Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Planning for the ^-<br />

^£ ideal vacation<br />

Rv .Indrcw Le«<br />

All year lonjj you've toiled: *trog-<br />

Kttoa vilh page-long trigonometric<br />

ideate tcs; trying ,o da:iphcr the<br />

C fa/ Gau/iy and iu even symbol,<br />

metaphor, and allusion, learning U<br />

579 cegjugationi for the verb drc.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n suddcriy you're faced witfi a<br />

vacation completely devoid of<br />

horacwoik, testi, or oral reports.<br />

What happens now?<br />

Fs of<br />

summer vacation ire a withdrawal<br />

period — • time 10 jet the cramps out<br />

of your wrung hand ar*J urn trending<br />

roore time watdting \tuimi Vtce<br />

taaead of worko* °ul AP Chemistry<br />

problem*.<br />

Some stu&iui CM'I handle the<br />

stock of uijiatrncni. <strong>The</strong>se are the<br />

poor souls *h» find themselves in<br />

lumnur seK-/* *jr progrwm. hie<br />

tho*e at Me--/ x Kwrda.1 High.<br />

After nine *:-*ifh< months of<br />

tchool»ork. these innocent minds<br />

h»ve become u> tw IUAI ih.it they feel<br />

they enjoy learning integral calculus<br />

and can tec no other way ui which<br />

to Tpcnl thrir traotionv<br />

Similar i« ihcw "homework<br />

junkie*'* are thine Uw*n as "burnnttts."<br />

Thc%c are '*udcnti who<br />

undergo a renuxkahlc truitlooiuiMn<br />

in the third week, uf June. suddenly<br />

cspning their latent abilities for<br />

M.<br />

Extreme cave* of -chuol burwut<br />

WKCtiltt* rcMilr in I»WIR »unimer<br />

trip* 'or the victim. <strong>The</strong>se arc the<br />

\tudcntt who rnuvt force themselves<br />

to stay as far front <strong>Lowell</strong> as pnssi-<br />

We, even if it raews tal*ng measures<br />

. K» dmtically narrifaie ** v*citing rich<br />

relative* in a cruvaw in Switzerland,<br />

•ununning in the south nf France u*<br />

taking a Caribbean cruise to Jamaica.<br />

Upon returning u> K!»OI the symptoms<br />

of these cunrnc cases arc ckaily<br />

visible: a rcnu-Lablc suman. a<br />

dtitina avcruon to fug and overran<br />

kkics, and « mftimct j habu of wearing<br />

Eur.ocjn "HaiJ Rock Cafe"<br />

tdiitu.<br />

"I spect a week in Mancillci."<br />

•aid one \ictim of extreme burnout.<br />

"Next. 1 «pcnt t few day* in Paris,<br />

then off to Bonn. Venice. Madrid,<br />

and Uwidoo. It w» fun, but ii don<br />

ge> ;uvt s tad nvKonoui aPer hat ing<br />

seen thoc placet for the pa%t fo. r<br />

wmmen."<br />

Olher* have an obio\ive/computu%r<br />

need to work during the summer,<br />

and find job* ranging frut.i<br />

h*Mpi:al intcrmhipi to intcnutiona!<br />

eipiotuge. U'ntle oihen enjo> the<br />

-oinand fre^h air cf July, thne compuUtvc<br />

worker* toil for urtolj<br />

r-olahc^ at a substitute for Khoo).<br />

Strangely cnoujh, thew vtudents<br />

nuke up a targe pcfcenUfc »f the<br />

gniur> that can itford tit drive a<br />

Mcrcedcs-Beru or 3MW to *.hnol<br />

ejeh day the following Sc[r blinds a/ter momingi<br />

of wabng up with that fi'Olvn.pud Study Camp H»* tdrj of lummer<br />

fu.i includctaMnailU.iciw'ombiiutio.'i oi work, travel<br />

and play.<br />

PanicipA.km in a wmtncr pn^ram. Mich i\ camp,<br />

school, or individual stud>, received the wvtmd hiphot<br />

retponve. a\ MMIK. uvlentv juu can't kh.k the stutl>tng<br />

habit!<br />

"! can't wait for suinmer whun! — it is going lo be<br />

so nr^ch fun- .especially *icct the uimmer whoul i«<br />

shone) non a rcpjl« vchutJ day!'' cithimo) vopfovnor;<br />

Maikus Ixong.<br />

and ]uni«H\ whn hive not yrt taken<br />

luvJtMm will jump tf the tfjuinunuy to t.ilc<br />

It can make>utf tuner,<br />

Eating disorders<br />

J srumng medical<br />

problem today Thty<br />

ahiirt as man)* as one in<br />

200 Americans.<br />

Beth male* and<br />

femalts suffer from >"<br />

anonraanenoa-^<br />

7.V LOHTII. Imt 3. I9S6. tof "<br />

the cr. "hanging around" came in<br />

tavi pbce. Still Mtme imistal thil most people .T^ke big<br />

plans during one half the summer and spcrho plans to spend<br />

his summer hour* determining the value of pi to the 600th<br />

decimal plxrc.<br />

alhlctestuchKs'<br />

men. wrigKiiften and<br />

inmuusts nz ptone.<br />

AM vnr itif ma! ds and<br />


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