Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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SPORTS<br />

Runners are<br />

successful<br />

By Ptfur Kobn<br />

Although best by internal difficuhici.<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> track team U<br />

completinc • rclatl.ely successful<br />

pre-Mason nod u looking forward to<br />

the All-City Finals on May 17.<br />

Recent triumphs include meets<br />

against local competitors Uncolo,<br />

Balboa, and Mtutoo,as w*U a* a weecu<br />

out of the city in • "octorv over<br />

BCaminoHijh School.<br />

Co«ch Lloyd Wilson noted the<br />

strength of the team when he stated.<br />

"It's been distance (running) nwre<br />

than anything else,"<br />

Even the traditionally strong<br />

dtstancs team, however, is umraally<br />

weak doc to the lou or vsney<br />

distance mnnen seniors Chm<br />

Craem, Dean Poulakidas. and junior<br />

PatMagec.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sprint team too has endured<br />

tenon love*, taduding senton Mike<br />

£hapii> and Wayne Cokmaa.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re b*s been controversy surroundikg<br />

the loss of these fivr strong<br />

runners. Wibon explained that the<br />

reason the runners left w» primarily<br />

outside activities. WiUon did not<br />

cut the members from the team, but<br />

informed them, "If • penon docsa'l<br />

come to practice, he should drop<br />

track for hi* other activities."<br />

Senior Dean Poubkida* explained<br />

the group's motivation for quitting<br />

tiack. "We quit basically because w«<br />

weren't bring coached properly...the<br />

relations between us (Wibon and the<br />

runners) were not the greatest...he<br />

^"^* turn om some good mi men, but<br />

he doesn't treat his runners with<br />

respect, and h's hard to have respect<br />

for someone who docse't ru\e<br />

respect for you."<br />

" nKnnt r^K-h I tnene Paikcr<br />

cited another difficulty experienced<br />

this season. She thinks the team's<br />

weakness Iks primarily in a lack of<br />

depth in the sprints. She believes that<br />

tome people have ratural ipecd and<br />

others have better endurance*. "Our<br />

problem 1 ." she stated, "is trwt we're<br />

trying tc make sprinter* cr Herman Lee.<br />

A few other players wcte upset<br />

because sume seniors A hi* pla>cd<br />

never anerdeu the practices.<br />

Senior Jadinc Gcc acknowlcdgco.<br />

"It wa\ unfair of those who never<br />

showed up IO practkrs to r-Uy<br />

became they shortened the rest of the<br />

pla)crs' lime."<br />

<strong>The</strong> faculty members conuued of<br />

Coach Bill Tuiavmopo, Dean Jamc*<br />

Thomas, social science teacher Anthony<br />

DeGcnnaro. substitute teacher<br />

David Kimura. and ba>kelball<br />

coaches Mkhacl Chincn and ln\id<br />

Low.<br />

Seniors Gcc and Marvin Mrtojer<br />

each contributed to the Ktwc wiih<br />

four points apiece.<br />

"Not everything went right, but<br />

cnoufh did to rrokc it a rewarding ex*<br />

pcttcncc. <strong>The</strong> crowd was very p<br />

pormc and the game brought the<br />

seniors together av a team," reflected<br />

Lai.<br />

Senior Geoff Murxve who won the<br />

opeaing ttp-oiT demanded. "We want<br />

a renutch!"<br />

Fencers take fourth<br />

should have," admitted Haw kin<br />

Woo. :hird suiter for the *iuad. "1<br />

thought at the beginning of the<br />

season we v-ould do wrll. but it juu<br />

didn't turn out that way."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> team doesn't have enough<br />

dedication from all the members."<br />

stated Cho. *' Everyone of Ui has the<br />

potcctial. though."<br />

However. Eugene Cho feels that<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> learn b one of the best in<br />

the city.<br />

Consudo Tokntino feds the competition<br />

stiffens as the season passes.<br />

"It's because fencing u becomiaj<br />

By Julie Wong<br />

We've worked harder than any<br />

other school," proclaimed right<br />

fielder Tim Lim.<br />

Due to hard work and dedkatinn.<br />

coach Dave tjopczfctU pleased with<br />

the team's performance during the iccond<br />

half of the junior vanity<br />

baseball season.<br />

Although the team is divided between<br />

eight freshmen and eight<br />

sopbomofcs, most of ihc frethmai<br />

have the key positions. For example,<br />

freshman Ed Garcia plays first base.<br />

M l result, the team is buica.ly a<br />

yoang one with most of the members<br />

not having played with each other<br />

before. This unfamiliarity has been<br />

the cause of mental errors committed<br />

by the team, according to Lope*.<br />

Reflecting on the gome against<br />

Washington. Lopez re*soocd. "We<br />

gave up seven runs, so we wcrs right<br />

up there with them (Washington)."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> lost to Washington by a score<br />

of 11-6. If the team had been better<br />

pirparcd mentally and hadn't given<br />

up the seven rum. they would have<br />

won the game by a score of 6-4.<br />

Since most of tl«ir games laM<br />

about tour hours, a tot of physical an!<br />

mental stamina h required of the<br />

young players. Urn commented that<br />

the players grew tired towards the fcd<br />

of the games and tended to become<br />

more relaxed, too.<br />

In addition. Lim noticed that \ince<br />

most of the runt that the oppming<br />

team scored thi* scavon were on<br />

walks and \ieals. the team morale<br />

went down with the fint walk given<br />

up or with the fir\t error committed,<br />

because they uuially caused a chain<br />

^of more walk* and error*.<br />

JV baseball ends season<br />

Sophomore Duvld Lee hurls > knucbleAvIl p^M a Lincoln baiter.<br />

Concurring with Lopez, Lim J*>J.<br />

"We have a pretty strong MA.<br />

We've just guf to'^e pre^rcd F entaUy.<br />

We've got to br alert, take Motrol,<br />

and keep our heads up."<br />

This realization of the rmpor tnce<br />

of preparing for a game mental).', u<br />

well ai physically, has paid ofl.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> IUS defeated MUSKX*.<br />

Galileo. Lincoln and Wilson so far<br />

this scavm.<br />

Lopez attributes the ream's performances<br />

to practice with the pitching<br />

machine amorr; other reasons. He<br />

stated. "We're putting the ball into<br />

play a lot more, and the pitching ii<br />

coming around." He noted the high<br />

level of pitching iTom sophomore<br />

Neil N&kagawa and freshman Derek<br />

Wong, who gives up only two runs<br />

a game on the average. Lopez is particularly<br />

impressed by Wong's<br />

abilities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Jock<br />

Does he exist at <strong>Lowell</strong>?<br />

B> KrndaJIe Cobb<br />

What a « "jock"? Morespediically,<br />

what u a "<strong>Lowell</strong> jock"? Do they<br />

CUM? Some people think rx*. tvunc<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students "...atctooUiHtoui<br />

io participate in athletics."<br />

What causes this kind of thinking?<br />

In a few movies, the "jock** is a<br />

character looked up >o and admired.<br />

In r it movies, however, he's dumb,<br />

ami ail reasons for playing include<br />

getting a school jacket, being admired<br />

and swooned over, pursuing an<br />

athletic done of hi% childhoxl. and<br />

pleating his father.<br />

In the movis, the "jock" often<br />

looks thin with very slight arm<br />

musclo, is bull-headed, and doesn't<br />

flunk out because of the help of a<br />

smart girl with glasses.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> isn't like the movies, and<br />

because it isn't, some people arc persuaded<br />

into thinking that "<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

jocks" aren'r as athletic as the<br />

"jock*" in the movkv<br />

<strong>The</strong> male athletes at <strong>Lowell</strong> aren't<br />

all gorgeous with ten girls following<br />

them around at all time. <strong>The</strong>y do just<br />

fine in their hooon, A.P.. and<br />

science <strong>class</strong>es without the help<br />

(many times) of the <strong>Lowell</strong> girls,<br />

many of M ben t arc just as athletic (inthe<br />

neit issue).<br />

As far as their reasons for par*<br />

tictpatiflg in soorto, "<strong>Lowell</strong> jocks"<br />

say, "...for the fun of Us", "...to<br />

tiuke something of their senior<br />

year," and "...because the coach<br />

more popular." explained Totcrttino.<br />

M. Cho added. "Because of this,<br />

more people ire taking private<br />

lessonx "<br />

"All the learns seem untamed —<br />

like street-nghters. Thr^ fence by ex*<br />

penence, ipecd. anj tricks, whtk we<br />

mxcntnle on form and style." said<br />

Won. "Form is actually better, bvt<br />

it dueui't benefit the player unless<br />

he's been on the team three or four<br />

years."<br />

Adait Tench and Eri Puny, a<br />

former Unried Stales Olympic Fencing<br />

Team menber. coach the team.<br />

won't let us quit."<br />

<strong>The</strong> same people who uy that<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has no male "jocks" alsu say<br />

that <strong>Lowell</strong> guys study for fun and cnjcy<br />

it. Actually <strong>Lowell</strong> guys enjoy<br />

their sports, often times, mote than<br />

their studies. Why?<br />

Because as senior Marvin Metoyer<br />

says. "I'm addicted to spcrts." One<br />

freshman even described, his tpon u<br />

a challenge and claims to enjoy<br />

competing.<br />

Many male athletes at <strong>Lowell</strong> eJjoy<br />

the competition, be it an individual<br />

sport such is tennis or a team<br />

ipnn such as football. Some choose<br />

to be on teams, such as wrestling,<br />

where there is a reeling of elation<br />

when the team wins, but which also<br />

have on individual aspect.<br />

Sophomore Chris Galvia said of<br />

winnbg. "1 like to win. but it'* nor<br />

as tmporunt ai having a good time."<br />

Senior Tbaaasi Pkppu also ceoers<br />

on the sport more than ttic compcti*<br />

tion. Pxppu say* the Importance of<br />

the snort * "...the good discipline<br />

aud the tuct that it helps you<br />

psychological]/ ta everything."<br />

AH athletu must have this<br />

Lopez cotvoued, "We've cm<br />

tiown on mcri*al .errors." He cicJilco<br />

this to more playing time for the<br />

players to get u» know each other and<br />

ut coordinate play better- Lopez also<br />

commented that the players are now<br />

atntcfpaling utuiboas md are communicating<br />

more. He observed that<br />

captain David Lcc has become a<br />

««^r leader fev the team to try*<br />

ing to rally spirit on the diamond.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team had hoped for a repeal of<br />

h*. Ac*<br />

cording to seniors Man Fukuda tod<br />

Adam Borneleit. wnen the football<br />

and wrestling teams win, they "pv<br />

ty." Members cf the cross country<br />

team kept ttp their sport by rwminf<br />

around during Pizza Night, expressing<br />

their joy of having win in all divi*<br />

sions. by yelling. "Sweep."<br />

Other "jeeks," acrurdiPg to<br />

Metoyer. "...just go home and<br />

study." After sll, they arc <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students.<br />

When the "jacks'* lose, according<br />

to scpohornore Ard*cw Tobon. "We<br />

don't fed horriNe." and Ray adds.<br />

"It keeps you humble.*'<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> "jocks" are diflennt from<br />

thsoe in the mevk*. However, like<br />

moM things at LtrvcU, the "L^wdl<br />

jocks" have more spirt, dedicatwa.<br />

and intelligence that most others. In<br />

short, "<strong>Lowell</strong> jocks" are not only<br />

different, but better.<br />

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