Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Cv «. Tin <strong>Lowell</strong>. October S.<br />

NEWS,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> gains new faculty members<br />

By Selene Hooj<br />

Too m additions to bmctl's<br />

admlnbtrative suff thli year are<br />

Asslsltni Principals Gloria<br />

Bogdanolf and Maud Pearson-<br />

Green.<br />

Bogdanoff. born In South<br />

America, attended college at 'oolh<br />

Stanford University and San Jose<br />

Sute Unhmity. .here slie maiored<br />

in forei;n languages uA<br />

school administration, respective.<br />

Before enmtag to <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

Bogdanoff taught at various high<br />

schools, at a teachers' training<br />

center, and headed a bilingual<br />

department In Ihc Bay Area.<br />

"Working al various schools has<br />

helped me recognUr more of the<br />

schools' problems ami has allowed<br />

me to look al ihcm from different<br />

perspectives." explained<br />

Bogdinoft.<br />

Aitbunt Principal Maud<br />

Pearson-Green<br />

Assistant principals ...<br />

AuliUnt Principal ClorU<br />

Bofdaaoff<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> ha* many Irioidl) and<br />

enthusiastic student*.** she confided.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> reception I rcc.-r.cil from<br />

the family ami student* alike ha«<br />

more than tuipaucd my etpcrtatiotn."<br />

Bo?danoH acknowledged.<br />

-Perhaps the only tl-irg that<br />

didn't lulfiti my expectation is the<br />

condition of ihr building."<br />

Her present goal as an auutAnt<br />

principal K to help maintain<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> as one of the belt schools In<br />

lite nation.<br />

Bogdanoff. an East Da) rold«nt.<br />

is the mother of three<br />

tccnagci*. A tc» ol tier uuu'ntc Inleit&ts<br />

include reading, knitting,<br />

gardening, and caring for her two<br />

•pets.<br />

Science teachers ...<br />

By Irene bhlharm and Sandra Wong<br />

JetU)H Kejak. a nc»' w<br />

teacher, b happy to be back at<br />

Lottll.<br />

"It'i like coming home again!"<br />

exclaimed Kcyak. a graduate of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Clan of '65. Keyak was a<br />

member of the fint clau to attend<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> at It. prncnt camput.<br />

(<strong>Lowell</strong> was originally located at<br />

the coma of Hayes and Masonic.)<br />

1 »*ell has changed a lot ijacc<br />

Kcyak «u a %tu Alberts<br />

sircucd. "Dtscu\Unn of ii.dhidualin-'l<br />

student's pmblcnu h<br />

dbctfunmrd. If a parcn* oeiirc* c<br />

more lrt^.hy dhcussion of hii<br />

chilfi's problems, tlicn he should<br />

SUAC an appolnUnent for a later<br />

dxic uii't !b; teacher."<br />

Albrrts adoed that ltudcnU<br />

whose parents are planning to at*<br />

tend Open House shculd inform<br />

them who their teachen are and in<br />

what <strong>class</strong>es the* ate enrolled.<br />

NOTE: Subsequent biuei o*<br />

7Tie toweff wfll Include the**<br />

new teachen not Included to<br />

3orn in Virginia. Pearson-<br />

Gi xn attended ta; University of<br />

Ca'ifornia (U.C.) at Berkeley and<br />

Sat. Franchco Stale Unncn Ity.<br />

Rccarch oriented. Ptarson-<br />

Gmm worked at U.C. Medical<br />

Center and California Academy of<br />

Science, in San Franchco before<br />

directing her career toward<br />

teachitf.<br />

In lief 17 year* of teaching.<br />

Pearson-Green taught and<br />

counteled at McAteer and<br />

counseled at McHaren Counseling<br />

Center.<br />

Pcanop-Grecn feel* that people<br />

iliould rtukc at least three ca r eer<br />

tnan^ci as • *JC had.<br />

Tramitu it from medical<br />

researcher •) teacher to administrator<br />

\*cre made because<br />

feai-wn Greer nanled to "com*<br />

bine both »oTk nj; »i(h paiplc and<br />

carrnncnut the vriencc."<br />

One of Pcarutn-Green * ttual* U<br />

to u%c computcn lo cncnmpa\%<br />

public health and education.<br />

Uting in the Hatt Hay with her<br />

hu\b^nd. SJT outudc interctu are<br />

penctiCT. mtcrobioIoK> - . miwic.<br />

UicwinK rma. and traveling.<br />

Choming her career mcr<br />

motherhood. Pcaruin-Grecn eiplained.<br />

"Oltcn Ihc vtudcnU* problem^<br />

become your problem-* In<br />

UM klkul ira( l Itfvc *\ many problems<br />

*\ r^rmu da in a lifetime.'<br />

Actuallv, I am a mother ... of the<br />

%tudcnn,"<br />

Sdence teacher Low Mak<br />

Chemlttrv teacher Low Mak U a<br />

"ewadditiontotheLowrJlfarully.<br />

"I CU- <strong>Lowell</strong> boca>»c the<br />

r itudcnu are highly M^vhvaud."<br />

i stated Low Mak. Mak decided to<br />

? te»-ihatLowtll"...fn-achar|CCof<br />

emironment."<br />

Bom and ratted in Salinas. Mak<br />

rccehed his bachelor's degree at<br />

Cal Sute of Hayward. He hat<br />

taught kinoerganen. fidli. Utth.<br />

soenth. and eighth grades at<br />

Brcntwood. California. He hai<br />

also nuntit biology, life wience.<br />

Uaglifh and algebra at Oe'^lcn<br />

High, where he WJU most rcccrtlly .<br />

employed.<br />

"1 en)oyed working with tlie<br />

kfndcrgartefim r lot. not saying<br />

that I don't enjoy working with<br />

high school students." explained<br />

Mak.<br />

"He** a very good teacher and<br />

be\ aho sen hdpruL" stated e<br />

junior from one of Mak'» claws.<br />

In his free time M«k enjoys insect<br />

coUcctir., -ling, hiking arid<br />

backpacking.<br />

Dc*~n* NHicn. Math D*pitrtment Head, and Dan laekson. Social<br />

Sdcace Def artment Head<br />

Department heads...<br />

By Birindar Singh<br />

Dranna Stclvcn. a recent faculty<br />

idtlitiun. i\ UMC11\ ncu- Math<br />

Dcpartrttcnt head.<br />

Not » nathc S;in Franciwan.<br />

Nielsen was born in Lnnc?»ter.<br />

Califurnia. She aitendctl Pomona<br />

College wltcrc «hc earned her BA<br />

in nuih and then enrolled at Stanford<br />

Uni'cnity where \he revci^cd<br />

her MA in math.<br />

Nklwn laught 'or one >car at<br />

Arcadia Junior High School (In<br />

Southern California), for four<br />

\can at Pclton Middle School, for<br />

fne )ears al Galileo High, and for<br />

12 >ran at McAteer High.<br />

Niclwn wav the hr.-td of the<br />

Math Department at Iwlh 1'cltnn<br />

and McAteer.<br />

tnides teaching. Nielsen enjoys<br />

many hobhies which include<br />

jewelry-making, ncedlcworl..<br />

stained- glavs. and astronomy,<br />

"...lots and lots of things, "she added.<br />

"I find Ihe enlhu\ia\m of the<br />

Mil! and students here<br />

stimulating." dccLnril Kiclurd<br />

Sovard. one of Ln»rll'\ new<br />

bioloi^ teachers.<br />

Sow Aid it a gratloaic »f <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

Claw of "56. When he w» a student<br />

here, he edited the rcniainbl<br />

edilion of <strong>The</strong> tint *nd White.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>** yearbook.<br />

A oati»e San Franciscan.<br />

SaAard attended San "ranciwo<br />

State Unit enitj- H here he earned a<br />

B.A. in social .tudics ami a M.A.<br />

m education administration.<br />

HK flnt teaching (ob *a» at<br />

Merced U'.fH School In Merced.<br />

Calif. He then relumed to San<br />

Francttco and Uught at Woodrow<br />

Wilson. Mission, and Mark TwiUn<br />

HighSchwIs.<br />

In hi* spare time. Soward enjoyt<br />

cycling and traveling.<br />

Science Uaeher RlchkrJ<br />

Sowaiu<br />

Dan Jicktun is berth a new<br />

faculty member and the ncwSodaJ<br />

Science Department head.<br />

Born in Enaiv Texas. JacfcxM<br />

cam- to Cal.kimla in 1944. He attended<br />

Unrr;nity of California at<br />

Berkeley whetw he earned his

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