Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Pafi IB, TM Umttt. NmmbvZ. 19U<br />

. ByStmPufc<br />

. After • ttbappoUting 0*3 start,<br />

th* Varsity FootbcU Team teenis<br />

to haw rigbUd tucif vhh a 33-7<br />

ihnoMna of Lincoln trd a lurri*<br />

fought W-M Ion la fint place<br />

HtAtetr.<br />

Tb« ^3 points la the Lincoln<br />

funt marked Uw Ughest total for<br />

' itetcamutotjryrars.<br />

<strong>The</strong> defense's iii lntwxptb*u<br />

and Eric House's 210 yards<br />

rushing carried tlw team to vk'iwy<br />

. over Lincoln.<br />

Ouch MQtoc Axl remarked<br />

that It wu a "fun game" ai*d it<br />

tan the player*, especially the<br />

younger players, confidence.<br />

He noted the team's 347 yards<br />

running as "quite an achieve*<br />

meat,** bat felt th« team Dewds t»<br />

Improve Its passing game.<br />

: Team Captain Michael Zimmerman<br />

stated, "<strong>The</strong> win was really<br />

•pod for us. Everyone got expericoce.<br />

and It gave us COD*<br />

ndet-e..**<br />

Rough season for varsity football<br />

Ibe team entered the McAlecr<br />

gaoM with ttron* op*iroUm «nd<br />

determination as reflected by Zimmermaa's<br />

Matcmeot. "Well get<br />

fired up for Me AI er-... (our team)<br />

has a lot of promise.**/<br />

<strong>The</strong> determination showed as<br />

the team almost upiet a MeAteer<br />

team which had previously<br />

defeated Gatlleo.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> scored late In the game<br />

and Malor Jonathan Alberts<br />

remarked; "W« came o*. ai the<br />

end...just ran oit of time.**<br />

Kevin Allen, split cnd/ouulde<br />

linebacker noted. "We played<br />

pretty well, a hard game. Tba<br />

Inkling was shaky in the Iwglnn*<br />

Ing. but the defense pltyed better<br />

taler on."<br />

Alien and Hoiie Uith caught<br />

touchdown passes from quarterback<br />

Vincent Carter. Junior<br />

Michael Alberts blocked an eitra<br />

point atitmpt and also recovered a<br />

fumble.<br />

Lowall was able to move UM<br />

football oa the ground and i.<br />

AlbwrU called the game "...our<br />

best offensive game agalmt a<br />

quality team.**<br />

Ernie Lee run* past the Lincoln Mustangs.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se last two games weie big<br />

tunvaroends frjm the dbappoln*<br />

Ung ft-7 lots to Mission. Axt<br />

remarked. "It (the Miitio*. game)<br />

bcanbreaker.<br />

thmghoot but tost tn the but<br />

minute.**<br />

LoreU still has a slim chance for<br />

the playcMs. <strong>The</strong> team needs a<br />

comolnatlou of wins atd losses by<br />

other tevms. a»d must win the<br />

Washington and Wilson.<br />

Ait suted, "Both teams b«ve<br />

physical and formidable lines. <strong>The</strong><br />

key will be whether we can move<br />


Championship eludes 115's<br />

By Dan Purser<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1.5*s basketball mm has<br />

reached the PU,oll» afur potting<br />

a S-2 regular xason record.<br />

*"Tbty are re-Jly hot." commented<br />

coach Stan Stewart after<br />

the team beat McAtccr by a score<br />

of 51*36. Jon Crossle; had 16<br />

points and Brad Foo 14 *n <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

victory.<br />

Foo has been the HS's leading<br />

scorer all year. "He's done an excdkst<br />

Job for us. stated Stewart.<br />

Tha first playoff opponent )•<br />

Galileo, which narrowly beat them<br />

40-39. "We had a chance to beat<br />

them, but we mU&ccl mo lay-ups in<br />

the last six seconds." Stewart<br />

recalled.<br />

Washington is favored tj Uke<br />

.the league championship. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

have one ol the largeit and most<br />

eipericnced tetms in the city.<br />

Senior BrUn Mock said. "If we<br />

work hard In practice and limit<br />

turnovers, we should be able to<br />

take the dtamplonihlp."<br />

Foo added. "We have the Ule it<br />

to win the title, but we hav: tw><br />

cntne together and play a really<br />

Mild game." Stewart aUo feels<br />

that it will take an ou.itand.nif effort<br />

to beil Washington.<br />

•••••<br />

UPDATE: <strong>The</strong> 115*» basketball<br />

•cam loit an extremely close<br />

cliampiorahlp game to (tie<br />

Washington Eagles on Wednesday,<br />

by a score of 67-55.<br />

Stewart felt that the team<br />

played an eicullent game, bin<br />

wai unable to stop Eaglft Don<br />

Joliruon, wtio scored 17 points<br />

In the second half alone, lie<br />

a bo felt that die tram lacked<br />

iht the end of the npilu<br />

icuon. wu pined tgilmt the<br />

foartb pUce <strong>Lowell</strong> Kiuad tn the<br />

pUjoif opener. -<br />

<strong>The</strong> Infbns nnbheil the 19&4<br />

acMcct with a 5*3 regular tiaion<br />

record with loties to Waihlngtoo.<br />

Balboa, and Callleo,<br />

VHlhonly one retumtag icnlor<br />

this Kaicn — Jon Otakl — the<br />

reluhcr/ •mug <strong>Lowell</strong> team »u<br />

able to make ll to the plijolli<br />

against a number of more season.<br />

•A teamt In the league.<br />

Ouard Ei« Wong credited the<br />

team's success to tbo unit; that<br />

had dndrped as the season pro-<br />

•-.-•cd." • -<br />

^ in the plajotl contest against<br />

lh«"EEj!es,T.the Indians cam':<br />

within a ringk point of rjing lbs<br />

flni'pUn ieaderi'In the thkd<br />

quarter, but Washington Was able<br />

I* forgo ahead and uks 'he game<br />

with an 11 pnUtl final advaattge.<br />

Cbcch Stan Slewan Is already<br />

looking ahead to Kit jur. He<br />

fceb that 'the 1985 squad wUI<br />

pecssa a gnod deal of prowbe.<br />

Almou all ol the returning ptayen<br />

will be seniors and juniors next<br />

Hopefuls for the rear ahead in*<br />

elude Martin Donaldson, Raymond<br />

Chan, and Eric Wong.<br />


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