Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Bingo games finance programs<br />

On Saturday. November 12. the tint In a lerie. ol<br />

btasog.me,«»hdd in Ihe <strong>Lowell</strong>ptn.<br />

Thl» game, which waj operated by <strong>Lowell</strong> faculty<br />

volunteers, attracted 200 people despite the wet<br />

weather that day<br />

<strong>The</strong> bingo game., sponsored by the <strong>Lowell</strong> A»c<br />

aob. are to be held every second Saturday of each<br />

month. <strong>The</strong> neil game U tomorrow (Dumber 8).<br />

Door-, open at 10 a.m. and the fir.1 names begin at<br />

11:30 a.m. Bingo Is open to anyone t-vcr 18 years of<br />

*^e-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Idea behind this bingo program is to raise<br />

funds for the athletic teams and the Creative Am<br />

Department a' <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> money for these pro*<br />

grams. beyoLd thr allotted school budge;, previously<br />

came from candy sales or similar fundrablng pro-<br />

Jectt undertaken by individual teams or groups<br />

<strong>The</strong> main advantage of thlr program is obvious. It<br />

raises money more quickly. In larger amronts. and<br />

with less time contributed per dollar by students and<br />

coaches alike, than with the old fundraWng<br />

methods,<br />

Awathcr ajirjtnugcJi_lttawhc funds will be com-<br />

SMfW<br />

|ng (lom „,„«, oullldc o( ,_„,,.„ „ tf ^<br />

previou, ,v,tcn.. met of .he candy and other hem,<br />

were Mid to <strong>Lowell</strong> itudciu.<br />

° bl:ncl " lrom lhc b'nyo i»mej. a team or group<br />

C COI " c " lon °' ">« gym Into a bingo pa.lor in-<br />

m *'" bu " (ling do '" 110 (he »»•<br />

<strong>The</strong> amount o! time It takes for a team or group<br />

working together to accomplish this feat is considrrabty<br />

less than the lime il takes to order,<br />

distribute, and sell candy or any similar items, and!<br />

M previously mentioned, the profits are greater.<br />

We. the staff of <strong>The</strong> Lomtt. support this effort to<br />

help <strong>Lowell</strong>'s athletic and Creative Arts Depart<br />

mem. and we applaud the volunteer faculty<br />

organizers and student workers who are willing to<br />

sacrifice nnc Saturday a month to run these bingo<br />

gat.iev<br />

It is Hi,? support and help of volunteers like these<br />

that enables <strong>Lowell</strong> High School to maintain its truly<br />

unique environment.<br />

Editor'i note; <strong>The</strong> following letter* are exchanges between Lowe/I anil Uccw/n Hinh School crncerning<br />

the owiirovertjr owr the van Jafurd* *prrir «ce* potrers ilnrinf the Lorell - Lincoln football g*m<br />

mhkh proceeded the annual all- tttn nitron the tootbtttlietil.<br />

Student Body President<br />

Abraham Lincoln High School<br />

Dear President,<br />

On Sehalf or the <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

School Student Body and Faculty.<br />

I would like to express my ciiremc<br />

disfavor over the destructioa of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> propeny preceding the<br />

' <strong>Lowell</strong>/ Lincoln Fooihil! Game on<br />

October I9tb.<br />

II miy be Luc that the Lincoln<br />

sp*cutur» did not know that the<br />

19th wu a <strong>Lowell</strong> All-School H-lly<br />

climating <strong>Lowell</strong>'i annual Spirit<br />

We«k. 1 also understand that the<br />

spectator* thought <strong>Lowell</strong> ««<<br />

•*tresp»*stBc"' on '"heir"<br />

bleacher*. However, these<br />

tluntghO fn no vay allowed (or the<br />

destruction ot our potters and<br />

uccoraliuns. Not one pctter mentioned<br />

Lincoln Hir'i School; they<br />

•11 timscd '3"-rii (the theme for<br />

SpHt Weekl. Fhere was no reason<br />

to shred and thoroughly destroy all<br />

the poittrs and decorations. And<br />

furthcrtnorr. (he pottcn ba*« been<br />

placed on the btcaclicn for<br />

numerous past years, and iw t>lh?r<br />

school has twd ths sail to destroy<br />

them.<br />

1 aik you and your Student<br />

Government to impress upon yuur<br />

studcoi Iwiy the moral "Ask<br />

Before Dettro.rtng."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Low*!) Student Body and<br />

Faculty asks for • written apology<br />

for Ihe tailclrss actions of<br />

members of your Student Body.<br />

Sincerely Youn.<br />

Eric 0. Fattiff<br />

CormpondlriK Secretary<br />

Lot ell Executive Council<br />

j<br />

U+mtm<br />

VfaSc*<br />

1 o Abraham Lincoln High Eric St »"<br />

SohoH Student Adviion Corresponding Secretary<br />

Lorrell Hsecaittve Council<br />

I am writ in (t to Inform you thai<br />

• on the day of the Low*') is. tin*<br />

coin football game, several Lincoln<br />

students displayed abomlnabl;<br />

bcharior.<br />

On October 19. the student* ol<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> M.S. had their big annual<br />

spirit miy, a rally everyone look*<br />

lorwatd to and puts • lot of work<br />

Into. Each <strong>class</strong> made Us own<br />

posters and put ihsra up on the<br />

visitor bkschen lo display them.<br />

On October 19. several Lincoln<br />

students wantonly destroyed our<br />

pu.ttrfi, tearing them like hm.Ue<br />

amm*U. Ttiete students included<br />

ihe Lincoln v»ng gliIt <strong>The</strong>se<br />

posters "Jtre the property of Lo"«11<br />

U.S. and those Lincoln «t*io«ilil br-w been<br />

adequate crovd cimtrol. A!so. il<br />

Ktrni tnlalr for «>ur students to<br />

pay for a ticket at wfcool only to<br />

find out thjt <strong>Lowell</strong> students were<br />

admitted free. Furtherrore. it is<br />

not my ptactlec to _,wnd to<br />

unadrlrciscd and unugned lett~n<br />

like Ihe one enclosed, but 1 could<br />

not resist tudmsing myself to the<br />

onirtentilietl person who l*as the<br />

temerity to call our students<br />

"hoitlle animals." Since thv<br />

author of this letter mentioned<br />

mat od? cf our dc^ns "apalbrtlcally"<br />

uttched the destruction,<br />

pethaps the author *ould care to<br />

Identify ttte dean by name.<br />

1 with to tlterate that w do not<br />

tolerate vaaitalUm by anyone, but<br />

several ot the items mentioned<br />

ahove were contributirg factor..<br />

Wo are sorry the Incident occurred.<br />

Sincerely.<br />

Student Activities Advisor<br />

Tbf LtmU. December 7.1SC4. Pago 3<br />

——RESPONSE<br />

-Question man-<br />

If you could have fortune,<br />

fame, or power, which<br />

one would it be?<br />

Bj Sandra Wool<br />

aad ;«Uer Rogtn<br />

"III had i fortune. 1 woulJ huy<br />

«jn Lcndl. Ihe GUnu. and the<br />

Election<br />

ires student<br />

Dear tailor.<br />

A% election day ijipfiucrwrd. I<br />

wat, \ho,ked ami Ji\t.iavc«l tn find<br />

ntany ol mj Iricnl. vote in JJ ihctr<br />

support for r*rr»iJnfrl«] and<br />

Itct loti of women. I'd like to be<br />

remembered a» "• great inlcmctlonat<br />

lover."<br />

Reporter<br />

commended<br />

Dear Michael Lee.<br />

Fcatutr IMllor:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Safi Francivcu Delinquent)<br />

Prevention Commmlon uithev to<br />

commend >uu oung peopk<br />

knnw. abuse has bcrn a part of life<br />

for a long time. NUny agencies<br />

and |>ro)>ram( now e\i\t to help<br />

both the victims and the<br />

perpetrator^. Articles like vours<br />

serve a great editorial function in<br />

letting young people know thef are<br />

not alone and that help and support<br />

i» available.<br />

We ur^e >OM to continue your<br />

fine work and invite you to participate<br />

In ComrnKvion activities<br />

on behalf of \our youth constituent<br />

Sincerely.<br />

E.-.abclhM.Youhn<br />


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