Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Ife home-town baseball team, the Washington Senators, spends six months of<br />

•*—I set, as he watches his favorite learn play to defeat after defeat after defeat.<br />

Meg is always by his side, impatiently waiting for the end of the baseball<br />

Bin take over that special place in his hcait which 15 currently reserved for<br />

£ so determined to sec his team win. that he remarks to himself one evening<br />

"seethe team steal the pennant away from the long-time champions, "those<br />

this, the devil appears, in the form of a very distinguished gentleman. Mr.<br />

as Joe Bo.»d into Joe Hardy, a 22-year old baseball player, aftei Boyd conhis<br />

soul at the end of the season. However, Boyd works an escape clause into<br />

pull out at any time before September 24 at midnight, and return to his wife:<br />

ixHa/dy is an unbelievable success, who gives the Senators new direction and<br />

jiy; Gloria Thorpe, a meddling newspaper reporter, is skeptical of what's going<br />

a Hardy really enme from. She finds that no one under the name of Joe Hardy is<br />

nbemin Io*-',» birthplace of Hannibal, Missouri. At the same time. Joe Hardy<br />

* i time v .th his wife Meg. who doesn't know that Hardy is really her husband,<br />

very attractive assistant Lola, who specializes in making men forgot their<br />

^ sst awy from Meg. But Joe is truly in love with Meg and Lola fails in her atpiu<br />

herself. Joe wants to exercise his escape clause. Lola drugs Applcgatc. who<br />

Ihkrt the Yankees win on the 25th, but Applcgatc recovers more quickly than cxtfethe<br />

pennant? What will become of Lola, who has betrayed the devil? Will Joe<br />

£Bojrd? <strong>The</strong> answers will be revealed when Damn Yankees opens.<br />

sctors prepare students for showtime<br />

By Mark Schoeller<br />

On the opening night of t)jmn<br />

y*nfcces, when the thow hat ended<br />

and the curtain has doted, the audience<br />

will applaud the cait and give<br />

them recognition.<br />

But the audience will likely know<br />

little ul the "unsung heroes" who<br />

hi*e directed and produced ihit<br />

musical.<br />

Who arc these teachers and how<br />

arc they preparing <strong>Lowell</strong> ttudcnlt for<br />

Ihit production?<br />

Three men haw been coordimting<br />

this show. <strong>The</strong>y are Jack Anderson.<br />

Paul Zahttl'a. and Johnny Land<br />

Anderson it the actual director. He<br />

stages the olay and help* ttudrittt interpret<br />

their roles. He spoke about ihe<br />

life of a director.<br />

"When things go wrong, they're my<br />

k dull." lu' said, "and when thing* yy<br />

1 right. Ihc cat! get* the credit. lhat\<br />

J theatre."<br />

What docs Anderson [crl about tintalent<br />

in Damn Van I rev* "<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

sludentt t»a»e alwayt worked hard<br />

and produced a quality production."<br />

he staled. "This trar will be no exception."<br />

Zahlilla it lint orclictira tondudur.<br />

He noted that the mutic in JJjmn<br />

Y*nkct\ it difficult because il wat<br />

[ written for profcttional musician*.<br />

jut he taid he feel* hiv tludcntt will<br />

|"matlcrit."<br />

^ He Tcelt that the production will be<br />

"^ valuable experience for the orchestra,<br />

especially for ihc musicians<br />

who will etcntually lum prufetvional.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> thow K»*S me an opportunity<br />

'o train my students in all areav n*<br />

mut... not just clattical." he<br />

declared.<br />

ZahtiiU commcnied that he hat<br />

one goal for the production. "I hope<br />

lo have Ihc audience humming Ihc<br />

music aflcr they ha\e left." he \aid.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n 1*11 be satisfied," he ttaied.<br />

Land it the mutical director. He it<br />

Coordinating the tinging in the thow<br />

as. . it teaching hit ttudcntt the fine<br />

noinit of tocal mu >ic.<br />

He taid he it "astounded" at the<br />

amount of talent at <strong>Lowell</strong>. "We're<br />

barely teeing ihe lop of the talent<br />

iceberg at thit whool." h^ ttalrd.<br />

"Many ttuJcntt with (K'leittial don't<br />

ha»e the opportunity to partidpaie in<br />

the production because nf wlicdulinn<br />

ind academics." Few tchotilt *an<br />

compare with <strong>Lowell</strong> Ctn talenl)." he<br />

added.<br />

Land said he wMir* more ttudenu<br />

tincc <strong>Lowell</strong> i* tuch J compciitnc<br />

whool." lictaiil.<br />

Like mjn> l.-cll %!).»-* it- the<br />

patt. OJ.T* >'-nler» t\ luhind<br />

tchcdule >n preparatiiMi. but Ihc<br />

faculty mcml>cr\ agree that llic*<br />

aren't worrying.<br />

Andenon piohably tummeil it up<br />

bctt when he *a'.d. "<strong>The</strong>re** no \how<br />

you ocr lc«l you're rcat'y lur. but «n<br />

opening nig 1 )!, a mtracl- occur* and<br />

rtenlhinjt goet tpTenJidh!"<br />

<strong>The</strong> Uwl'. December 7. 19M.Pt(tll<br />


Stuocoti perfect tbdr muiktl nuuben under ibe dlrectioc of<br />

Johnoy Land, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s vocal uvuic teacher.<br />

Lights, sets, props:<br />

<strong>The</strong> stage crew life<br />

By Cindy N«<br />

Although the <strong>Lowell</strong> ttage cicw<br />

members do not receive much<br />

credit ot recognition, without<br />

Ihem many o( LrwcU'i actititict<br />

wuuldnolbc|Hittiblc.<br />

1 he ttage ere* i\ responsible for<br />

telling up Ihc uH-nd at rallies, puttine<br />

up >•<br />

member crew- got a late start on<br />

ihe fall production, and they are<br />

no* working hard during their<br />

free time.<br />

How does imconc become a<br />

ere* member?<br />

At the beginning of each year, a<br />

notice in the bi.llclin will urge all<br />

potential men >crs to attend a<br />

ttatce crew ucetinK- At the<br />

meeting, everyone U organued in*<br />

lo "work parties" and wurks on<br />

tariout projecti. Although many<br />

people attend iScve meetings, only<br />

a few are accepted. According to<br />

Sul'iitan. it takes a year for a perwn<br />

to ge 1 confident at being a<br />

vrew member, and only freshmen<br />

and sophomore* are accepted.<br />

Said Sullivan, "<strong>The</strong>re's a lot of<br />

tatittaciion in doing a job thai no<br />


(in order of appearance)<br />

r tort what you do. lt\ jutt a«<br />

urh lun *% being in the mutical<br />

Auction U*eH."<br />

MEG BOYD Erin Picrson Elendcr Wall<br />

JOE BOYD MarcBader DamirZchktser<br />

MR. APPLEGATE Jason Mint Frauds Chu<br />

JOE HARDY Brad HoppcrRobert Molossi<br />

LOLA Avril Swan Dcirdrc Atkinson<br />

Cast members of the musical production uke s break

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