Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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By Jason Mints<br />

So, what did >ou all think of your mid-term grades? I suppose<br />

more Importantly, what d'd all of vour parents think of<br />

your mid-term grades? "0i>. ' m't worry, mom. <strong>The</strong>se grades<br />

don't count anyway." It's amazing how many parents actually<br />

iaii for that one. but even more amazing how many don't and<br />

lecture their children for thr 26th time on the importance of<br />

grades. So why Is It thst every time we do something remotely<br />

unscholarly such us fall a <strong>class</strong>, we are bombarded with<br />

reminders that we attend one of the top twelve high schools in<br />

the nation? It's not like we don't feel stupid enough already.<br />

xhat with people on all sides of us in math <strong>class</strong> getting<br />

straight A's, Oh, well. 1 sure can't explain It. Just WI:I until<br />

the end of next month. Here comes lecture #27,,,<br />

What's happening? Is something the matter? 1 haven't seen<br />

any new graffiti on campus this month, have you? Except, of<br />

course, some new items on the walls and stalls of our beloved<br />

rcstraoms, some of which I hear in pretty amusing. <strong>The</strong> graffiti,<br />

that U...4J rt-eJ/ AS the condition of some of our restrooms.<br />

Why does If so often take three readings of an inscription<br />

before we a'c able to grasp the full meaning of such proCundi*<br />

ty? I ihinlr we ought to chain jn American Heritage Dictionary<br />

to each Mid even* stall, to serve a double purpose First, it<br />

would enable our creative artists to properly spell their >«cnr<br />

words. At the same time. It would prc.Jdc us something with<br />

Thich to dry our hands, an alternative to the present system of<br />

blowing until we turn blue in the face, since paper towels seem<br />

\j have been owned from <strong>Lowell</strong> High School. Aside from I he<br />

art in the restrooms. which Is often worth taking a look at. I<br />

think we're all done a great job cf keeping <strong>Lowell</strong> clean.<br />

No, he's not Kojak — take another guess. What is this??<br />

Can It be?? Is this hair upon which my gaze rests? Yes! <strong>The</strong><br />

real Mr. "Cut a <strong>class</strong>. Pick up trash" Thomas* hair l\ returning:<br />

surely, but very slowly. Thomas made a bet with<br />

Washington High School that he would shave his head if<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> did not emerge the champion In every category of I ait<br />

month's All-City track competition, and that he did. We ought<br />

to congratulate *1I of our runners, at <strong>Lowell</strong> for an outstanding<br />

performance: we took first place in every event...except<br />

one...and thus no hair to *peak of on the head of our dedicated<br />

Dean, who has proven himself a terrific cotch. an honorabte<br />

m*n, and certainly a man with a sense of humor. Such commitment<br />

to his runners...<br />

And speaking of commitments, have you made yours for ;hc<br />

16th? If you don't have a date by now, jou'd better hurry. As<br />

the SAB poster slogan goes, "Isn't it about lime >ou popped<br />

the question?" Mistletoe Magic (How much are tickets?.'!:) is<br />

soon (We pause for a courtesy choke). Yes, this U the Sixth<br />

Annual (but who's counting?) Winter Ball, and this time<br />

Music Masters will provide the entertainment. Sorry to disappoint<br />

any Collage fans out there, but the ever-popular quaildisco<br />

band from last year's ball will not be returning...too bad.<br />

But dances can be fun even with music that i*n*t so great, enn't<br />

they? Even without a date, can't they? Well. • suppose if we<br />

don't know, we could always ask senior Cindy Iketta. who did<br />

attend the Boat Dance with a date...at first. But it would seem<br />

that her date,.« |.mlar. got ^1. Don't ask how,<br />

for I must admit I sure don't know, * He, it is reported, paced,<br />

circled the parking lot at the dock, and searched far and wide<br />

for his date In the pouring rain, but to no avail. It was at this<br />

point which he set his priorities, the first of which was to obtain<br />

an umbrella. Ife found a place where his purchase could<br />

be made and scmchow managed to scrape up the cash, while<br />

Cindy began offering rewards at the dock for the safe return of<br />

her studly hunk. <strong>The</strong> hunk returned, but not until after the<br />

boat had left. So he went home In the rain, yet shielded from<br />

the downpour through use of his new inv..tmcnt.<br />

Teacher Appreciation Day Is the d/.y where students bring<br />

all of the apples to school which mom just bought at th- store,<br />

and whe* '-.ey sing songs to their teachers in many thanks for<br />

the Jailing grades* they are receiving. One morning about four<br />

weeks ago we walked into registry and heard the announce*<br />

meet, "Teacher Appreciation Day Is today." Well, that makes<br />

about as much sense at telling the Torld in the middle of June<br />

that Christmas will begin In five minutes. Bad planning. Santa...Oh.<br />

well. At teast one thing has been well planned. Very<br />

well planned, if 1 may say so. In a year where we are supposed<br />

to have longer school days, a longer school year and less vacation,<br />

it seems that Christmas this year Is at least as long, if not<br />

longer, than yean put. Have a good onet<br />

Til. Until. Dtctmbtr 7.19U.<br />


Couples sail at 'Boat Dance'<br />

ByCarlaNewmeyc<br />

Rain war In -he air tor this<br />

year's Senior Boat r.ance on<br />

No«ember 10, but t)ut illJn'l slou<br />

the lun.<br />

"It wat one heck ol a smash!" '<br />

accordlnn lo junior Jell Uuience.<br />

'TTw music was icn times belter<br />

lhan al «ny other dance."<br />

A told-ovt event. "Reflections<br />

or the B«j." «i Fleer. Emperor.<br />

Two hundred twenty couple, at-<br />

Icndrd. .<br />

People reallj liked the music<br />

bj Music Ma>len...lhat w.s a big<br />

Yasumoto, '55 dan president.<br />

Tim jeat the dance wai on •<br />

larger boat, and 75 more couplet<br />

were able to attend. "<strong>The</strong>re »ai<br />

more room than on the oiher line<br />

(Blue and Cold Fleet, uicd In put<br />

jean), and It was not at crowded."<br />

Mid <strong>class</strong> iponitr Sandra Bird.<br />

•<strong>The</strong> blgjer boat was dclinltel.v<br />

worth it (tSe eiln money). By sell-<br />

Ini more tickets, enrjone -iho<br />

Onr 300 couplea daoccct the sight away abocrd tbe Harbor Emperor.<br />

wanted to p> could go." tald<br />

Yatutnoto.<br />

Dancing wat on one Irel. and<br />

abort were two more decks<br />

without music. <strong>The</strong> first had an<br />

enclosed room which was used for<br />

pictures. <strong>The</strong> lop deck was open<br />

for other activities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> open deck remained vir.<br />

tually empty until the rain stopped<br />

about 10 p.m.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> dance was awesome escept<br />

for the pictures." said senior Date<br />

Bolklc Some seniors waited for<br />

two hours lo hare pictures taken.<br />

In anticipation of a veil mil.<br />

studems arrived at school hours<br />

before the sales started at 7 a.m.<br />

on November 7. Senior Nick<br />

Florentine* declared. "1 got here<br />

at 2:21 a.m.. beating the neil car<br />

by one minute, tccause of the red<br />

light I ran."<br />

Senior Becky Rlschin. arriving<br />

at 6 a.m.. remrrked lhat the line<br />

was "...ridiculous - It shows how<br />

Insane tftrnaiters can be."<br />

Yasumota said. "This dance is<br />

dtrfcrenl from the rest of Ihe<br />

dances because it Is on a boat...it's<br />

a special event lor seniors that<br />

everyone looks ior«ard to."<br />

"1 ligured everyone enjoyed it.<br />

because no one left early." reasoned<br />

Fiorcntlnos.<br />

Seniors enjoy Pizza Night<br />

By Sandra Hoog<br />

Th.. *c»r'i SCHUT fizrm Night.<br />

"\.u Mure Lonely Bite*." attracted<br />

approximately £00 <strong>Lowell</strong>itn to<br />

the Round Tablr Rettaurant on<br />

Geary Bouloinl despite Ihe fact<br />

that the event * at held on a school<br />

ni;ht.<br />

Round Table C»« back SI (or<br />

»«o p.m. but <strong>Lowell</strong> students arrived<br />

at early at 5:30 p.m. to<br />

mene tablet. <strong>The</strong> place w*<br />

packed b) 6 p.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tccoud floor did not ha*c<br />

enough tablet. «> topic tludentt<br />

tat ht wai real<br />

cool...\-c had a lot of Icxxl lightt.<br />

and people kept going into th**<br />

wrong bathroom!'* mealed one<br />

anon)mouvtcniur.<br />

V<br />

•i "-'•^ A<br />

Students devoured a variety of pizza*.<br />

"I ihoiBht It (|>i,/4 Nicht)<br />

wasn't wild -nough." said vn|or<br />

Craig Jcung.<br />

Most students left Round Table<br />

by 8:50 p.m. Somc .„, ,o<br />

Baskin. Robin, l« Cream store on<br />

Cory and 12nd .here they coulu<br />

purchase ice cream at a 25 cents<br />

•livmitil if they prevented ihcir<br />

pi/za receipts.<br />

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