Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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<strong>The</strong> myth of the admissions same<br />

DyAk&Uti<br />

Cotlcfe admission! officen arr<br />

widely rcjtrJe.1 (by high school<br />

t*kfcatft, mmt'y STUMS) as the<br />

'Vtxrjc of the cducaLinn process."<br />

ruhleuly taking away the opportuni.<br />

ry of «a excellent edfotttoo from<br />

deserving >ounj[ adults.<br />

Mvy (Mother) Jones is B colics*<br />

admia-Jwis officer. Shr I*, a<br />

housewife by profession i*i» • f.jf*?«<br />

to cat henclf • domett* engineer)<br />

and took up the college admissions<br />

game as a bobby.<br />

She wakes up one fine spring moruing,<br />

looks si her horoscope in the<br />

newspaper, apd then tumt 10 the file<br />

of one Johnny B. Coode.<br />

Johnny, ihe rejds, is an excellent<br />

student whh many varied after-school<br />

actnritie* and b talented in music, an<br />

and jporu. In short, hchi perfect<br />

candidate for admission at any<br />

unJversfc/.<br />

After reading this. Miry decides<br />

lohttny b a nice enough bny to wtrnm<br />

a dechion. Se, she nptm up her<br />

Quija board, RCU our her fortune<br />

cookies and Lcdks Oracle, and staru<br />

working.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fortune cookie reads. "You<br />

are happy today, but iherc arc s:orm<br />

[Life behind<br />

ciaod* on the horizon.'<br />

"Five points nlT." she muttirs (o<br />

hcttclf. and nuru it on a piece of<br />

•xmich pjper.<br />

Ne*|, she checks t-tt Ladies'<br />

Oracle, wbc«c answer b worth ten<br />

points. She asks, "Ought 1 to accept<br />

the propositions ft* «re madr me7"<br />

Mary (I'M through ihc book anxiously.<br />

*». * Oracle came up with<br />

ditioru." She .miles and matkf ten<br />

points on ihe scrap of piptr.<br />

Now Johnny's rcote was five<br />

fxiinu. and it wi\ all up to the<br />

I J-point consultation with the Ou'ja<br />

'joani, as it always was.<br />

"Hear me. spirits of the uaiventry."<br />

ihc whisper* ominously, eyes<br />

closed and hands loosely on the<br />

pointer. "Tell me if 1 shouW recommend<br />

admtuion for this youngster<br />

(she pecks at the fttit. lolmny B<br />

tioude."<br />

<strong>The</strong> pointer moves arr.ncl. seemingly<br />

independent of the nxn-cment<br />

of her fingers. Finally thr pointer<br />

slopi and Muy opens her e>es. ll<br />

b st-uartly on ihc circle ubelcd<br />

"No." Mary ^phs.She pulls out a<br />

rubber sump and mirk* Johnny's<br />

file " D "<br />

©00<br />

I © © © the wheel<br />

By TInii Vu<br />

What type of person would give a<br />

teenager a ride for only & mere 25<br />

cents? (<strong>The</strong>se of you who need a<br />

cheup way to get to the prom, this article<br />

i* for you!)<br />

No, t>e answer isn't a con-artist<br />

nor a limousine driver — it's our<br />

friendly MUNI bus driver.<br />

For rhose of us who must take imu<br />

transit to school in the wee hours of<br />

the morning, ihe brown-clad man cr<br />

woman, sitting at the wheel of the<br />

bus. has the power to maVc or break<br />

a morning schedule.<br />

It seems the days you'dn* cm tune,<br />

the bus driver <strong>arrives</strong> on lime — but<br />

the few lime* that >ou'rc 1-ne, the but<br />

b nowhere in sight.<br />

If you're "lucky" enough to be<br />

given the opportunity to crush both<br />

yourself and an overstuffed backpack<br />

onto the already crowded bus. the<br />

driver wilt iavarisbly utter. "Step up<br />

and keep moving to the back of the<br />

coach! I know there's room back<br />

there!"<br />

Ones on Ac bus. the driver will<br />

wair until every single person b safely<br />

behind the yeUow lines marked on the<br />

floor. Meanwhile you * m hyperventuatia<br />

{ because you arc going to have<br />

* big math lest that morning and it's<br />

late enough as it b.<br />

After the ride finally staru. you<br />

begin to doubt ihe skills of the driver<br />

at the wheel as he screeches around<br />

sru.p crrners, stops suddenly at stop<br />

tights, and comes frightaiingly close<br />

to pancd cars.<br />

Sometimes in the middle of the<br />

duo*, the d-ivcr may get out of the<br />

Month; '*-«. Johnny receive? a<br />

thtn lettct from his first choice<br />

university, heginniug with, 'I regret<br />

U* inform you..."<br />

Now, let's tool at saothr: prr*ilc<br />

of a different college adiniuions<br />

officer.<br />

'. Quincy (Cif/jir, Kiik. B.S., is<br />

ail associate dean of admissions at a<br />

n-jjw private i w oveniry. It b ihe middk.<br />

r* the applications cyde, and Kirk<br />

hj3jr*rrvic* over 100<br />

more ipptkruioru before his iW-parl<br />

mem will cot.se out with its final<br />

dcciikra.<br />

Finally, the file uf Johnny B.<br />

Goode reaches his desk. Kirk KCS the<br />

exact same inform-tica as Mary, but<br />

reads between the lines for what lies<br />

behind the Information.<br />

He sees that Johnny pUys druna in<br />

the school fond, but doesn't pUn f><br />

continue music in college. He sees<br />

that Johnny it most interested in ha<br />

artistic endeavors, but has not submitted<br />

any \amptes of h*s work.<br />

Kirk is impressed with Johnny's<br />

overall ability, but Johnny Ucks that<br />

standout qualify that Kirk b looking<br />

for. <strong>The</strong> bottom line is. Johnny just<br />

wouldn't add anything special to the<br />

ncM freshman ilau.<br />

Weeks Utcr. Johnny rt?cei*^ »thin<br />

I letter from hi* second choice unner*<br />

I itty, i«Ttinninp *iih, "1 rrprtt to in-<br />

I fu.m vou..."<br />

<strong>The</strong> colL-gc admiuioa* fame, the<br />

I se*ectitmpnK*es.s. whatever it's tall*<br />

' cd, wilt alA»>f be sn unwlsed<br />

tn>stcty to high school students. Al!<br />

swJcnts can do is accept the fjci that<br />

college *trtnuv*.kxi officers arc here to<br />

Seniors, can you answer tnis question? 'Frienas-tn-Touch' can help you<br />

lyo^ringah!gnquam,simpteprogramofnewsiemstohetpfrlends<br />

keepintouchthroughtheyears.ThIscanbeforanyspedalgroup.grad<br />

doss, dub or team. An Idoal grod present.<br />

For free Information. Just send<br />

your namo and address to:<br />

Ihr bmtll. May 7. 1986. fn> '•><br />

JWURE<br />


<strong>The</strong> Uilnl In • series of tkctcbts aUrrnpiing »o capture the pcnmaUtln<br />

of LtiwrU faculty members. Ihb month: math tracber Don B>krr.<br />

stay<br />

Real life teachers don't fit their image<br />

coach to buy something at the corner<br />

store for nrcikf*.*;. It. ihe t.icanlimc,<br />

tapping )our loot and pcnpinnu a\<br />

you pbnee at your watch at .V) vxond<br />

intervals.<br />

To look on the bright side,<br />

remember that the driver could have<br />

pawed you up at the fa* stop in ihc<br />

beginning as he looked and pointed<br />

behind him to inform you thjt another<br />

bus would be cominc in 15 minuses.<br />

Actually, hus timers aren't at bad<br />

as it may seem.<br />

If you have Ihc same driver every<br />

morning, he or she may look for you<br />

at thr stop a»»d wait for %ou if you are<br />

across the *uce* waving your arm*<br />

wildly in the air. veiling. "Wait,<br />

stop!!"<br />

Looking al then: nicer drivers<br />

though, you can't hslp but wonder if<br />

tney ate vying for the "Driver of Use<br />

Month" award, so that they can get<br />

a free dinner at a fancy restaurant and<br />

be jenored by their fellow drivers.<br />

By Andrew Let<br />

What do teachers really do after<br />

they leave die confines of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

High? Do they really spend their<br />

nifthu toiling over 40-page c**a>*.<br />

grading each one carefully and<br />

meticulously, or do they secretly put<br />

those papen avklc until the ncu morning<br />

and spend their nigh:* watching<br />

Miami \1cr while talking on the<br />

telephone with other teacher* for<br />

hjurs on end?<br />

I : or year*. mo*iic*> and iclc«i«ton<br />

ollcn depicted the ilercixy picjt<br />

tether at a potiie, young: woman<br />

wN> alv-ay« seemed to devrne ;n<br />

"apple (or the teacher" tt\im one «>f<br />

her cute, n^y-checked student*<br />

Television *Jr)»*. like Un\r It m<br />

Btmrr prumtKcd Urn inuj*c. purtnryinf.<br />

teachers as fricn-Jly people irut<br />

piients couM trust wiih then<br />

children.<br />

As the years went by, the image of<br />

ihc tcjchcr dctrriorjted in both icto i •<br />

won and movies. Abund'minkd professors<br />

were popular, and the<br />

stereotypical teadicr tmt *ctne of the<br />

qualities that he or she had in the *50*<br />

and 'tOx. In the '70s. shows such as<br />

Wttcomc Back, Kotter depicted<br />

teachers is people who struggled io<br />

deal whh students at their own level.<br />

utin( humor, sarcauii, cr seriousness<br />

whenever necessary.<br />

In the late "70s and into the '80s<br />

with the vrcasing popularity o\<br />

movies for and about teenagers, such<br />

as Faa Times at Rld&\-»->S ••.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re t>l>to Other 1<br />

TuxedJlikelt 1<br />

h<strong>The</strong>Worid 1<br />

may av experience exDerience many irritating iin-<br />

xo-i.cn lost much of the respcaonce<br />

cidents on IV bus, n'« still the easiest<br />

and least eipensive way of gening to<br />

accorded to the earlier stcreotvpe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stereotypical iccchcx of the '80s<br />

CoOt •jmurm tQVK/t<br />

hlTIIHJWlB-» QWM,<br />

1<br />

I<br />

school and back tact) day.<br />

his beovne a target for practical<br />

Trlends-ln-Touch"<br />

P.O. Box 4638<br />

Foster City, CA ©4404-0638<br />


1211 Svtttr< 07*0826 I<br />

l»r«*«A VM Ht* & Polk i<br />

or* uortt (ram SAftT |<br />

•'••-• &: : f : W

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