Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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T<br />

not just for dancing<br />

l By Matthew HoUk and<br />

BobTravb<br />

o some, <strong>Lowell</strong> dances rcquiir more tlian just a<br />

Uckct and a clean shirt; they demand the use of alcohol<br />

and olhcr intoxicating substances.<br />

One student believes, "<strong>The</strong> only way to enjoy a<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> dance is if you're drunk or stoned, because they<br />

ere so deathly boring!**<br />

"Ysah, I can't remember the List dance I went to<br />

person drive sober) because you're<br />

assured of a safe ride, and in a closeknit<br />

group, everyone keeps track of<br />

each other."<br />

Just Vwm the only thing the fatuity<br />

can do is to monitor drug use during<br />

the dance. However many<br />

studcra "slip by."<br />

In addition, many students openly<br />

smoke marijuana in the courtyard and<br />

bathrooms during dances wUh no<br />

consequences.<br />

sober, hut then again, I nevtr rank<br />

anyway." remember the added ones his 1 senior went to friend. drank<br />

"Maybe " if dd the dtnees i were more<br />

exciting I wouldn't feel obligated to<br />

idenuficrion, .the right place cr limply to buy up." knowing<br />

-One - example • • • -of<br />

Low.ll thriftiocu<br />

was described by a sophomore, who<br />

taid, 'T-or 10 buds 1-an get a cou-<br />

"I've smoked marijucsa at a couple<br />

of dances and have never been<br />

caught. Most of the teachers arj<br />

guaius think it's just a ctgamt-: or a<br />

take drugs." laughed one sophomore, Iktc of joints red a half-pint of vodka, track (dove dgarese) and just tell me<br />

"I mean —mm. wheae*?.-1 heir that schnapps, or whatever."<br />

to put it out. Some don't even go that<br />

a dance i* comist up, my fim<br />

thought U how I will get money for<br />

weed. Drop and Jaaces go hand in<br />

hind."<br />

<strong>The</strong> majority of rnidcnts who jet<br />

drork don't appear to be "...t»utrd<br />

menulitie* attempting to crape the<br />

pressure* of a wmlid home-life."<br />

M(W viy they do it to have a good<br />

time, to "enhance the dance." and<br />

to relieve school and social tension.<br />

Besides alcohol ltd marijuana,<br />

nitrous exile, halluciriogenic<br />

mushrooms ('shrooms), lytc-gic acid<br />

dtcthylaniidc (LSD. acid), aad the<br />

drug that's rapidly growing in<br />

pop-jlaritj-. coraine, are Uto uwd<br />

before dances, bit no; to the same<br />

dejjec.<br />

Where do students keep their<br />

paraphenalta for the dances?<br />

"BC'TTC dances 1 tutully buy up<br />

far." commented a senior.<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>'s recent Monte Carlo<br />

Night Dance, a guest from a private<br />

school in Maria remarked, "It's really<br />

libcrvl l«re. I guett since there arr<br />

so many people they just can't keep<br />

track of everybody, but I w*s kind of<br />

surprised at the number of s*udent*<br />

unoking."<br />

bonks ihe great population a*<br />

'' .;wes, another hindrance to tcTchm<br />

for social acceptance and go so far as<br />

to fake intoxication, hoping they will<br />

be respected and admired by their<br />

ftiends.<br />

Oce scphomore adnrnud. "I talc<br />

to say this, but I'tc acnially bought<br />

beer and thrown it all away saying<br />

that I drank it."<br />

<strong>The</strong> majority of •£> .!?nts*hodon'l<br />

uw drugs at dance tu\< various feel*<br />

ings afirut uvdeut wfcj ik>.<br />

One rodent confessed. "Even (purchase alcohol) during lunch -• -, and hapcronet on ihe pnr»| for "' don'l want tn incriminctc or<br />

though I've been here leu than a then stash H somewhere on campui . ttudmts i* the coun)ard itself. <strong>The</strong> iu>bte mysdf. but I Umtk it's itipid<br />

year. I fed subject to the intense or near my house."<br />

darkness provides a very secure to enmc lo * dirxc wwtd hecamg<br />

pressure to succeed at <strong>Lowell</strong>. 1 just When uking drugs, student* try » environment for ttudents who wish<br />

escape all that oo the weekends by obtain the longest lasting and mou to conceal their actions.<br />

getting ripped."<br />

pleasurable "high" by doing it in & " I bet at any given time after about<br />

8:30 p.m. )ou could find at lean one<br />

"I honestly used to think that taking<br />

drugs and staff was really lame,<br />

but so many people do it, I feel like<br />

it's okay and that it's really the only<br />

way to go. "<br />

person boasting (smoking marijuana)<br />

tn the courtyard," atturcd a<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ite.<br />

Of UK students interviewed lor ihia<br />

article, there would appexr to be no<br />

«crjorjpc among drug men. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

i* a whoo) of *ocial cliques, and<br />

students simply tend to follow the example<br />

uf the other clique members<br />

"I really KOt into H (marijuana),<br />

when you go to a dance you're uippmed<br />

to \< 'meracing whb others in<br />

a relaxed, respectful — acid I gueu,<br />

benevolent maune*. Drunk people are<br />

rarely respectful r**l usually don'l<br />

Know tlvir limit. It*« not very flanering<br />

to have soms fey gel sick or paw<br />

out on ycu." confessed a junior.<br />

became all of my friends were doing "Even though 1 don't drink<br />

"t personally fed awkward around<br />

girls UttkjJ 1 have a mellow buzz (a<br />

cooUoliaUe state of intoxication)."<br />

commemrd one junior. "When<br />

you're drutk. whatever you do or say<br />

doesn't realty scent so matter. If you<br />

do something rapid, you can always<br />

say that you cxvldn't help it because<br />

you were drunk."<br />

Ohm condone drug use in a different<br />

manner: "I honesUy used to<br />

think that taking drugs and stuff was<br />

really tame, but so nuny people do<br />

it, t fed like h'» okay anJ that it's<br />

neatly the only way to go."<br />

Most srudcus wno use dru^s Kni •<br />

alcohol doo't think of themselves as<br />

failures or "stoncrt"; they just see<br />

lntn»y«n»« ii i means of entertainment<br />

and relaxation.<br />

car right before or during the dance.<br />

"Dances arc root because you get<br />

drunk beforehand and let it burn off<br />

while you're dancing. You're soocr<br />

by the time you get home "<br />

Some smdents with enough<br />

courage may even attempt to tTiuggle<br />

drugs through ihe entrance with<br />

the intention of using them later on<br />

during the dance.<br />

A» a last tesert they may have<br />

drugs hidden in buthes in Ihe cour*<br />

tyjid «>r in.an actxuible locker.<br />

' 'Drugs and<br />

dances go hand in<br />

hand."<br />

U. to naturally it rubbed off pretty<br />

bit." admitted a junior.<br />

To many it's exactly this: a way to<br />

Tit in and be a pan of something.<br />

Often, after a dance, friends share<br />

their stories of eluding the authorities<br />

and virious mishaps Jong the »ay.<br />

"It's so funny to think of how<br />

much we got away with and bow litlie<br />

they suspect." chuckled a<br />

i^ohomore reflecting on the recent<br />

'•tlontc Carlo Dance.<br />

Some students, hovrvrr. do get<br />

cjujht. According to one on-camrus<br />

*curiry guard, Ron Hodges, if a «rudcia<br />

is cither intoxicated or found<br />

with drags- his parents arc notified<br />

and the ^iincipal decides an appropriate<br />

punishment.<br />

One individual who has been apprehcrfcJcd<br />

at three <strong>Lowell</strong> d&nccs fur<br />

anymore. I realize that some people<br />

enjoy it and ihu'i okay a* !oi*f a\<br />

they don'l bo.hcr me with it or hurt<br />

anyone. I juu hope vMneday we<br />

won't need all (lit* junk (drugs and<br />

alcurml) tn help ts commurucate and<br />

feel goud." com ncnied one wi«h(ul<br />

UlkJciM.<br />



<strong>The</strong> prom's around the corner<br />

aid ftrulins brings you the newest, hottest<br />

look In town Mum. inspired Not<br />

your thing? <strong>The</strong>n check out the Dynasty<br />

Colcction or styi.<br />

'I really see no problem with it<br />

being drunk or trying to smuggle in<br />

Hi', art Lord West. Whatever you choose<br />

(the use of drags) getting out of hind<br />

as lorg as moderation is observed,<br />

because I get good grades, and I've<br />

went so far as 10 purchase t six-?ack<br />

of Lwiy Lee soft drinks (

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