Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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te' FUTURE,<br />

What's your definition of a "great time"?<br />

This month, the award for the most unique interpretation of<br />

iUcsc two worth goo to Junior Cathy Bocckmana. Let's all hope<br />

didn't spend tuo much time and money getting bold of her<br />

ticket lo the largely-publicized, long-awaited Uptoncs concert on<br />

October 6. Site wcut, along «lth the rest of the San Francisco<br />

Unified School District, to what promised to be a night to<br />

remember at the Kabukl. 1 don't think Cathy remembers too<br />

much about It though. She managed to make it through the open*<br />

Ing act, but soon after the Uptoncs appeared, cs Is...<strong>The</strong> frequent naming of specific students makes the<br />

column a burden to read." I agree. No one wants to be mentioned<br />

in their school newspaper anyway. I sure don't know anyone who<br />

does. Do you? I'm sure Erik doesn't. But then again, t can't real-<br />

IJMask him. now can IT He's In S.weden...<strong>The</strong> student continues.<br />

'Comments, meant to be amusing are not at all funny." Well,<br />

she's absolutely right. Let'* scrap the whole humor idea. OK? Instead,<br />

we're change the title from ScbcoS Dux to Cruel Oi/s, and<br />

wo can prfnt oWfiaries; what do you thinkf Well report on new<br />

death* at OakUnd's Castkmtmt ;i'gh School and we can print<br />

excerpts from tee CIA's .new 44-pafc manua/ on the<br />

Piycbologfzal ImpUcmtioo* of Oucrilt* War/on, (soon to be<br />

available In paperback; at your local B. Dsltoa Bookseller). I tell<br />

you. I mut be Incompetent- Please scad suggestions on how to<br />

restore my sanity, totfae editor In Room 5.<br />

A chat with an Angel...<br />

By Cindy Ng<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir well-known and highly<br />

risitle red berets can be seen In<br />

moil major cities In America, In*<br />

eluding San Francisco. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

patrol the ltrceU ard protect Its<br />

dlireas. <strong>The</strong>y are the Guardian<br />

Angels. In the folio*ing interview,<br />

with Toe LOVTU. Curtis Sllwa. the<br />

founder and president, talks about<br />

his organfration.<br />

Toe <strong>Lowell</strong>.- Why did you start tb*<br />

OuaiHlan Angels orgaabatioaT<br />

Cttfth SUwa; Well. I vu born and<br />

nbed In New York City, and<br />

anyone who *4s born or raised<br />

there, whether poor. rick, or In<br />

between, sees crime all the time all<br />

around them. <strong>The</strong> police were telling<br />

you. IJ order to rctpond lo<br />

crime, to put ban on )our win*<br />

dowi. lecks on your »>-on. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

h*d crime-witch and Mock-watch,<br />

wbkh meant you learned lo watch<br />

crime, but do nothing about it.<br />

And there seemed to be a vast<br />

number of young people out then<br />

who had a lot of energy, particularly<br />

from the minority com.<br />

munlty. the ones who are most<br />

associated with commlttinf the<br />

crime*. And I felt It was very eaiy<br />

lo 'channel thai energy Into<br />

something positive, but you hid to<br />

create a mechanism. And the<br />

mechanism I created was the<br />

Guardian Angels.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lowcil: What do the Ciw<br />

dlaa Angels do?<br />

SUwa: We give a uniform presence<br />

ahlch Is A visual deterrent. We<br />

auk* a positive rob model tor<br />

young people In communltlec<br />

where maybe only the pimps, the<br />

poihen. and the worst elements ol<br />

society are role models. When a<br />

crime Is committed, we utilize our<br />

citizen's rights to physically in*<br />

ter'cre. detain a suspect, and turn<br />

him over to the notice.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>: What does It tafcs to<br />

t» a Guardian AogeU<br />

SUwa: You have to be sixteen years<br />

of age or older; working, tfolng lo<br />

school, or proving to us that you've<br />

been searching lor wo.'k and not<br />

juit ihootiDg dice and tipping<br />

•tae. You've got to go through an<br />

interview; your criminal record U<br />

checked to the best of our ability;<br />

and your reference* an checked.<br />

You haw to go through three mooths<br />

of training, then through the<br />

basic self-defense itacc >oti carry<br />

no weapons. CPR. Tint aid. the<br />

legalities of making a citizen's arrest,<br />

and m general human relations<br />

format. Wi're looking for<br />

not macho man or macho woman,<br />

not Robert Conrad with the<br />

Eveready batteries, or Robert<br />

DcNlrc. Rather, what we're looking<br />

for Is tort of a can of Secret<br />

deodorant, somebody who's cool,<br />

elm. and collected, able to withs-<br />

tand ths verbal abuse aad physical<br />

i<br />

<strong>The</strong> LoweU: To* local potto haw<br />

objected to your presence. Why?<br />

Slfcra: I think they ]tut took it as a<br />

slap In the face, an Indictment<br />

•gainst their ability to do their job.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y view it as some type of competitive<br />

agency that's trying to<br />

make them lor 1 ' >«-i. If they tool<br />

bad. It's not ior anything that we<br />

hare Jooe but rather for their past<br />

pafo.iaancc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lo*tU: Whkt kind of pecple<br />

}ob tba GvantUa AfigdsT<br />

SUw«i All dlffcrcbl types. People<br />

who csscntlaDy dare to care,<br />

because they're rooccrocd about<br />

their community. <strong>The</strong>y may be<br />

white, black, hbpanlc, orircUl.<br />

male or female. But generally they<br />

come because they are sick and<br />

tired of what society melf often as<br />

a preventatlve care for the ."tolng<br />

crime problem.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lowtll: Why U then a need<br />

te* the Guardian AngebT<br />

SUwa: SDmetimo the police ao<br />

tually do a bit mere harm than<br />

good by throwing gasoline on the<br />

fur. This docuTt mean that their<br />

Intentions an wrong. It's Just tf at<br />

they don't understand how you gn<br />

control of a situation, calm It<br />

down, without having to whip out<br />

a baton, without having to put on<br />

a muk, without having to put on<br />

the pretence of authority.<br />

Origin of the Nobel Peace Prize<br />

<strong>The</strong> Nobel Peace Prl - . jallioo<br />

with the profile of U founder.<br />

Alfred Nobel<br />

By Michael Lee<br />

Every year, along with the<br />

recognition of the outstanding accompfohmenu<br />

uf individual* in<br />

chemistry, physic*, physiology «nH<br />

medicine, literature, ani*<br />

economy, the Nobel Peace Prize<br />

goes lo the erf anlxatlon or prrwi<br />

that hu contributed mo*4 la promoting<br />

the brotherhood of man.<br />

AUred Nobel, a 19th century<br />

Swedish chemltl. Industrialist,<br />

and philanthropist, set up a fun/I<br />

which would award people whose<br />

clforts and work have made the<br />

greatest benefit t > mankind.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Income canted from his<br />

estates Is divided Into five pans<br />

and 1$ distributed to the winners of<br />

each category. (<strong>The</strong> prize In<br />

economics was not established until<br />

1968. It U Independently spon*<br />

tored by a Swedish bank, but Is<br />

itfU one of the six Nobel prixes.)<br />

For the Peace Prize, a live-man<br />

HorwTfLin committee chooses the<br />

penon who. according to the<br />

founder's will, has **. . . done the<br />

most or the best work for fraternity<br />

among nalicni. for the abolition or<br />

reductioo of standing armies, and<br />

(or the holding and promotion of<br />

peace congresses.**<br />

Nobel's Interest In peace was In*<br />

fluenccd greatly by literature —<br />

early In hh life by tbc works of<br />

Shelley aad later In his life when<br />

he was suffering from physical and<br />

emotional problems.<br />

What Nobrl loved most were the<br />

Mealf (be literature presented. He<br />

regarded literature as a source of<br />

strength and health for humaotty.<br />

August £chou and Kagnar<br />

Sohlman. *ho have written selections<br />

on the I'eice Prize, cited<br />

Arinarchl Ucy. a Turkish<br />

dipU"i*t who worknt with Nobel,<br />

and Bertha von Suttner. a pacifist<br />

at thai time, is other great in*<br />

fluencrs on Nobel's sympathetic<br />

altitude towards peace.<br />

Nobel believed thai countries<br />

must create in international<br />

security by having constant ar<<br />

bit ration over conflicts.<br />

ll I* Ironic that Nobel. *ha had<br />

Achieved his greatest lame at the<br />

imtnlor ol dynamite, had al***r*<br />

believed explosives .would **t as<br />

deterrent* to end at! wars.<br />

Since the explosives caused<br />

grr«ter damage In a short time, he<br />

thought, nations would not be at<br />

apt or hasty to become involved In<br />

wan.<br />

Tony Gray, author of the bonk<br />

ChsmpJoci of fY«ce. points out<br />

ihat Nobel never truly believed<br />

that explosives would end all wan.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> very fact that he Included a<br />

Peace Prue among his awards ts<br />

proof lhat he hid no real faith la<br />

the validity of his argument.**<br />

Gray contends.<br />

"If he had. there would be no<br />

need to offer a prize for the champions<br />

of peace: for he had done<br />

more than any man until then to<br />

make war unimaginably terrible."<br />

he writes.<br />


with permanent or frosting<br />



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