Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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'Late Night' keeps America awake<br />

By MIR Badcr<br />

"And now a nun lo whom Ihc end<br />

of Fncly IK came ai • complete »urprue.<br />

David L-aterman." ukl announcer<br />

Bill Wendell, jnj so began<br />

another taping of the thow that u<br />

quickly brcomin| the mml popular<br />

television ulk ihow in ihe nation.<br />

tar Nifhl mih Datid Lnitmun.<br />

•• it b formally called, it»la!: night<br />

talk ihow x% off Ihe wail and<br />

outrageously clever at the ) wng hoM<br />

himself, nto one* predicted hail<br />

Kon.1 the sUc orcann-d harm while<br />

wotking ai > local weatherman in<br />

Indiana.<br />

Lat Night tin every Monday<br />

through Hunday from 12:30 lo 1:30<br />

in the rooming." directly following<br />

Johnny Canon's Taught Sho*.<br />

Some 3.J million people, half of<br />

than bcrweea ISandM, tune into the<br />

show four nights a week.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may late a link sleep, but<br />

where ebc arc they going to >cc Tina<br />

Turner den jjnstnte a "tuna-tuna" or<br />

Magnum P.I. KarTom SUlec* stick<br />

ha head in a tun of water and do<br />

raw boat impressions?<br />

On whil "lier TV program »re the<br />

viewers likely lo vx the host — a<br />

38-ycar-old man dressed in a suit and<br />

tie — covered witn alka-sducr and<br />

lowered into a lank cf witcr? <strong>The</strong><br />

answer b DO* here but on Lai* Sight.<br />

It that'fc nc4 enough to loie sfcep<br />

over, -Jen it is time to try what many<br />

Late Night fats have been doing since<br />

I9M when the show Cm aired. VCR<br />

owners upc ihe show and watch it<br />

over the nut morning t tveaMasl.<br />

Lencmun b well aware of this and<br />

Ian season he even went ii fur as tap-<br />

lot* Sight bort Lctlcnriui robs tlctp from Inaoctnl viewers.<br />

ing • tpccLiI ''rnorning iho*»." <strong>The</strong><br />

show wu tiped *t rt» uia* time of<br />

5:30 p.m. Eastern Time, bt t the KI.<br />

l«thting and introduction wtx cnanjcd<br />

tomakc tiKanmorco.'amoni' •<br />

ing ttnxnpherc.<br />

Having uncd over 650 U owi. Lctternun<br />

has proved thai be has the<br />

courajie of hit off-beat conviction*:<br />

in no wiy u he about to "play along"<br />

ami rennet what he aiLs fib guotv.<br />

<strong>The</strong> worn thing a Late .Vh<br />

can do U take himwir tehoiuJy and<br />

export Learrman to lympathia:. Tnii<br />

only annoy* htm and that umally<br />

meant trouble for the gucM.<br />

Once. Model Cheryl Tiej*. for example,<br />

appeared on the ihow to ouih<br />

her 400 line of Sean da.<br />

with much tin pnxitdy tKwaijrrjphed<br />

oincc wtnet tttu jre i»>li/ed (o<br />

the ruini of cpp^^ing pbti^c and<br />

rrechanical.<br />

<strong>The</strong> simple arwl (uvviMe but-silly<br />

plot Mill manage* tc be confuting and<br />

all but uKomprche^sible until late in<br />

the inuvte when cve.*yihing rather<br />

clunuily enma Wj-cthcr in a utiriol<br />

wxul comment that berates ncul<br />

bigo*ry and fU^hy. pretentious<br />

adventsing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> film'), major attraction.<br />

David Bowie, la a bit part though he<br />

is. Almost manages to MVC ihe film<br />

with his magnetic stag* appearance<br />

and overpowering charm and<br />

chzhsroa. Bowie plays Vcndice Partner*,<br />

a sardonic adverthunf man who<br />

lures in the innocent Colin with the<br />

apple of advertising. In one par-<br />

Itculorl) good production number.<br />

Bowie Jtows Colin the ins and outt<br />

of adbnd to i snnji tx singt called<br />

"•TKit\ Mt^ivjtino." Doiwinj: t-n the<br />

Vc>« of an cn»ni»m\ i>pc» nn-r JI>J<br />

n effect underlining the rx»wcr ol<br />

O4in.<br />

* Su/cttc<br />

It; armthcr tun^er. pt.»b.iH> the<br />

SCM in the fitoi. RJ> I>avi^ (inim the<br />

Kink«) tine\ un^wj: utter *tjpuuk<br />

thaos about "<strong>The</strong> Quid Life" in a<br />

ennvxetioc of hi* ahuic. vren tile<br />

juViII-htvie. AlthixiUi ii\ J wonderful<br />

number and Ray Davics ptay« In*<br />

pan to hilUKUt perfevtion. the MXTK<br />

icenu tomshow out of place, av iu<br />

*ty!c i% tike no other in the film.<br />

Abtotutr BfxiruKn decs mifljgc<br />

likely to opcurc aspects of the last<br />

four dccadei. T«ki ; place in London.<br />

I9M. it coven the London nee<br />

riou aaj shows the beguning of<br />

super »ivertisui;. <strong>The</strong> music and<br />

clothes in unmiiiakcnly an iatcn*<br />

wtocmtclof'fOtand'SOfstyle It's<br />

not very realistic, but. nonetheless.<br />

shows the '30s roots of '8ft. Cuhion<br />

— clrthcs aoJ music. It has mods<br />

from die '60%, and *70* rode star survivors<br />

Bowie and Davis, but despite<br />

the lime and seeing it bears the utv<br />

misiakeaMy shallow-, bhght-neon<br />

O k of the 'SO*.<br />

/<br />


A MAILBOX"<br />

FROM<br />

<strong>The</strong> nation's 'easing chaw of postal and Business service centers<br />

Seci?r>c<br />

Priyjcy — On v YO J Have Acrc-ss<br />

."cnvenuni u:«:ion—Easy Ps'^<br />

£:jrly MWPint; Dd" cry • 9 CO A M<br />

Suiieo- Ap: NO Mfli:«.ij ^owew<br />

24 HOJ- Access :o Bo*<br />

Pac 1 .??? Receiving a S<br />

Friend-: Pt?rson-'lv"f-^e of bitnjxnl<br />

jnimalt, ripped into a vefern<br />

sui* and flung onto a vc 1 m wall,<br />

buckled into a NASA anti-gravity<br />

timuUlor and covered with potato<br />

chip*, and towered into a km of onion<br />

dtp and sctvu •» tlv studio audience<br />

at a Luc Right snack.<br />

As Late Sight concludes its fourth<br />

successful season, having won two<br />

Emmies this year, it continues to<br />

amuse and entertain its growing wuilience.<br />

Wake up America: Lair<br />

Mgh*'s no, just jar insomniacs<br />

anymore.<br />

'Mack & Mabel'<br />

sparkles at S.I.<br />

Bv David Hunt<br />

An epic nuhcr than a play. St. lynatiuV<br />

production of Mori .W<br />

Mabtln a VIMUI. re well u vocal ex<br />

r' iv painico «KI<br />

i t.;rcular lube and routed while an<br />

Indian chases a putential tcalpec in<br />

the opptKiic direction, tints giving the<br />

illuiion of foiling hills and<br />

gra**lvu*. At enc pnint three giris<br />

are iwtnging on swing sea wispended<br />

from the cei'ing. Surprises nut<br />

rampata tn the pby. A typical number<br />

would find half the cast dancing in<br />

full niwdocnjcfhblc, let! by Bielawa<br />

wielding a baton.<br />

In the musical. Mabel Nonnand U<br />

ditco^crol by Mack Sennet:, wh-i<br />

quickjy recognizes her potential. Scnnctt't<br />

calloiu treatment of Vabcl has<br />

an unexpected effect on her. and she<br />

fads herself in love with him.<br />

Keyttooc Productions, Sccnen's<br />

nuaiuio HEicirrs<br />

3315 Sacnmoao SL. S F. (Ml It<br />

(Pmitn &<br />

92146W<br />

biainchrd. it picktd up by a coupic<br />

of bundling businessmen played by<br />

Jeff Y.aggiunciMa and Garth<br />

Gillrspie. <strong>The</strong> two are a step above<br />

Laurel and Hardy, but fall short of<br />

Abbott and Cottdlo.<br />

<strong>The</strong> road to Hollywood fUli love<br />

for M^ck and Mabel, but dmenlion<br />

from ihc rest «>f the crew. Mabel is<br />

turn luirtl awa> from Mack by the<br />

evil William Oeunond Taylor. pUycd<br />

by MUrFrcrnun, who convince* her<br />

the u. a real actrcxt.<br />

It's r>M uitpritirtg lhat Miller's<br />

tinging it thaltow. ht>ar»c. and juu<br />

plain dreadful, but ihU d**c«,t<br />

dampen ihc thrill of the show. <strong>The</strong><br />

wealth of ciperier..e *hi>wn in the<br />

pcrtonruncc* of AiLihM>n and<br />

can't be equalled in a debut.<br />


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