Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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P«|«6. TKUwll. December 7. IWH<br />


•Jessica Leung<br />

Women in<br />

America<br />

"Don't you think a n>an it ihc mot* Important thing in the world?<br />

A woman itn'l a woman until the hai been married and h-d<br />

children.**<br />

Actrm Debbie Reynolds recited thew: word* -hen she sunvj in<br />

the film Tlie Tender Trap In 1955. Such statements nowadays would<br />

oo) onl- discourage ticket uU but would most likely ctuse p.-otciti.<br />

Yet. we mutt keep la mind Iba: Ms. Reynolds was only reflecting the<br />

tentimenu of the period. Tw of women once again.<br />

Ferraro's nomination was heralded cs a "Journey •yithoul precedent.**<br />

Later In her concession speech. **erraro stated e*en though<br />

Mondale "...did n* win thb nee tnr the prnidency. in 19M he waged<br />

another HalUe. a battle for equal opportunity. And that bit lie<br />

Waller Moadale won. American women will never again be second<strong>class</strong><br />

dtliou." 1 o-nnot *.clp but wonder if ttiete statements arc<br />

hyperbole or fact.<br />

Oetpiie the stalbtlc that women constitute S3 percent of eligible<br />

voters and have outnumbered men who vote since 1964. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

not given lhe tight to vole until 1920. <strong>The</strong> Declaration of Icdependence,<br />

over a century before the 20th Amendment, espoused<br />

the theory that ali men arc created equal. I have taken for granted<br />

that the word "men" signified all members of the human race, irrrzsrdless<br />

of sex or i&clai background.<br />

Are men and women reaJ'y equal? <strong>The</strong> number of working mothers<br />

hai nearly tripled since 1950. Some 15.5 percent of families arc now<br />

headed by women, and &e salaries of almost sli mllllot' wives are<br />

higher than thote of their husbands. Besides Kcrraro's national<br />

recognition, there are countless successful women such as Supreme<br />

Court Justice Sandra f>ay O'Connor, aitronaut Sally Ride, and U.S.<br />

Transportation SccrcUT) Eliubcth Dole-<br />

It should be noted, however, that most top positions are not<br />

available to women. For example, only five percent of the nation** top<br />

executives are female. <strong>The</strong>re are on!y 24 women in lite 5J4-m<br />

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