Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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ilStudents<br />

'*& indulge<br />

at<br />

Kermesse<br />

m<br />

BySberriEnc<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fonign Languife Department<br />

held its annual International<br />

Kermeise on May 22.<br />

"Kermeu-:" in French mean* a<br />

"chanty ba/aar" and to many<br />

tfucknu it mcaiu "... • tinv lo leara<br />

about uilfcrcnt culture* ±rough the<br />

performances no Ka Tian.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kemicue aim poueued othur<br />

impurunt vaJuii.<br />

" <strong>The</strong> itspxunce of the Kcnttste<br />

<strong>The</strong> faculty abo played * large in<br />

producing ihc Kermeue.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> faculty was very helpful. It<br />

was a great relief that people were at<br />

the Kermrsse and were willing ic<br />

help." commentui TchJtnvani<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kermesse was not without its<br />

problems, however.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> main problem was the long<br />

lines. It was chtus trying to line up<br />

for food," explained Leon*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> orgmircrr believe tfut the studem<br />

worken were fast and efiWcai<br />

and that they produced a well*<br />

organized Kermesse.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> vcar before East. «e diJn'l<br />

haw a Knmcuc. This yev, itocx we<br />

had one last year, they C-hc swiewt)<br />

krew what it wu all about dtd\ they<br />

*cre ready fa-it," saU coordin.-Jf<br />

MarcZavala.<br />

Organizer Sara Treiaun &h &at<br />

this year's ftit was the best organized<br />

sod not as chautic and fraaic as<br />

put Kermcskes, md the enjoyed<br />

herself more than in the past.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> spirit of the clean-up crew<br />

wu like 1'n. never Men before,"<br />

Tchikovani praised.<br />

Volume 165. Stanbtr 4 Lo+tll HifbSchool. S*a Francisco. California WI.1J June 5. 1986<br />

By Atria Lin<br />

Police arrested two men for<br />

burglary and grand theft after the two<br />

broke into LowtU'* Reserve Officers'<br />

Training Corps (ROTO room and<br />

the second floor office uf physics<br />

teacher Fred Stark.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two were In the proceu of taking<br />

Stark's computer oui of the<br />

buildin* Serf police, notified by the<br />

building's klarm jystein, apprcnenic4<br />

the suspects.<br />

>^JUjnaiatotel;4p a.m. oo *«<br />

nwnimt of. May 21. the two a(».<br />

prehended burglars and 4 third nun,<br />

woo cooped, smuhcil their wjj<br />

through the building.<br />

OfW of the two upptehcrklcd<br />

suspects wu <strong>Lowell</strong> Clau of 198$<br />

gnduzie Mkhael Nlaman. <strong>The</strong> other<br />

was Lincoln graduate M»k C.<br />

Salinas.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir first point of entry was the<br />

ROTC room where the three irasha)<br />

a office, hrca&ng se\-eral wirereinforced<br />

windows and damaging a<br />

door<br />

<strong>The</strong>ft attempted \Student paralyzed]<br />

<strong>The</strong> pcrpctrkton also broke into<br />

two cai^v nuchtnn located in the<br />

ROTC mom, taking 30 candy bars<br />

cod other junk foods.<br />

Tlicir second point of entry into the<br />

buildtn|t appun w be tnc wuite<br />

door adjacent to the driii room rear<br />

Principal A' - Ft*mh. who arrived<br />

at the Ken torr dawn, *fw«cd<br />

a peculiar bit ' *viJcncc laying imti<br />

d f 2 7 l<br />

"I ^w oae whuJc candy bar drop-<br />

I-n>l<br />

n>Ru dnr>i riM>m H«>* it t>H<br />

thrtc. 1 can t«>') juo» tlut thc> JnT>-<br />

[>nl II. A car belonging t» ,»i^ ot ihc<br />

ihrcc w« paiWol in It*- ctrrffal<br />

aica." Fthi\h \Ulol.<br />

Alter »hcy broke thrnuph ihc imt-<br />

»KV: tltvr. the thitx ituJc ihcir »ay<br />

tnru v^cral mini anJ oM'tcrv i*n the<br />

s*o>nd Hour, d^n'ifinp KCIKKI* tur<br />

through utc Mirnjing, Acy tnjocrcj<br />

a silent alarm airf as they wxre Ic--*inp.<br />

itie f*^« anived.<br />

"One »f ihcm ran one way. <strong>The</strong><br />

other twu ran in the other i]JrcctW*ii<br />

and »crc apiirchcndcd Tltcooc*h.)<br />

ran tn the first Jircilhm escapcJ,"<br />

Pibith taid, sunimarutnit the<br />

burgbry r^ort.<br />

! : ibi*h ruinuut th^i to icfuir the<br />

ik-ort. ami lock* *U1 . yu SM**).<br />

l-ibt\h ^..iirscnlcu ttui the ROTC<br />

and Suri w«M itie i*Jy (^c\ * K<br />

nmucil b> l«r McaLin. »hich »a*<br />

publicized b.* kval raJwi ^jitom jnj<br />

nc-A%rupcn.<br />

"tn a tarter way. the vrhool was<br />

viaimued in that over the rj-!«> went<br />

information itut * Umcit jlumnm<br />

had heen arrcMcO for '.Mtfinty on ht\<br />

high whoo 1 rjrnpm." vitd<br />

Fibish.<br />

By Cathy Coawa;<br />

Frcthnun Sergio Villarreal ictl<br />

from the bridge near the rrctle path,<br />

plummeting sorm 40 feet on the afternoon<br />

of May 27. resulting ia serious<br />

injuries.<br />

<strong>The</strong> trcstte path<br />

Iwwn Penny Real. Villa/real, and<br />

anothrr unktcntiftcd U»»cEl *»u*k.nt<br />

»crc ^irtinjt on the bridge when<br />

VillarrcaJ jitempted to stand up. loting<br />

hii balance, and falling to the<br />

grrutxl.<br />

Sophomore James Pint; wx, walking<br />

aytog the trestic path when tin accident<br />

occurred.<br />

Dan recalled. "!fe tVilUrreal)<br />

landed pretty inuch legs finl and<br />

lurri>bal to the bottom (of the hill)<br />

unde.*ncath the bridge."<br />

"Whet 1 /m there (where VilUr.<br />

real lay). Sergio wan unconscious,<br />

and hb stomach was violently nnvinj<br />

up and oown." Dann continued.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n D=im ran to the tcrxxJ nnVx<br />

M *VinVre^l uiricml'jbrokenkj.TiH"<br />

tcnu] injunc%. a bruken venchra, a/xJ<br />

a \luiicrnl tcrtchrai Me underwent<br />

ture/.-ry \U\ Zt for appnxinutcly 12<br />

hour* to place a tint "\J in hu ruck<br />

to irfcp hu spinal column tojxthcr<br />

anj Mraifht. <strong>The</strong> r.*l »t)l hc!p him<br />

tit and \Und.<br />

However. V'llaneal is naral>icd<br />

from the waist down and will be >n<br />

a '»hcelchair. m<br />

<strong>The</strong> atlxnintMritioa Ku cctntamly<br />

wvned about the danyen of ihc trestle<br />

path rva. What can be done to<br />

keep students away from ihc area is<br />

under review.<br />

Students not welcome at stores<br />

By Krfrlcn 1-ul<br />

Due 10 complaints from two<br />

bu&incuev in the Sumcttovn Shopping<br />

Center. <strong>Lowell</strong> truOcntv *•*'•<<br />

been a\kcd not 10 shop or eat at<br />

W*lciccn% or Slack* before 6 p.m.<br />

vn wecVUa>s.<br />

Principal Alan Fibuh announccil<br />

tlte rcNtnction o\er Radio Uiwcll<br />

recently Jltcr receivit.g several enmpbiit*<br />

from bnii mrrcrtanis about the<br />

tinicceptable behavior of several<br />

Ixxrdl smdenu during; daytmv shojv<br />

pinjt hours.<br />

Chrti O'Sullivan. assistant<br />

maniger of ihe Sionestown<br />

Walgiecns, stru^. "I caught several<br />

LOA»T11 studenu in the process of<br />

shopltttng. Thou students are no<br />

tong-r allowed in the More."<br />

He addcJ that the baft on shopping<br />

ia art tlirecicd at all <strong>Lowell</strong> students,<br />

but rather against those caught in<br />

unlawful acts.<br />

Gwen Y*xing, «ui\tant manager at<br />

Stucks, one c* three dining<br />

csublishments in <strong>The</strong> Chimney complex,<br />

said, "Sru&nu iiavc been<br />

holding and delaying tables during<br />

noli hourv. So>neumes as many as sis.<br />

students will come in and order one<br />

tup of coffee, asking for. repealed<br />

refill* ami curtailing other ciotomcn<br />

from mine, the table.**<br />

Fibsh recalled telephone alls from<br />

Stack's managers compUining about<br />

students who played "goofy** games<br />

aod were acting "very silly."<br />

. Young added tha: studecu have<br />

leen caught carving ami drawing 00<br />

urtlctnpv. permanently mining the<br />

cafeteria's furniture. Some were<br />

reported San>\\ing And intimidating:<br />

elderly ewtomen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bun by Uw cafcicf iJt resuurant<br />

is jjtainM ill high school uudcnU<br />

t;ciutc it ha* noi been powiNc to<br />

tdentify whkh schuols *)1 of ihc offenders<br />

attend<br />

Workers lave been *oW rut to<br />

verve studenu between the hours of<br />

8 a.m. to 6 p.m.<br />

However, this rcjirictton has not<br />

been strictly followed by the<br />

cafeteria's staff. Youn- admitted.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> ether day twe uudents cat ne in.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were nice kid* and obviously<br />

had n*> inicntkm uf doing an) thing<br />

*roftg. Mil^cnnlthcnt. As long at<br />

they Scha\c themselves. I will continu--<br />

to scoe them."<br />

A <strong>Lowell</strong> sophomore verified<br />

Young's statement by uying. "1 eat<br />

there all the lime, and no one hi, ever<br />

refused service to my fntnds or me."<br />

Principal Rbtsh expressed his<br />

displeasure at the reported behavior<br />

of the J-irweli studenu. He admotuh-<br />

«d. "Such inndents slnuld never<br />

hfise occurred. Five or six studenu<br />

are giving 3,000 itudcnu - bad<br />

reputation.<br />

AIDS Prpgraai Beaeflefa) (o StudentsJ$ .J^EWori^i.<br />

StndeflUGominQii poSmSair Mdtdiswn ?i "--^-^Siii'-<br />


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