Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Fall officers<br />

sworn in<br />

By Dtin P-xiUkldis<br />

Students cut (heir halloa on May<br />

8 to determine the final election<br />

results of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s 1986-87 uwlera<br />

government officer*.<br />

Pnor to this Tirol run-off election<br />

day were two days uf ptirrury cixtions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> individual claucs and the<br />

Board of Class Officer* (BCO) beU<br />

their primaries on April 24. whifc the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Erjcuavc Council (LEO. the<br />

Student Activities Board (SAD), and<br />

•be Boant of School and Community<br />

Services 3SCS) hclu their prinurics<br />

on Hay 1.<br />

AlthOugh Beth Dunn, the Etotfca,<br />

Committee Chairman. Mid. "<strong>The</strong><br />

elections ran smoothly," ibetfid idmi:<br />

there were some preb'-cnu.<br />

Dunn believed the greatest of the<br />

problems to be the theft of two cU%.*<br />

of '89 LEC rcprrvsttaiivc petition*<br />

from the main library •vindowj ivith<br />

only one d»> left before primary elec<br />

(tons. <strong>The</strong> uolcn petition* w«rc<br />

rewritten and the '39 LEC tpraentativcprimiric*werehcldimMay<br />

I.<br />

On May 21 all the newly elected<br />

officers were sworn in at a brief<br />

ceremony followed by rcfreshntcnu<br />

in the srhoot cafeteria.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 19S6 election re tutu arc u<br />

follow*;<br />

Lo-vcll Executive Council<br />

Chair-Elect: Pat Magce<br />

Vice Chairman: Ericka Gcttmi**<br />

Corresponding SccrcUiv; r;1(a<br />

Boegcr<br />

Rectfoinj Sectcur-; Arm Liu<br />

Treasurer: Krisicn Lui<br />

A*ii«tanf Treuurcr: do be<br />

appointed)<br />

Student Advisory Council<br />

Representative:<br />

Cathy Crmvay. Stephen llcu^cr<br />

Student Activities Board<br />

Chairman: Eunice ¥oon<br />

Vice Chairman: Deborah Hull<br />

Secretary: Cecrgcue PouUkidas<br />

Treasurer: Doug Lcc<br />

Special Event* Convrhiioncr<br />

Curti* Chinn<br />

Dincc CommiuKiner: Eunice<br />

Woo<br />

Rilly Commmioncr: David<br />

Katznelion<br />

An»Cummi%vi(7ncr; DruiTung<br />

Prrpcnia Comnmumcr: (tu rxr<br />

appointed)<br />

Athletic Ccmmiuioncr. David<br />

Lee<br />

PuNiciry Cnnmtuioncr Janet Yi<br />

Board of School and Community<br />

Service*<br />

Chairman: Molly Bulcr<br />

Vice Chairman: Marcw Ko<br />

Secretary: Cheryl Mara<br />

Treasurer: Jenny Kauf.nen<br />

Publicity Commiuinr *r: Laura<br />

Unc<br />

Historian. Jothua Ths'r<br />

MaihJScience Representative:<br />

Yohsukk Mill<br />

Creative Arts Representative:<br />

\Un Wold<br />

Liberal An* Reprcv.£utivc: Trru<br />

Yce<br />

P.T.S.A. Repfc*cr.utiv-: Shcrvl<br />

Goodman<br />

Bourn 1 pf CLu Officer*<br />

Chaimuiv fv«ig Ng<br />

Vire Chairman. kanna Wong<br />

Secrcury: Kim Njluhara<br />

Treasurer Jenni CarnnU<br />

Claw of '87<br />

Fmident: Macu.'oc UaigJ<br />

Vice President: Succy Maveda<br />

Secretary" Dcnuc Kuno<br />

Treasurer: Dune NhUig^wa<br />

L.E.C. Rep:ewntative»: Patty<br />

Sing, Rencc Thierry<br />

f 'US<br />

Fmidc.it: Laurancc Le.*<br />

Vice President: Laurie Higftthi<br />

So-fcra/y: KJITLJI Stnph<br />

Treruurer. Jenny DeMonievcrdc<br />

LEC. llcpmcntamev McLinic<br />

Montcve.tk:. Odetta Uglcrce<br />

Class of '89<br />

President: Hckrn Chu<br />

Vice President: Roland Tang<br />

Secretary: Jowflc Ferrer<br />

Treasurer: Tanuny Law<br />

L.E.C. Representative*: Liitda<br />

Chu. Naruh Sul<br />

Government through the ages-<br />

BCO<br />

By Caryn llowet)<br />

Former principal Barton Knowles<br />

crr^ed <strong>Lowell</strong>'s cunrnt s)~sicm of<br />

govenuncnl. orignially called the<br />

Lowel! Charter, in the early 1970'*<br />

so studmis could actively participate<br />

in the organizing of student activities<br />

and have an opportunity to develop<br />

leadership skills.<br />

<strong>The</strong> L.E.C. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s central<br />

govcraii t b"^?, bt anches into three<br />

mare specialized boards of Rmcnirrenl:<br />

the BCO. an acronym for<br />

Bnud ot' Class OfTktn. is one such<br />

bunch.<br />

Ttw BCO consuls of representatives<br />

t'rom the freshmen,<br />

sophomore, junior, and suiior <strong>class</strong>es<br />

wotkiiig in conjunction wiii elected<br />

chAirpnnont: it U ihnr job to oversee<br />

and coordinate individual clast<br />

activities.<br />

Science tctchcr Mai an Gorude/<br />

has been faoJty ad>uor for the BCO<br />

fttnee !°80ajdadmUsthatrbcrcUat*<br />

one method to itv operation. "Wha;<br />

we (the BCO) gel done and how we<br />

do it u depcnJcri upon my energy<br />

lc\cl and rk*w lurd I pu»h ihcvr<br />

kids." repealed G»>nralc/.<br />

<strong>The</strong> DCO *p.*tu«i e\tlu*.\t^.<br />

pn>ms. <strong>class</strong> pknio. and nuny other<br />

•:U« related activities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BCO muM apotmc e» ind Jn w tmly if the<br />

<strong>class</strong> i% fiiunciallj* and ph>ncjl!><br />

capable of earn, ing it out.<br />

After the BCO approves an activity.<br />

Gocualc? asks ft* progress .rport*<br />

periodically throughout its planning<br />


7V Lmrtl. Ju»e S. 1986. 'ctr »<br />

-Dunn, Magee planfor<br />

'87 school year<br />

By * "•thy Con way<br />

On May 21. junior* Beth Dunn and<br />

Patrick Magce lot* offices as <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Executive Council (LEC) Cruir und<br />

Chair-Elect, respectively.<br />

Doth Durr> and Nfagee i»I.T*Jy<br />

ha\x pla*n in LEC neit year. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

plans include a Convocation early in<br />

the til, tcxiatf exctun^o throughout<br />

the year, more proa confttcncei with<br />

<strong>The</strong> U**tll, meetings in the Meyc<br />

L%»fy. revision of the LEC Charter,<br />

and a usk force < > an upon MJJEJC*tton*<br />

in school pt.iWem*.<br />

Magec, who vn\ ufcc office r: l£C<br />

Chair in the spring, hopes to have<br />

nun? "fun-iilleti" ipring events.<br />

whicii he will pUn in tiie fall.<br />

He noted. "LEC panned many<br />

events this >car Out didn't get done.<br />

I hope that by planning the evenu t.i<br />

the fail, the LEC can be more i*n>ductive."<br />

Both officcia *«c a nctru for better<br />

conuncntcaiton between the board*<br />

and administration.<br />

"Tcachcn jnd Ihe administration<br />

Jiruld be more open wiU» Uudcnt<br />

gnv*.Twnent a* u» ulut tlicy c«pect."<br />

\u:ed Mi^-e.<br />

"I don't think Ocre will be acy ^nsion<br />

between the bnjrdv becauw<br />

we're all £d fnendv." prCwKtcd<br />

Dunn.<br />

A new m»k force, t group effort by<br />

faculty. adm*emmcnt. will al*o be a<br />

primary coocjpol the Khool of graffiti<br />

«nf litter and r-> purcrtac garbage<br />

on*.<br />

Dunn explained. "<strong>The</strong> oejert (of<br />

the protect in to »tan school clean ir<br />

September and to ktep the scNwI<br />

clean throughout the Khool %eu."<br />

Andenon bdicvrt that the ptoblem<br />

with the litter and graffiti is much<br />

deeper than it appears (o be.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> /ea! iuue u how students<br />

identify with the scnool. <strong>The</strong>y muu<br />

ha\e iiride in their Khool, and it must<br />

be rcflccttd in the environment."<br />

stated Anderson.<br />

Anderson oiwcntd that the LEC is<br />

;o«TirH.*«;d of "capable and rcsporuS<br />

ble people" »ho»vill make good rote<br />

models.<br />

AnJe.wn concluded, "I was ptcaved<br />

wiih the past group of officers and<br />

hope that the incutring students will<br />

be ju't as pood."<br />

New <strong>class</strong> presidents speak out<br />

'87 By Vtronlca Adrian<br />

"And the next prciident of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s CU*s af 1987 is "<br />

Junior Manufou Liaiga rut wailed<br />

three yean to hear that phnuc completed<br />

with her runic. In the May 8<br />

run-Off clean*-., she realized her<br />

dream.<br />

"1 run for pro idc.it both my<br />

freshman and sophomore<br />

p<br />

ycarv. but<br />

"<br />

expbinol Luiga.<br />

stages. "I do a lot of veiling U> nuke<br />

sure tic lads my their bill*." explained<br />

Corualn.<br />

According to junior vice pmtdcrt<br />

Beth HutyTnme>'. the BCO act* a*<br />

a "parent rocaciiclaAi" and guides<br />

the clavw^ thniugh the orgsnuaikm<br />

of ejchnf their activities. <strong>The</strong> BCO<br />

UIMI tncrvee* fruhnirn oncnLitKHi<br />

and piirtklct 'ludent* wiih free identiftcatt'.n<br />

card*.<br />

Cuncntly. the DCO meet- in ri>om<br />

254. MctrJvo plan to reranatc ronm<br />

2-t6 and UK it u J pnnury offKt. "I<br />

bought a file cabinet for caclt chvi to<br />

cr;otU3|,; olfken to keep mords of<br />

c\cr>thmg they du. I al«» bnught a<br />

copy machinr and paint ft* the DCO,<br />

*o we're doing prctr*' well." commented<br />

Gonzalez.<br />


• ' m . . • • > • • • ' - . ' • ; • • / / V ; , • • • - • • • • • • • * • - v ' • • • • •••• " V " •<br />

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vour nome end add.e* Ice ^ %<br />

"I ran uccjuie 1 wanted to d»<br />

something for my Khool. Bein>><br />

proidmt. I'm provided c\en more<br />

trpfwril nitu-s (than other rfficcni to<br />

UJJ^M idea* and lo put than tnto action.<br />

And [ hate ideas for new and<br />

'Jiffcrenl activities to nuke our senior<br />

>car the bat ever." enthuvd Uai)».<br />

By Rebecca Cbanc<br />

<strong>The</strong> new Junior CIOM prcAidect for<br />

ihe fall scmcMcr will be Leuranc:<br />

Lcc.<br />

Lcc considers tt his mosl impr*nant<br />

duty to make people mo;e aware of<br />

student gm eminent.<br />

He added, "Wo-tinc with the cl*s<br />

officen. I hefc to plan rm^rc aciivit«c*<br />

such as spurts evens within the cb&»<br />

and with othc' clastes and other<br />

vhotfik ut get U> kmw^ one another."<br />

Lee (an for office because be (elt<br />

the Class of *S8 government *^as not<br />

doing a proper Jot*. "Activities like<br />

the Sen ice Project didn't turn out<br />

well; thc> were poorly planned and<br />

organ^ed." he *utcd.<br />

'89-<br />

By Chun* 0*tach<br />

•(( feeU goixl ihat I can help other<br />

tropic." Uited Helen Chu. president<br />

of the Class of '1W.<br />

A* ihe new woho.,virc prcAtdcnt.<br />

Chu*» gusts far the fur-are include<br />

organizing spirit week activities,<br />

preparing for the Sophomore E»cluvivr,<br />

improving relations between<br />

taiious bnardi, and foUerirg better<br />

ccmmunicaticn rvtween the student<br />

government anJ tnc \tudcnt body.<br />

Chu fomrr.rntcd on her new rotilion.<br />

"I really cnj«> being ^ ofrKrr.<br />

It gives me * chance n devote my<br />


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