Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Vif Uwrll. Jimr 5. 19S6. Part 19<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Athletes of the month<br />

Chen, Newmeyer share sports honors<br />

By Michelle Tom<br />

"I love th? fading of winning.**<br />

asserted vanity tcnnU pla>er Jiinn<br />

Chen. riprc*aing • universal<br />

sentiment.<br />

Senior Chen, June's MJIC Athlete<br />

or the Month, has been fortunate to<br />

experience such • reeling repeatedly<br />

during this past tennis season.<br />

In his second year as a vanity team<br />

member, Chen *as ranked number<br />

two in singles, moving up from last<br />

year's fourth rank position.<br />

Coach Hugh Aanofucn who has<br />

only praise for Chen, obierved,<br />

"iism b an eucUcnc and con axtitive<br />

tournament player who ptays extremely<br />

well under pressure. He is a<br />

good strategist whr. understands<br />

pUccmentofiheUti."<br />

During the reason he practices two<br />

hours a day every day after school<br />

and on occasion play* whh friends on<br />

jveckendt.<br />

"I like tennis because of the<br />

competitivcccss—the one on one.<br />

Playing tennis has taught we to think<br />

positively, not to be intimidated by<br />

m/ uppuof nt uid. most oTall, never<br />

to gi»c e>." reflected Chen.<br />

O;nnj- league teawn. Chen won<br />

£i of his crunchen with a record nf<br />

7-0.<br />

In the All-City tuunumcni held<br />

from April 23— May 2. Chen compctcd<br />

in the doubles division with<br />

junior Andrew Van.<br />

Chen and hh partner pU)ed fout<br />

rounds of tcnnii. advanced to the<br />

finals, and captured the title of Alt-<br />

City Duublcs cramps.<br />

Van expressed. "JUrm was very<br />

supportive and helped me to bomt ray<br />

confidence on the coun...he ii an<br />

ur emotional player which is good<br />

because he never gives his opponent<br />

a psychological edge over Mm/'<br />

Before becoming interested in tennis,<br />

Chen was an avid table tennis<br />

pUycr for four years. Kc competed<br />

in park aad recreation ujuraamems<br />

tnd won many trophies and awards.<br />

Cfcea switched to tennis in his<br />

freshman year because there wxw'i<br />

• table temus turn in high school and<br />

many of his fri ds were involved<br />

with tcnnU.<br />

So Chen (raded in his ping-pong<br />

paddk for a tcnius racquet and learned<br />

the game of tennis on his own.<br />

without any formal instruction.<br />

" It was haruVr \o switch from pingpong<br />

10 icnna became fcrmi* requires<br />

more phjtkal endurance and il b a<br />

harder sport to be good «, when-as<br />

ping-pong i% much lev* competitive,"<br />

remarked Chen.<br />

Teammate KaChi WOT; added.<br />

"Whaicvcr ihc sport—,xng-pong.<br />

basketball, tinnii-hc gi*c* 100percent.<br />

He always has the 'inning<br />

urpc."<br />

Ak far as hi* fim.ic endeavun are<br />

concerned. Chen plaa* to attend the<br />

University ofCalifrmia at Saitta ttir-<br />

Kira where he will continue to pUy<br />

remits for fun.<br />

Sophomores<br />

By Julie beat Wonc Freshmen<br />

lta*e ihe undeiclaMincn c*u)4i%hed<br />

a precedent? How?<br />

On May 16. the Frcshr.un and<br />

Sophomore Classes held iheir second<br />

annual softbal) game. After seven innings,<br />

the sophomores came up on<br />

top with • score of 17* 11. <strong>The</strong>n what<br />

happened? Well, the sophomores<br />

cheered the freshmen, and the<br />

freshmen cheered the sophomores.<br />

Though the sophomores wuo b> six<br />

rum. sophomore coach Nadja<br />

McNeil cnp | airni1i "<strong>The</strong> teams were<br />

prnry evenly matched. It wavi'l easy<br />

(to win). Everyone really worked<br />

hard. ..the ftcslunen had a lot ol<br />

good hitters and fie Wen."<br />

McNeil continued by saying lhat<br />

the only advantage that the<br />

sophomores h*d was better organua-<br />

•Jon. Sophomore Jenny Camou reinforced.<br />

"We had some experience<br />

from last year'* fame."<br />

When did tliix competition begin?<br />

Thr froth-soph softball same came<br />

when ihe CUss of '87 presented the<br />

ids* at a BCO meeting last year. According<br />

to Camou. last year's game<br />

was unorganised because it was the<br />

firJ game, while thi* year's game<br />

turnoiout "...pretty good..."<br />

Ov reason f«w ihu year's better<br />

orgaruatioa is the set of rules that the<br />

sophomores established. Each team<br />

U allowed only two p«tices to cnture<br />

recreational play instead of the<br />

competitive Powdcipuff play in<br />

HAPPY 16th<br />


VICKI!<br />

love from<br />

Judy, Carolyn. Mary.<br />

Chariaa. Batbara.<br />

Aria, and da<br />

June 14<br />

which a true rivalry of guts and touph<br />

)>h}ok:a1 ctKU^ct JC%C1«TH.<br />

Twelve pU>cr* dii boys and ux<br />

girls) can be on the field at any one<br />

time.<br />

Interestingly enough, each team<br />

pilches to his own team with 4 masi.num<br />

of five pitches or three strikes.<br />

Meanwhile* (h? other learn occupies<br />

all the parts of ihc diamond—even the<br />

mound.<br />

Since each team puches to hh own<br />

team, the pitches arc usually slow or<br />

medttun'paccd. and this in turn<br />

means there is tess danger of being<br />

hit by 1 fast ball to condemn this<br />

friendly competition to the s.une fclc<br />

lhat Powderpufr received.<br />

As Camou itresaed. "<strong>The</strong> focus u<br />

to have a good tune, not to go out<br />

with only winning ot our<br />

minds...we juu wanted to basically<br />

ly go out and have a good t'me."<br />

A further aid to keeping down the<br />

level of dancer is adult supervision.<br />

Varsity basketball coach Dave Low<br />

supervised the sophomore practices<br />

while gotfeoaen Don Baker watched<br />

over the IrcaJuncn.<br />

Bjr MMitn Voting<br />

"When you 4ave to perform stunts<br />

on a four inch wide bean, four feet<br />

olTihc floor, thinp don'i iccm quite<br />

so bad on liic grounj," claimed Gtrla<br />

Newmeyer. Athlete of the Month.<br />

Ncwrrcyer's career id gymiusiici<br />

began with Up dance, ballet, and<br />

eventually gymnastics clasKs at<br />

Hoover Middle School. During all<br />

four years at I .owl, Newmeyer has<br />

been a contributing member of the<br />

gymnastics team. She compeud in<br />

Class 01 as a fmhman and nxnol up<br />

to Optionals in her sophomore year.<br />

"Carla is a very hird and consistent<br />

worker. Her ban! work has raid<br />

off." stated coach Jcrilyn Jank.<br />

On May 9. Newmeyer look third<br />

place in the all-around competition at<br />

All-City.<br />

Ct>mincnting on the reason w hy the<br />

cboi* to participate in gymnastics.<br />

Ncwtrejer uid. "Gymnastics has a<br />

lot of %fiiety. You pcrf.irm on four<br />

different picco of equipment. It's a<br />

pretty sport, but it alto is very<br />

strenuuuv. It's 4 team spoil, but it'*<br />

alwi in individual spon. It's timply<br />

a tot of fun!"<br />

Newmeyer conJitions for gymnauits<br />

by riding her icnvpcoJ bike,<br />

running and practicing pu*h-ups and<br />

tit-urn.<br />

"Carl* vb a gi*xi cumpte fur the<br />

ftcshmen by aUcndtng prxtxx every-<br />

day." noted Jank.<br />

Remarking on Jank'k coaching<br />

skills Ne**t:ieje«- stated. "Ms. Jank<br />

is a fun pencn. She's aware (hit our<br />

ability i\ limited. We're not performing<br />

the stunu thai can be done in<br />

the sport ol gymnastics, but she's<br />

there to help us ukmg and let us enjoy<br />

ounclves.<br />

"Gymnastics has given me a lot of<br />

confidence. It helps me >tty in shape.<br />

Gymnastics is good for poise,<br />

balance, and strength." noted<br />

Ncwtne>er.<br />

"Carla Et always optimistic, and<br />

she heljx- relieve the (etuita be'ore<br />

Ihe men.* with her encouraging<br />

words. In addition, she ha* really improved<br />

in her technical skills." said<br />

jynior teammate Valerie Lee.<br />

Newmeyer has J variety of interests<br />

aiide from gymnastics. She<br />

iklci her bicycle, runs, skis, plays (he<br />

violin, and pamcipaucton the Forcaiic*<br />

team. While pirticipaiinf in thc*c<br />

aciiviiin. Newmeyer maintain* a<br />

high GPA in her N~J.S and AP<br />

cmncs.<br />

New rfycr vill attend PrincetoR<br />

Uni% f*ify in ihc fall, but she i* unsure<br />

P." what r.cM she will -enter.<br />

In college. Ncwmcycr may decide<br />

to join iwimming *ad running and<br />

pcrtupi g>nin**tic*.<br />

"Carla hu been a joy to have oa<br />

the 'com Tor a!' four >cars," declared<br />

Jank.<br />

Track takes second<br />

By Cetrstc Suited<br />

<strong>The</strong> All-Cuy tract meet look pUx<br />

on May 17 a! McA.tcr High Scttnol.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> competed against Galileo,<br />

McAtcer. Miuion. Wilton, Li.xiita.<br />

» IKJ«S<br />

placed third. !M vanity girtt placed<br />

«rcond. and the frmii-wtph division<br />

placed fourth. Tbe first place winner<br />

in every cjtejorv w« McA'cer.<br />

This U the first time since track<br />

season starred that uV vanity gitU<br />

have placed secuod. earlier, they<br />

have always pUccd first.<br />

Senior Irene KnihpinovKh e»platncd.<br />

"It was a vnall team to begin<br />

with, ark! most ol u>c team is fairly<br />

young. Also.alotttfval'ublc vanity<br />

runnen quit."<br />

First, second, and titird nlacr w tnrten<br />

in the fnnh-soph division in individual<br />

events included uphoinorcs<br />

Ken Skidmore (fint in the mile and<br />

the two mile). Leon Mcduu (third in<br />

ihc 800 r«t«). and Victor Veal (third<br />

in ditcus).<br />

Vanity gitU' first, second, and<br />

third plxe winnen included senior<br />

Chelsea Henundcz (Tint in the two<br />

mile and second in the mile), juniors<br />

Maureen Coll (f.nt in the mile and<br />

the 800 meter), and Xtiu Marshall<br />




JUNE 23 - AUGUST 8<br />

M - F 8:30 - S<br />

SAT. 9 A.M. - NOON<br />


982-4412<br />

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