Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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rVl* t\ JV tJwll, Ma, 1. I9S6<br />

SPORTS=<br />

Varsity baseball<br />

leads league<br />

Bj VkU Ho<br />

Midway ihn»fh UK mind robin<br />

season. Oe l.owdl vanity twcrail<br />

lorn h=s Khievtd an undefeated 8-0<br />

record<br />

After their triumphant first two<br />

games of the season agios! Galileo,<br />

the vrnt*y sluggta managed to over*<br />

whelm three other rivals duri.ig the<br />

following til games-<br />

In the first game against<br />

Washington senior Erie Wong pitchcil<br />

his team to a 7-4 victory. <strong>The</strong> oppounf<br />

torn wat only able to produce<br />

Tour I >'<br />

In the second Indians vs. Eagles<br />

rTuuchiv.j-niof Colin Jones recorded<br />

the winning game which ended ia<br />

a 6-2 vktory. and junicr Kevin Jordan<br />

was *M»- 10 unload a triple.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next two fame mullet' in<br />

Lincoln upacu. <strong>The</strong> Indians defeated<br />

(he Mustang* by a score of 1-0 in the<br />

Tint fame ami went on to cnuh their<br />

opponents once more by a KOTC of<br />

13-4. Junior Dominic Lau scored the<br />

winning run in this final same.<br />

Mission did BO* fare much better<br />

in ponies agiinrt <strong>Lowell</strong>. In the initial<br />

conteit. the Bears were<br />

devastated 1IM). Wong pitched a<br />

shutout in thii one-iideil hinirir<br />

deplay. <strong>The</strong> Indians recorded mtccn<br />

hiti in five innings.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second game ended in a 7-2 Indian<br />

triumph. Junior Daryl Sctnieii<br />

pitched the victory in ihi» cightli<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> victor).<br />

"<strong>The</strong> team has »hown SOIIK<br />

outstanding performances.<br />

Everybody's been doinjt a good job."<br />

commented varsity coach John<br />

Dcnohue.<br />

He jdded. "Each person on ihe<br />

team pub forth a lot of dedication.<br />

That, along with good team<br />

chemistry, u probably whit makes<br />

tlrcm so succcftful."<br />

<strong>The</strong> two major weaknesses ol the<br />

varsity team are its inetpertence and<br />

its hitting.<br />

"We're basically a very jourtj<br />

tram ma*5c up of ten juniors, three<br />

s«phoinores. and five wr.ion." ex*<br />

plained cooouin Wong. "Goal pitching<br />

and goad deferre arc what<br />

keeps us in alt the james."<br />

Senior John MatsuoLa attribute* the<br />

Inditns' unJcfc»'m* up to capcat>',''<br />

rraj) Ind Aaoomen,» ho teens<br />

exceptionally proud of Us team so<br />

itr.<br />

A women and the team arc lock-<br />

Ing (oi ward to the All-Cry men Held<br />

fmm April 2& through May 2.<br />

"We should make a very good accounting<br />

of oufictvet.'* remarked<br />

Aanonsen about the All-City tneet.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> will have three major<br />

doubles teams: Alvin Cantor and Jimmy<br />

Kim. Kin Wong and KaChl<br />

Wong, and Andrew Yan and JLann<br />

Cbea.<br />

Yee will be pJr.ing liatfn at<br />

Allocr,<br />

recalled, "It was a windy day. tut<br />

that'i really no exLtoc-wc just pbyed<br />

pootly."<br />

<strong>The</strong> team can look forward to more<br />

victories in the few mstches thu remain<br />

in the season. Senior Alec<br />

J6»R<br />

0 ft<br />

U JlAVtoJ<br />

^ ^<br />

Wilson explained. "We dou't rnlly I<br />

expect to toe our last two matches, 1<br />

basically became the schools we're |<br />

scheduled to pby don't have full<br />

teams-wc'll win by forfeit."<br />

A team must have at Icait five<br />

members to be trjitimMc Wilvm<br />

contir^cd. "Sometimn only two or<br />

three people will show up at a match.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wibon High Team didn't even<br />

show up last wrtk...thal makes it<br />

pretty easy to win."<br />

"Coif i* not a ipon lo be played<br />

by everyone. It tikes money to get<br />

•aned and to buy clubs." Dahl<br />

pointed out. "A lot of scboott don't<br />

have the money...though just this<br />

>ear McAtcct huJ it* Tint team- the<br />

sport isn't dying."<br />

Both Dahl and Wibon see d.is<br />

teason's lean as the jtrnoccsi ia<br />

years, with a good chance to w in the<br />

All-Citr vanity mauhev May 6.7.<br />

and 8 at Hardirg P.uk.<br />

On May ?2<br />


saw the light...<br />

HOPPY<br />


DAHLING!<br />

Luv.<br />

Loolwa<br />

Colleen<br />

Rebecca<br />

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tike's:<br />


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