Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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I<br />

,FE4TURE<br />

History of <strong>Lowell</strong> - Part III<br />

A tradition continues: 1940-1980<br />

I7WJ U rtr third in a strit* ofkvrortkies nrW« »wy the<br />

Wirorr oflomttt. This instaU*rv nnrti WorU tt'ur it :o<br />

the pretext, f<br />

By Jenifer c<br />

In December of 1941, more boyi were more concerned<br />

with ihr military drtft tat n with the impending graduation.<br />

Oa December 8.1941. the jrhooi'i h»U% were narty doerted<br />

s* moat of the Kudcal bod> stayed Some lo listen ui President<br />

Rrt»ev«ir» declaration cf war.<br />

SOJO afixr graduation, most boys «vnt .'nto v«ne branch<br />

of *te armed forces. During and after tchtot the firS joined<br />

the Ameiion Women's Volunteer Service. <strong>The</strong>y harvested<br />

trw pruluce Out wa* gUng to ipoO. due O lack of ennpowcr,<br />

in Reaumur anJ Vacavule.<br />

Aft 1 school project, students pve 3.300 pints of Mood<br />

in iUc fall cf 1942. <strong>The</strong> bifegstt project undcruLra by the<br />

Owfem, thouf h, »** to boy enough war bonds to pay for<br />

• II) bf foTtrcu. a miliury homfca 1 airplane. By the cat! of<br />

IW4. the Khool Had p«ued the SI million mirk, and a riving<br />

fortress nrmod <strong>The</strong> UtwrU Indian »ts oo tb wiy to<br />

Cernwiy.<br />

Cy 1946. fndes, prom* and football pmes were owe<br />

afiin the nv»in lopici of ennverution at tcbool 1A 1948,<br />

Lxroy Stephen retired as principrl, and loteph Hill brcsmc<br />

Lowcll'i ctc%emh principal. Two yrars later Hill was<br />

tnmfcrred to U«t4a Htfh and Edit*i Pence, former princJ,«I<br />

of Cub' Kijh. became principa]. She was the iccond<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ^adtu4e to take the office and tth fin: voman to<br />

be appointed principal of* coeductiofut public high Khool<br />

in Ssn Francisco.<br />

1951 «at the outbreak of the Korean War boccapincwaed<br />

intentMJonal units to ovenhadow school auivities, and the<br />

boj i -JKA again became preoccupied with their military draft<br />

status.<br />

<strong>The</strong> interior of the KK«( was repainted during the turn*<br />

mer of 1952, greeting rcn>ntirt£ ltudcnu with putel shade*<br />

of pink and green thrwghiMt ihc entire building. Alto<br />

established this year was a tarnunutc break between periods<br />

every morning. <strong>The</strong> break was a prrt of the tcrmlulc ua*il<br />

the period system w» aboluhcd.<br />

In 1955 the position of chief administrator of the ichooi<br />

again changed with the retirement of Pence. I.A. Peritxi.<br />

Choose from these<br />

designers:<br />

Formal Attirt<br />

(rts. S608, room 74) or Jeffcry FooKtmt. 8609, room 230). both of<br />

whom jtavc fpedal dbcuunt coupoo. It win pay jou lo sec V|vl or Jcffrty<br />

soon!<br />

former vice-principal cf Washngton High, took the ico.<br />

Pcrino armed jua in tine to cekbrvic <strong>Lowell</strong>'* cememiai.<br />

Preparations begin in *55 fof the eelebntxm which luted<br />

through the entire '56 school yrar. Daring ttu year. etui.ta»<br />

were promtsal that the new South West High School wufcj<br />

become <strong>Lowell</strong>. In a ccttmony >t tb« Laheshorc tie the<br />

mayor bid the cornerstone of the new buiMLig.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new Lowtll opened in 1962, transferring students lo<br />

the 25 acre. S5 million Lake MfrveJ tite Oppooena to the<br />

concent of ai academic high schonl. argued thct such<br />

a school wu dctrcmental to the uber schools of Uc city.<br />

Ttte B>«rd o( tducation dcckJ^l to miiru»n LoweU's stan*<br />

ding asa strktly ecademic, non-diuricted school, bin i: lutt<br />

its nimh grade »nd became a three-year high schor-i.<br />

In 19*8. Perino left and Barum Knowlej took bU post*<br />

tioa. Knotfloiratitutedthe "<strong>Lowell</strong> Ptan." later known as<br />

"Project Uo-Site," which i'ttnyfuced the modular system,<br />

expanded <strong>class</strong> ticne for specific courses and cheated tSic<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Charter, the outline for student government.<br />

fVrwwr of the tdtool's maximum ca^ctty of 2,300<br />

sUJcnts, an admiwons committee was formed ii» 1971 v*<br />

thM only students who detnonurated high academic achievement<br />

in junior iajh were cnrolleu. This caused the filing of<br />

a diicrimiaation suit by the Youth Law Centrr in September<br />

of 1971, alleging ibu the sciunl was discrimtnaling igainst<br />

crtuin students and KM discrimiration was uncomofuoonal.<br />

In 1^72. the Federal Diitria Court iuuod a Judgment that<br />

the constitutional rights of the tomptiintaats had not been<br />

violated.<br />

In 197-1 James W. Keamy replaced Krxrtta.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fin*, unall group of frahrnen were adrruttod *% a pan<br />

of the school diurict'i redesign program tn 1977. <strong>The</strong> next<br />

>car a full freshmsn <strong>class</strong> was admitted, along with a<br />

sophomore djtss. Because of this exptniioa, the campus was<br />

expanded to include sharinf the Frederick Burke School<br />

building with Louise M. Lrtnbard School, whkb became<br />

kuown fta Smtih Ctmpus closed (luring the spring scnester<br />

of 1983.<br />

In 197V Kearney wan .-uigned to a position in central ad*<br />

miniitralkin, and Uncctn High principal. Dr. Alan Finish,<br />

came to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

(Next huie: LcmrU- present and future.)<br />

Knock 'em Out!!<br />

CbooK «ay of theSOftylo<br />

and colors Abraot otleti<br />

and be (Uaranlccd a perfect<br />

fit u well as the personalized<br />

service thai<br />

mide us famous!<br />

Yellow<br />

Regal Blue<br />

RusJ<br />

Walnut<br />

Dove Gray Sandal*ood<br />

Burgundy Ivory<br />

Navy Velvet Choc. Brown<br />

Burgundy Velvet Camel<br />

Black Velvet Lt. Blue<br />

White w/Blaek Mint Green<br />

Charcoal Forest Green<br />

Black<br />

Silver<br />

127 C Serratnonte Center<br />

Daly City<br />

756-4700 II<br />

sc<br />

Xo U<br />

ticket ai<br />

and oth<br />

One<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

arc so <<br />

"Yea<br />

uber, tw<br />

rememoer in<br />

anyway,*<br />

"Maybe is<br />

excitin-l ww<br />

J d * M

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