Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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V"'<br />

, Athletes of month .<br />

ps.'*.. "•<br />

me<br />

By Irene Kuo<br />

According to coach Barbara<br />

Prato, t(ie girts" tennis te to<br />

Washington and St. Rene. Tne<br />

scores were 4.1 against McAtcer.<br />

5-0 against Galileo. 2-3 against<br />

Wathington. 5-0 againit Balboa.<br />

5-0 against Mbsfool 1-* Against<br />

St. Rose. 4-1 against Wilson, and<br />

5-0 agalnit Lincoln.<br />

Prato leels that tough competition<br />

will come froia Mercy.<br />

Washington. St. Rose and Prcsrn- .<br />

Ution high schools.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team Is r*Jatively Urge<br />

(there are 17 members. 11 of<br />

whom are vanity), hut Prato<br />

doesn't see size M a major factor.<br />

"Many of thb year's players<br />

have bad competitive experience<br />

from being on junior vanity last<br />

year. A blfi *eam helps only If<br />

players continue each year. It<br />

doesn't help If the/ plan to play<br />

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TENNIS? ;<br />

ft* Lomdl. Norcmbcrl. 1994.<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Osaki, Tsoi, Suh share honors \<br />

ByShokoKuhh/ lhlyama Ailde from the 125 learn team al<br />

ByJoaJiit*Park<br />

ByJoauxPark First Finl year coach Lee Le« Slbtnldn SUventctn Suh Soh feeb fedi really really happy aboul Ibe \<br />

"Wbea 1 first began tc |l*y UttU, Oukl Mill play* lor tha Senion Hannah Suh and Linda commented. "Unda has become a team's first place status and said.<br />

basketball. ! found that it was •ame Boy Seoul turn he played tor Tsoi. meroben of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s vanity better hitter la the last couple of "II wo stfck together and pUy with<br />

something that I could stick with," nine yean ago. He now playi In the ToUeyball team, have been named games and. as the team captain. the same Intensity as we did *tth<br />

mntrketl «eolor Jon OukJ. an upper division, but hb commit, two of November's "Athletes of the she provides leadership, character, the Galileo game, w* can take the<br />

athlete o( th** month tor mem to the game ol t<br />

<strong>The</strong> score was not available at<br />

jor weaknesses.<br />

pmt time.<br />

Beginning- '<br />

AdtMBcedUnb <<br />

Expert lBltrocUoo *<br />

1<br />

bjrmProfcsiontl •<br />

• Michael Horn *<br />

;",: 387-1443<br />

only for one scaton. Thrrc'* got to<br />

be carry-over." »he stated.<br />

Prato uocuTt see any major<br />

weaknesses In the team. "Some<br />

other schools just have superior<br />

pUyert," she said.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one upcoming league match<br />

Is against Presentation on<br />

November 6 and will be held at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> AU'City tennis tournament<br />

is Gulden Gate Park begins on<br />

November 9 with fint and second<br />

rounds of single*. Fint and second<br />

rounds of dcubles arc to be held on<br />

November 13. quarter ftnah in<br />

singles and doubles on November<br />

14. semi finals In singles and<br />

doubles on November IS. and<br />

finals In singles add doubles on<br />

November 16.<br />

M M O«NO# tww Sa»»• *f*£i •** '<br />

fjCV^W Ctetft Wttrt# Hi^QiaB l^aj^f^^B^B^iW<br />

at the<br />

INSTEP<br />

UftM<br />

SM.1H<br />

MS44U<br />


With 30 new pla>crs (motiljr<br />

freshmen), the J\"% have had a<br />

slow stan. <strong>The</strong> fact that the team<br />

did not participate in any<br />

preseason games has also affected<br />

play, TuUunopo noted.<br />

"After the fint two j*,,^» of tl.c<br />

season, we finally came together a*<br />

a team." explained starting<br />

quarterback Landon Taylor, one<br />

of the lean's captains.<br />

Following the opening day loss<br />

to Galileo, the Indians lost the<br />

nest game by a iO-0 score against<br />

Balboa. <strong>The</strong> team won its finl<br />

game of the uaton by beating Mbtion<br />

26-12. <strong>The</strong> JV's lost the next<br />

•Wtt<br />

$l38J<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1*3 start ha* net dampened<br />

the enthusiasm of the JV pUjen.<br />

according io the coach. <strong>The</strong> team<br />

plays a total of w*en game*.<br />

"We're doing grrst!" exclaimed<br />

freshman linebacker Peter<br />

Kruger. lie believes tlul the<br />

amount of spirit (hat the team has<br />

b definitely a plus.<br />

Starting wide receive* Boris<br />

Ahrcndt agreed with Ktugcr.<br />

"We've been playing harder the<br />

p.-.it lew games. Hopefully, well<br />

win the rest of our games."<br />

Soiic Park, widj receiver, will<br />

not pla/ In any games this season,<br />

A taw prohibits girls from participating<br />

In contact spans. Park<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indian were defeated 40-0<br />

Ian Friday by M'Atecr. <strong>The</strong> JV*s<br />

played the Washington Eagles<br />

yesterday. <strong>The</strong> multi of that game *<br />

were not available nt press time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> JV's clove out the season<br />

next Thursday with a home game<br />

agalcst Wilson.<br />

San Francisco's onh/ tennis specialty shop<br />



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November 1st thru November 17th<br />

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MonsJay-Friday 10-6. Saturday 9:30-4:30. Mail and phone'OKfcrs ayailaO

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