Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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AIDS<br />

discussion<br />

beneficial<br />

AU studecB in the San Francisco Unifrd School Dtarkt<br />

were educated about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome<br />

(AIDS) during die month of M«y. <strong>The</strong> district-wide<br />

program wu mandated by the Eottnl of Education. Tkt<br />

lawrtflluuta and commends the <strong>Lowell</strong> faculty for joining<br />

together to address the topic of AIDS, which umil now<br />

h*» been a subject largely ignored in the San Francisco<br />

KhooU.<br />

According to Principal Aim ribish, the immediuc<br />

faculty response m an understandable one: "I don't think<br />

1 know enough about this to teach it." After the school<br />

boant initially appro ml the proposal. Finish recalled thai<br />

there wu ever, tome resistance on uV part of some<br />

principals.<br />

A respected "cider of a teacher's organization quelled<br />

teacher opposition in the district somewhat by stressing<br />

HIM «,C are faced with u epidemic, end that although a<br />

tocher may not hare all the facts, there is no one better<br />

qualified to leach about AIDS than a teacher. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

faculty attended a lecture ind discustai session on die<br />

AIDS epidemic in May.<br />

On Tuesday. May 20. the teachings in that session were<br />

revealed duri-ft an extended registry, where reg. teachers<br />

taught the f»ctt about AIDS: what it is. how it is spread,<br />

bow it may be avoided.<br />

"I thought it was extremely well arganized jnd well<br />

Naught-through. It turned out oetter than I expected."<br />

commented English tocher Jo Arm Stewart. "One reason<br />

1 think i: was such a wcvess was that the kids were so<br />

cuiperativc.''<br />

' Tic school district wants to avoid the terrible things<br />

which have happciKd in other districts where kids who<br />

are alrtody under so much preuure (as a result or being<br />

afl!icted with AIDS) arc not ullowcc: to go to school."<br />

Counselor Doe Wong was pleased with the way the<br />

situation was handled. "No matter wh?t our feelings about<br />

it arc. not talking, about it is not going to make it go away.<br />

It's such a threat, people havr to know about it."<br />

... reg. teachers taught the facts<br />

about AIDS: what it is, how it<br />

is spread, how it may be<br />

avoided.<br />

Regarding the cooperative anitudes which many<br />

teachers adopted in reference to the subject, Wong ntionaliied.<br />

"I don't see why there should be any qiulms<br />

about leaching it (AIDS). This is the same as any other<br />

type of lesson."<br />

Although the methods of instruction varied from<br />

registry to registry, one complaint sounded loud and clear<br />

from registries throughout the schocl. If :tudcnu arc expected<br />

to leant about AIDS, why were the blue booklets<br />

handed out at the beginning of the instruction collected<br />

at the cod?<br />

Dr. Fibish concluded by remarking. "<strong>The</strong> -wst<br />

dangerous commodity is ignorance." It was the hope of<br />

the school district that AIDS education in the cU^rcom<br />

would hclu to replace myth with fact. <strong>The</strong> Lc*tU appreciate*<br />

the work of all involved in tie project and supports<br />

AIDS education in the <strong>class</strong>room as a courageous<br />

step in the right direction.<br />

Time for new books?<br />

Kermesse creates cohesiveness<br />

Last week the <strong>Lowell</strong> community observed its annual<br />

rite of spring—die Kermesse. As in post years, the event<br />

was a major success. It 'vas a success. Tint of all. in thit<br />

the students and faculty obviously had fun. It was a timely<br />

divenion from the daily grind, and it afforded everyone<br />

an opportunity to rcleav some nf the tension that has<br />

begun to build up as the faculty and student bod) begin<br />

their preparations for the serious business of final exams.<br />

Additionally, while it is probably not a major financial<br />

event, it does produce some revenue for the participating<br />

clubs and interest groups.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se 'jeneflts in themselves more than justify the lime<br />

and effort involved in the Kermesse's planning and execution.<br />

However, the real benefit of the Kermesse<br />

transcends diversion and economics. It does n>uch to bring<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> community together in a cohesive manner. <strong>The</strong><br />

school's diversity is at once its great asset and something<br />

of a lability. On the positive side, <strong>Lowell</strong> students obtain<br />

an exus dimension to their education in their exposure<br />

to so rrnny different cultures. But this some diversity tends<br />

to cause fragmentation in the student body. <strong>Lowell</strong> is i.x<br />

It was a timely diversion from the<br />

daily grind.<br />

as close as a student community as some schools whose<br />

makeup is more homogeneous. Or course. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s large<br />

sac contributes signiikanUy to the tendency Tor the community<br />

to break down into subgroups, which in many<br />

cases hardly know or inwact with each other. In any case<br />

events like the Kcrmeue do much to r£set and mitiga^<br />

the fragmentation and estrangement 'Jut if probably intrinsic<br />

in eo Urge and diverse a community.<br />

. . .the real benefit of- the<br />

Kermesse transcends diversion<br />

and economics.<br />

THE LOWELL applauds and expresses gratitude on<br />

behalf of the entire community to the students, teachers<br />

and staff members who give their time every year • J this<br />

very successful and beneficial event.<br />

I<br />

a<br />


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