Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Kfe"ws~=<br />

Sturtevant<br />

—passes—<br />

By Un Marie Wans<br />

Robert I. Samcvant. mired <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

counselor wd Soda) Studies uachcr<br />

died May 11 after a brier illness.<br />

Rejected by many students and<br />

facufy members, he h«J served at<br />

LoweK ai a cuurador for 14 yean at<br />

»«tt as a history teacher.<br />

Remembered moot vividly 0 a nun<br />

who wrs ",,.al«ays sinning and<br />

always happy,..," Snirtevsnt quickly<br />

and easily made warm friendships<br />

with maay students. Said coumclor<br />

Boe Wong, "lit loved the kid*, and<br />

the kids ktved him."<br />

<strong>The</strong> late Robert SlortrvBBl was a<br />

Limdl coomdM- for mcjiy yean<br />

before he traasfrmd to<br />

"I remember him most for his wit,<br />

gvod-itthired manner, and professional<br />

stindanU." said COUKCIOT<br />

Cathryn Brash, "lie alwtys tried tn<br />

be the best kind or* teacher and the<br />

best kiad o 1 * coumelor."<br />

OuteJe U hi< fond commitment in<br />

serving the school. Stunevani was<br />

dedicated *Dtwi family. He i» survived<br />

by hh wile, Patricia, and children,<br />

Vincent anJ Margaret.<br />

A do uut Konun Catholic. Sturtcvant<br />

poHesscd "...a very affirmative<br />

value, of what human beings «crc<br />

capsule of becoming, but he did not<br />

preach hn vaJuct and ideas: fte siniply<br />

lived them." said Bratb.<br />

Counselor Joan Catclli<br />

rcincinl»cicd, "Sninoaw »u a<br />

people-penoc who enjnj-cd just<br />

meeting and talking wtth people, and<br />

be was always able to tee good in<br />

them."<br />

A graduate of <strong>Lowell</strong> High School<br />

and U.C. Berkeley, where r: majored<br />

in Social Studies. Sturtevant<br />

belicvr) Tirjjy In education and its<br />

I<br />

pmitivc Inftuenct upon students.<br />

"But." added Catctlt. "he was<br />

never judgmental, and he was 1 good<br />

ILtXtxr...he uugltt mostly not by<br />

what he saki. bui by what he did."<br />

Sturtevam »» so inpectcd by<br />

friends and iludcnt» alike that<br />

Wallenberg Hi;h School, where he<br />

also served as a counsels*, ckned tor<br />

two hour* so trut the Mudcnu cnitd<br />

attend hu funeral-<br />

Al hu service wat icad 10 Mrs.<br />

Sturtevant, a piece wrirtrn by Mr*.<br />

Lee Samuel, a friend from<br />

Wittenberg. which wid. "In our<br />

generation God railed 36 righteous<br />

me»—oot rich, not powerful, but<br />

righteous. It is because of the<br />

righteousness of these 36 men that<br />

God spared the whole world fnxn Hi»<br />

T.r»th. Now there arc only 35.'*<br />

Library<br />

(cont'd)<br />

N from pg I *<br />

not be there are more cartels sad<br />

more chairs."<br />

<strong>The</strong> groundbreakinic ceremony for<br />

the «art of the construction look place<br />

on M*y 28, <strong>The</strong>re was a »peci)>l<br />

schedule for the school djy w ihu all<br />

the students and faculty member*<br />

cculd attend.<br />

Former Superintendent of Schools<br />

Carlo* Corncjo and the Pairnt-<br />

Tocher-Student Askocixjoq fTTSA)<br />

officers u>cre umonj the bocfctrcd<br />

guests a* the c\eut.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cert m&ny lasted for aKci an<br />

hour and comisced if \wi n.tiot'<br />

nunccs, speeches, chpt'n. "hven tiien.<br />

the Kills and stairueiK were enmd-<br />

J." he remarked. "You'd think<br />

they'd taild a Knoil with h»]X- !;Vc<br />

h i ^ "<br />

| y<br />

Laddie Burks Scdl '34 icW of a<br />

pcripjufic Litwcll csfcer: Some of<br />

her <strong>class</strong>es stated uell campus was<br />

not Kig enough. Lrmcllitos then attended<br />

KhocJ on the campus, until<br />

Uui buitding Mas condemned, tnd wt<br />

the Class ot '34 finiitKd hipn whool<br />

iharing Galileo's facili: I ej<br />

<strong>The</strong> oenipg alw figured Pat<br />

Btown ai Saluutnrun. Samuel<br />

HkLul in a <strong>Lowell</strong> Rcttmpcclrvc. and<br />

a Dcdk-atioa Rfspome hy dunning.<br />

Behind Ibc bal«oi>3\ and nC ItgSu<br />

was mil the aim of the affair. "To<br />

Ciroi Channlss I^tts as she prepares to make ber entrance to tbe<br />

gaU la her booor, sponsored by the LtmtU Ainaud AssociatlMi and<br />

Friends of the <strong>Lowell</strong> Creative Arts Department.<br />

raise money for our school...we<br />

_ remember," mid Roberta Blrtwcisi.<br />

I presidem cf the <strong>Lowell</strong> Alumni<br />

THE NEW SELF SCHEDULING I AsiocuUkm. Paul Lucey. executive<br />

APPOINTMENT SCHEDU1£ ( director of the association, told the<br />

TIME<br />

8:30<br />

8:40<br />

8:33<br />

:IO<br />

9:25<br />

9:45<br />

10:05<br />

10:25<br />

10:43<br />

11:03<br />

11:23<br />

11:45<br />

12:05<br />

12:25<br />

(Fall I9S6)<br />


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