnace tferiiioasT •<br />

^' Due lo "grade Inflation" and a<br />

variation c( grading standard! (or<br />

dlflennt high school!, the CoHcL-e<br />

Board creaied &e SAT as an ob«<br />

.{ectrre craluatlon of students'<br />

skills.<br />

William Ilia, dun ol «drablions<br />

at Bates College lr. Uwiston.<br />

Maine, bellevei that the SAT U<br />

ovcr-cmphaslted an-* Las becorcs<br />

a tutus symbol fur students.<br />

Bates COUCJJ has decided to<br />

make the SAT score an optional<br />

put of a student's admission<br />

package. "We want to put the erapiiatis<br />

on the student's four-year<br />

academic record and their extracurricular<br />

accompMihmcnts."<br />

•Unstated.<br />

Othrr universities following this<br />

IrenJ Include Bovdoln College<br />

(Maine). Sarah Uorence College<br />

(New Yc-k). and the University of<br />

Wisconsin. E\'n Harvard admissions<br />

officers are considering making<br />

this move.<br />

certainly arc more tpeclfk with a<br />

broader rank* ol test material.<br />

While th? SATs only tat verbal<br />

and math skill*, the Achievement*<br />

provide tcm la English composition.<br />

English literature, tvo loxls<br />

of Math, French. Spanish. German.<br />

Latla. Hebrew. American<br />

history and social studies. Europnan<br />

History and world culture,<br />

biology chemistry, and physics.<br />

According lo YVUilam Fitzilm*<br />

motu. Harvard admlstions director.<br />

"We've noticed over the past<br />

several years that Achievement<br />

Test scorn are slightly better<br />

predictors of freshman •year per*<br />

tormance than the SATt." Consequently.<br />

Howard has begun to pay<br />

more attention lo the Achievement<br />

Test remits.<br />

•Respite the growing discontent<br />

with the SAT. a majority of college*<br />

continue to employ U In their<br />

admissions procedure.<br />

James Rogers, dean of admissions<br />

at Brown University pointed<br />

out. "Any bit of information<br />

helps. We don't put gre*~ weight<br />

oa the SAT scores, but they are<br />

"...Achievement Test scores are<br />

slightly better predictors of<br />

freshman-year performance than<br />

the SAT's."<br />

Another argument oppoiing tett<br />

emphasis for college admission Is<br />

that because the SAT supposedly<br />

measures aptitude, which is<br />

sonuilmes mistaken for Intelligence,<br />

students think that, to<br />

VCt Into cotlcre, all they must do is<br />

score well on a genera) :«t that<br />

docs rot measure one's ability to<br />

learn. This lends to reduce • student's<br />

Incentive to study,<br />

A Hifcgcstcd solution would be<br />

to weigh the Achievement Tests<br />

moro heavily. <strong>The</strong>se tests are considered<br />

more comprehensive, and<br />

useful."<br />

At firown, eight percent of the<br />

19M freshman <strong>class</strong> had verbal<br />

scores In the 400'*. Some 40 percent<br />

had scores in Ihe 70O'i.<br />

One <strong>Lowell</strong> counselor cautioned<br />

that an important Idea lo<br />

remember Is that when applying to<br />

selective colleges, the SAT score l«<br />

often the only one facet of the candidate's<br />

total picture. Of equal Importance<br />

is • good high school<br />

record, a challenging course program,<br />

»nd extra-curricular activities.<br />

Students favor tests<br />

11 Do you feel your SAT wore will help or hinder your adrnUsicn<br />

to college?<br />

Help<br />

63%<br />

Hinder<br />

29%<br />

Neither<br />

8%<br />

2) Did you lake a preparatory clal- or study a preparatory<br />

book before taking the SAT?<br />

Yes<br />

27%<br />

No<br />

73%<br />

3) Do you f«l tile SAT should be consiucrcd (or admission to<br />

college?<br />

•fa<br />

66%<br />

No<br />

32%<br />

Undecided<br />

2%<br />

(Figures reported arc from a survey ot «U senior registries. <strong>The</strong><br />

average iverage SAT «c->re of the students in these six rooms was<br />

1092.)<br />

MOBILE<br />


INC.<br />

335 Clamant Stroat<br />

San Francisco. CA<br />

tccVMlt<br />

Students, faculty appraise the SAT<br />

ByJennWoog<br />

What do Lowcllltes think ol the<br />

Scholastic Apitude Test (SAT)?<br />

Certainly it'i important to them,<br />

but do they consider It to be fair?<br />

As must rotlcge-bound studeits<br />

do. <strong>Lowell</strong> senion accept the<br />

SATs as inevitable. To elevate<br />

their scores, and thus Inctvasc<br />

their chances of getting Into t good<br />

school 1 , they suffer thruugh prep<br />

courses and long study guides.<br />

But. are the SA^s really wrih ihe<br />

trotibie nr the arulety that they incur?<br />

l>o they really measure aptitude<br />

accurately?<br />

Mcit <strong>Lowell</strong> students think not.<br />

Senior Gordon Tang remarkrd.<br />

"Whenever you takt a nulti^<br />

choke test, it's unfair because<br />

you're not allowed to tell whjr you<br />

picked V or *b*...U't not a think*<br />

Ing test." Jessica Leung, senior,<br />

adtied. <strong>The</strong> areas of the lest art<br />

not at all ct-cnprehtni've."<br />

A lew view the SAT »» an «Ccurate<br />

test of aptitude, but still do<br />

not think It can Indicate a student*',<br />

success, or failure, in col*<br />

Icfiv.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> alumna Unda Woo CM)<br />

commented. "Sure. It measured<br />

my aptitude, but not my ability to<br />

learn, which is more Important in<br />

college. 1 *<br />

Many students polnlcJ out ;he<br />

popularity of SAT prep courses<br />

and the widespread uw go of<br />

specialized study guides. Are SAT<br />

scores really Indicative of aptitude<br />

If students can gain » hundred<br />

points through a prep course?<br />

Settlor Shoko K&shlyarna stated.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> SAT Is a good lndica*or ot<br />

intelligence, but prep, courses<br />

should not be offered because they<br />

simply elevate \corcs without<br />

teaching. Students, simply by oof<br />

.•"•ing a course, then become<br />

dtsadvanuged."<br />

Most studenu, even those with<br />

high scores, feel that the SATs are<br />

given too much Importance in col'<br />

lege admissions. Senior Brad Hopper<br />

remarked. "<strong>The</strong>re's too much<br />

importance placed oa them — the<br />

lest doesn't seem to be a telling Indicator<br />

of your learning ability.<br />

We've been taking the same kind<br />

of test for so long — it's too easy.<br />

too simplistic.**<br />

Students feet that grades and<br />

achievements should be more important<br />

to t,olk|*cs. Senior LeuaK<br />

added "I think that grades are the<br />

single most important factor.<br />

That's what you've spent four<br />

yrart workini* on. tah.'e the SAT**<br />

ju.i repment onu morning."<br />

So. If students are sure that the<br />

SAT scores are not a good measurr<br />

of their altitude or college success,<br />

why are they so resigned ID taking<br />

It and being measured by it?<br />

loAnn Stewart. English teacher.<br />

explained, "We need to have<br />

some kind ol standardized tests<br />

because high schools are different<br />

and have different grading stan*<br />

fianls* If admissions were based on<br />

grades alone, kids from .<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

would be at great disadvantage.**<br />

Sector Mike Zimmerman also<br />

noted the Importance of ihe SAT.<br />


and stressed that colleges keep the<br />

scores In perspective. He commented.<br />

"You know that coUeges<br />

look at Brides as well. <strong>The</strong>y want<br />

an over-all picture...mou kids<br />

won't get in on scores or grades<br />

alone." If It is true that uarrer*<br />

sitles should have a standardized<br />

test, is the SAT really standardized?<br />

Many stuoents complain ot<br />

poor testing conditions. Complaint*<br />

ot KOI C drills during an<br />

cum are cot uncommon, for ex*<br />

ample. Also, consider UH> students<br />

*bo opt to take the American Col*<br />

lege leal (ACT). <strong>The</strong>*r scores are<br />

eminted u equal to those

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