Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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fttt 12, 7*» Uixrll. Max 2. 1986<br />

FHTURE<br />

Let'i begin 1M.1 month's edition of School Dazr with the Tint •<br />

annual "Joke of the Month." This month's joke was submitted<br />

by senior Mike Susor: "Did you hear about the ccllcge coed who<br />

took couises in sado-masochism?" "She got good marks!" Ha.<br />

ha. ha.<br />

Opening day for the San Francisco Giann was a bad day all<br />

around For botii the players and the fans: the team lost to the<br />

Houston Astros «•?. However, it was an even worse day for the<br />

part-time senior, ,1,'rt-time hot dog vendor Toby Sltgtl. An irate<br />

fan, not knowing where to place his frustration, decided to take<br />

it out on the innocent Siegel. While returning 10 his scat, following<br />

the seventh inning Jtrctth. the fan hit his haul on Sicgcl's hot<br />

dog bin. Before Siegel could say. "Gel your red-hots." the [an<br />

was in Siegcl's face yelling and kicking him. Keeping hi< cool,<br />

the yocng vendor walked away from the Uuident. Well, let's just<br />

say that fan is going to have a tough time getting the mi ulard staitn<br />

off of hi* clcUies.<br />

. If you are an avid listener of Radio <strong>Lowell</strong>, then you must have<br />

felt cheated 0,1 April 18. That'1 rigU. due to such antics 15 "English<br />

for Non-Speakers" and "Sign up now for your senior trip In<br />

Libya." Principal Alan Fibish itispeRJed Ihc Friday edition 10 the<br />

dismay of the crew and many tftjents. So 10 Dr. Fibish. we %iy.<br />

"Lighten jp. Doc."<br />

Well. Sprirg Fever h*> definitely struck here at <strong>Lowell</strong>. It is<br />

not necessarily in the Classrooms or on the dance floor only. Look<br />

around you, il'i in Ihc hallways. Many guys have been caught hinging<br />

around the outside of biology <strong>class</strong>es, wailing 10 get a glimpse<br />

of.. .that incredible student teacher." I'm speaking, of course,<br />

about Mba Trish Slonr. who has unknowingly led young men<br />

from <strong>class</strong>room lo clas'^oom. causing a great number of unexcused<br />

tardies.<br />

Welcome back. Thi5 hearty greeting goes oul la seniors Danny<br />

TallUnl and Nena Notia. Taillant graduated in the fall and moved<br />

to South America. He i.rendcd in attend culler and pl.iy niucho<br />

soccer. Due to a late arrival. Taillam was rejected from the university,<br />

and hu soccer pUns wen: fowl. Sorry about your misfonune.<br />

Danny, but it's great to have you back and good tuck at Cal next<br />

year. Novoa was out for three weeks, supposedly recovct ing from<br />

an operation. However, according lo senior Robert Motossl.<br />

Novoa was actually recovering frcm a severe bite she received Irom<br />

a hairy monster with fangs.<br />

By [Van Poulakldas<br />

Well, spring is here and along with sunny skies and flutter<br />

blossoms comes that higiily crucial social Lvent. the prom. Prom<br />

syndrome it at its peak at 'his lime. Department Mora are in stiff<br />

competition for who can sell the most pink dresses. Florists are<br />

drained of their entire stock of rose-. <strong>The</strong> Pacific Bell yellow pages<br />

section under Limousine Services has been worn oul ty guys looKing<br />

for the lourst rate* in fancy cars.<br />

Altliough the Junior Prrci. "Always and Forever." w»< a soldout<br />

event, jus: about everyone who wanted to go was a^lc to purchase<br />

a ticket. Some ticket-buyers were determined to kevp costs<br />

c-jwn. Take juniors Jane: Yl. Minnie Chen, and Cella Geraa,<br />

who chase to take the MUNI system to the St. Frauis Hsiel. the<br />

site cf the prom. It was a cheap way to go, but few oiners chose<br />

this form of travel.<br />

<strong>The</strong> passage of the Junior Prom can only mean the approach of<br />

the Senior Prom. A couple of senior girls h-.ve most definitely expressed<br />

their desire to find a date, and f-.il. Mr. Fret! Stark ukcdMlml<br />

LcciigifslKwoulc'liketoct'.angehisA.P. Physics <strong>class</strong><br />

into an A.P. Matchmaking <strong>class</strong> in hopes of finding Mimi' 'some<br />

. kind of date", while Mtenele Tom has been rouming the crcwd-<br />

" ed hall of <strong>Lowell</strong> with a pin that reads: "Are y«i available May<br />

25ih?" On to a more bloody topic...<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Vyoi drive proved itself to be quite an experience for<br />

evtryttje who dmded. A few hetoines emerged that day, including<br />

Sbcrri Wiener, Rosanna Matias, Eatber Wang, and Jenclfu'<br />

Webb. While these weary girls wanted to help Wood-seekers. Mal-<br />

UKT* Sanders plainiy declared, "I did it for the donuls."<br />

<strong>The</strong> athletic scene at <strong>Lowell</strong> has been rather interesting lately.<br />

Jore, the swim team look the All-City title again, but that was not<br />

whal oVerms will remember. <strong>The</strong> splendid manicures thi" ErOc<br />

: CHarn, Josh Harris, and Matt Hoiks fhunted were much nitre<br />

impreulve. .<br />

A special congratulations to <strong>Lowell</strong>'s boys' volleyball team,<br />

otherwise known as "<strong>The</strong> Dudes it. Slick Surfer Shorts." <strong>The</strong>y<br />

beat St. Ignatius in a 34) match.<br />

- And of courie, the Sealor-Ficuliy Basketball Game cannot be<br />

ignored. Senior Jadim* Gee sure made a great show for ERA when<br />

.' she acored the first four points in Ifcfe game. Well, as long as we<br />

sorad off with a joke, let's end with one on this very topic:<br />

Why did the union k«e thc'Senior-Faculty Basketball Game?<br />

Answer: BID Ttuambpo thought be tT to buy his toil<br />

remaining ihocoUte bar. Someone<br />

approaches. Hipp.rwjt fills ihc<br />

reUtler unlil. oh. dread, he hcan<br />

tlwnc awful word* "Can I pay you<br />

tirfnorrow?" Thc*e arc Ihe words of<br />

death lo any talcspenoti. If he u>s<br />

"no." he lows a potcAtMl fi.%irc<br />

cuUumcr anJ friend. A slight<br />

miMakc. But if he says ">c%." oh.<br />

if he nukes the dire urnir of vjyinp<br />

"je%," ihc rvUtlcr i% Mjrted aixl<br />

Siund t» st lrj>* of nc*er teeing<br />

another icnl Urf hi* gtvtlv So raying<br />

">e». )tw Can Piiub Brawn<br />

It nc%cr fail*. <strong>The</strong> moment yiv jrm*.<br />

J1 whiHtl in ihc morning ;»u'rc<br />

bonihardcd b> friends and %tf?nprr\<br />

who *anl to *cll ww cvTrythiug from<br />

If. «»!vj*» urnly ban to fur KC wnjv<br />

'jg mitu vi that the Winner*'* Cro*<br />

Club or the S»«c»ct> for the<br />

t of Thrcc-toed Tree<br />

Sloth* can rai^c money for this >ear\<br />

activities-<br />

It ne*cr crJ» At u.i »:*. uinoU<br />

of ^trnjucu never wenu lo end:<br />

small, stkky, *ieformcil Guirmi<br />

Bean: Spanish candy bars made u ith<br />

Swiss milk chocolate: (cctaiitfjlar<br />

pieces, of gum thai come in packages<br />

of four (thai you must chew 12 of in<br />

order to tote): multicolored, rubhery<br />

worms guaranteed to grm* you out;<br />

crusty sticks of pastry coated with artificially<br />

flavored icings; and Id** not<br />

forget everyone's favorite. M&M V<br />

those chocolaty center* with the<br />

candy-coatrd shell. I<br />

And with every itctn that yvu buy.<br />

you get a complementary sob story,<br />

courtesy of your friendly<br />

ncighborhjod ulopcnoc. Most of<br />

ihcrn run the norm: the Titclc Team<br />

nenlsnewumfcnmoriheAquJnum<br />

Cub broLc the really big fish tank,<br />

once in * while the cUb* rcsUy get<br />

inventive with their sta*iet, "<strong>The</strong><br />

procozoin life in Bucou Aires is<br />

diminishing, »nd we're selling these<br />

crossbem-s in a desperate effsn lo j<br />

save it."<br />

Feninr Mat Shintitck stated. "Normally<br />

the clubs whkh sell these pro-<br />

CJUAJ little delif tes are simply look*<br />

in j ti make a profit. I feel sorry lor<br />

ihc really rxedy c!ub» "<br />

Almost «s annoy'ftj as iheir being<br />

there when yt*j*d rather they wtrcn't.<br />

ti the iiubiliry to find icyone selling<br />

anything when you>vr hungry. If you<br />

do maniac to track someone down,<br />

they are either utltl out or only have<br />

gmva (TavofrJ Now A Laters left.<br />

"li'sttistmsimj.'* vii sophomcrc<br />

Norcnc Lew. "I wouldn't mind buy.<br />

ina if they'd sell something I like.** L<br />

Tony E-triinou, student (acher<br />

ffifn the Univvnity of Califumia at<br />

Ikrkclcy jgrecd. "I actually Wwk for<br />

people to purchix ftxxj from, but I<br />

d«> ihmk the food should be of hener<br />

quality, like Limit chocolate."<br />

SJd scnxH Lua Biciawa. "I'll buy<br />

jnything as long \\ tt's not that canilird<br />

papaya ^tuff."<br />

It's ur< for th- bd>cr\ lo *un<br />

fig>ilin; hack, time lo put the sellers<br />

m their places, lime to fti lunch<br />

money on icci. noncst-lo-goodncsA<br />

fixxl n'>chonlmorr^»nr^-v<br />

•KeUuimurrfromyoii scx<br />

•lhwmnref»ption3r7r<br />

BllMn<br />

•KrHbrttrrftbout)'ounru'.<br />

EliithJttlh<br />

Actht Lt*n.»nc Incorporated<br />

^il Kiwv] H-hav. Suite 8?. Milt Vai!e>-. CA WW1<br />

nnti: h"-n-r*U.l

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