Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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JenatLnrieH (8721) - I listcntothc<br />

Beach Boys and drum of summer.<br />

Odeta Ogrtorrr fSSOS) — I brine "7<br />

wiliman to irbool md pby over and<br />

i*vm again the meuagr f-nm 71.* lit<br />

lie Engine That Could. 'I think I can.<br />

I think I can.*<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

1 would lile to ny tha* you and<br />

your UdSt have been cufauicMly product-*<br />

a paper thai is truly commendable.<br />

It does, quire rcnurLiMy.<br />

represent i pridc-vtunhy pot-pou.n<br />

of talent and creativity. Tie Umcll<br />

exeds u. it* efforts to present an interesting,<br />

informative and neatly eiecacd<br />

Kfcool prpcr. but 1 will not eou guys<br />

nave nylc. If, luvcver. this letter<br />

tares you. I don't know what to say<br />

cucpt bOO on you.<br />

' ; -Za2T!!:::::::.":<br />

Question Man-<br />

How do you survive finals ?<br />

Midulte Jeonx (S72O) — It's ca*y.<br />

you kill >ounclf before final* come!<br />

e (S6IV) — I'm art coins<br />

to g o to finals. I'm just going to cut.<br />

Seniors Onn't Hive to go to final*. By<br />

the May—When are final* anyway?<br />

-Senior offers advice<br />

•Gthtftmasll<br />

OrkCrfan<br />

Anyway, gcttutj Sack into the flow<br />

fhi I VIU h<br />

>nu a botch of Betty CnxLer I-udpe<br />

Bnmnia. I cht^nc Belly became her<br />

Hcret infmJicnts nuke a uilter.<br />

nx>re cnjo>aKte pfodua. IKmevci.<br />

\incc the afufcmcniHinctl idea t» irrcin^nt<br />

and antly. I »UI m cthmcilly optimum<br />

inMitution of Ictming. Give<br />

)»»urwl( a bip. rt-wardinj- pat oa the<br />

back. if>ouc3n. I hripe tlut aficr he-<br />

"if- n run of tli» c%« -plcndwl<br />

n krivu«m of varird mind<br />

-.timulaJtng r-!UHjnm. each uf >nu<br />

»ill ctmttnuc .o uv: your p-Kcnt<br />

btj-m\ jnd not let them lay jjlc like<br />

wtxthlevt, ctirn^ibg cnrpio in )our<br />

cranium*. I wppiMc th» fener t% pet-<br />

•ing Ion; enough: ho-*c\ci; I hope<br />

you oil eventually, myi-clf tncludcd.<br />

get to know jour phy\ical. social,<br />

political, errotkmal. ideotogicat am!<br />

mental MiiT-ninJing* in which yea<br />

lite I mean. heck, un't learning fun?<br />

Golly — you bet il u. I wtsh the vt-ff<br />

and studenti luck in the future and I<br />

hope that all of you fet something<br />

from life besides rinker toyi. So cwrr<br />

on. everybody! Face thallensc*.<br />

Maic kt* of dough. Buy a fancy car.<br />

Get married if >ou wt*h. Succov<br />

can't be won by capping on peopkwith<br />

Safeway I&\K%. ESX your<br />

vegrtablc* Ktlp a blind penoa at<br />

Forest Htll Station. Say "Hi" tp your<br />

eeighbor. Don't murder anyone, if;<br />

not nice. Try to respect peuplc that<br />

wear polyester bell-bnnoms. Uu<br />

but not least. oVn. A'l i»l lhi\ ancninwi w^\ pi*en<br />

I" a prnjcvt llul w a*. uipptncJ Ui hj%c<br />

Mancd (»Hir year* ap».<br />

White I am r4ca«cd that the library<br />

ill firalK he Sittt. I pmtcu the idea<br />

trrnlxl at ihc rally that Umell'-.<br />

l<br />

Ihc po*lcmr at this school arc<br />

vcr> far indeed from bring solved.<br />

I present to you a list u( prublcm-.<br />

that need unniudutc atteniitm:<br />

1. Garhatcc in the bathroom.<br />

Students should nn be as 3»cs»>. but<br />

we a!** need new and more garbage<br />

can*, doors (to stalU. and floor tile<br />

replacements.<br />

2. Broken equipment in the<br />

builditg. <strong>The</strong>re are many broken<br />

window-,, •V-on. and gIa-. panels not<br />

to mentton the missing ceiling panels<br />

and the cracked floors.<br />

3. Lack of unhooks. I am using<br />

booU from the Dark Age* it seems.<br />

I honcMly believe that biology his<br />

changed since 1963. Some of my<br />

EARLY<br />




tr'thiwk-i are al*** mt-.\ing pagei. and<br />

tomclimc* e*>cn the ct»cr*(.<br />

•I. I jck of uhlctic et)uinment. <strong>The</strong><br />

halK are idd. the poles are crooked<br />

and broken, and the locker rooms<br />

\link.<br />

5 Lack of teacher*. It n not olucatitMully<br />

bcftcTtcu] to be untght with<br />

35 other students in a math <strong>class</strong>.<br />

I undetxutd that money concerns<br />

are tipht. hM why doc* the pnictpal<br />

Sa*c a new desk, and why are there<br />

thrc- ctHnputcr* in the back office?<br />

I cannot aiuwcr these questions.<br />

If pcuple in comntl of this school<br />

got ilKtr prtonlic-. Muiph:. tfot is<br />

educa:mg student*, ihcn <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

would be a bcticr place.<br />

1 aiJL the other student* of thit<br />

school to contii-ue to c icd w rutc I demand<br />

ihat the adt>unnimiun uminuc<br />

to correct the problems at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Never rest on what ha> been accomplishrd.<br />

look to whsl on be bcltered<br />

tomorrow.<br />

To a<br />

Sincerely )ouri,<br />

John Chin<br />


HAPPY 16TH<br />


LINDA!<br />

Dina<br />

Ridz<br />

Kelly<br />

Jane<br />

Nauiie<br />

Ola<br />


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