Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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a*c pfi<br />

^/(Wo (oiuL Asua,<br />

|s there popularity<br />

after high school?<br />

• ~Bjr Timmr Karpenko and Denis Jones<br />

„• In high school they wee popular. In high school<br />

Kcwyuuc knew their narog. In high school no one tud<br />

ja parry without ccuuiting them fint. <strong>The</strong>y're not in<br />

dth ichopl 'jrj'inbi?.<br />

^She IBM to be B»rt»= Komecomingqueen and he usgcd<br />

to be Ken Vmityquaitertndc but now they are Bar-<br />

U l Ken Nobcdy. <strong>The</strong>y're namelcu. facelew<br />

i In an undergraduate college.<br />

: and Ken. though, are not alone in their<br />

1 sate. Thousands of similar individuals acrow<br />

try are experiencing this same late. What could<br />

„JSany former high school senion have done to lose<br />

?io ouch? What was their fatal mistake?<br />

r ".<strong>The</strong>y applied to college.<br />

Sit h difficult for them, perhaps even impossible, to<br />

^comprehend leaving all their friends behind, but it ts<br />

F» bet thai every coUege-bouti senior must accept.<br />

'Bow can you avoid spending your freshmsa year in<br />

g£ dtrk-jeduded corner of the library? Read on fellow<br />

• md on. . '- - •<br />

V<br />

it is not that difficult to nuke a good first impression<br />

ir you can keep five simple rules in mind.<br />

1. Befotc entering a mom occupied by sophomores,<br />

juniors and (especially) seniors, check your hair,<br />

breath, and. for females, your eyeliner «o as not to be<br />

confused with a raccoon. Also be sure that all articles<br />

of clothing are securely fastened to avoiJ the public<br />

dUp'ay of any undergarments and to protect against<br />

uncomfortable breezes.<br />

2. Upon entering a room, smile pleasantly and avoid<br />

any objects you might trip over (or which might be<br />

thrown at you). V JU should always have on hand three<br />

conversation sinner*.<br />

Examples: A. "How about them Bears?" (replace<br />

school team) B. "Was that a tough, History/<br />

Ca'culus/Frcnch test today or what7" C, "What do<br />

you think is really in the Monday night chefs surprise?"<br />

3. Avoid being overly enthusiastic or excited.<br />

Example. "Hi, everyone! My name Is Patty! I'm<br />

soooooo excited to be here. (Checrleading jump into<br />

splits and scream.) When arc cheerleading tryouts?<br />

(Shake pempotra.) Whcn's rush week? (Giggle,<br />

squeal, shiick.)"<br />

Solution: "Good ihftemoon. (deep breath of air)<br />

I'm Felicia. Could you instruct me in my search for<br />

the women's powder room. (Long sensuous drag of<br />

Virginia Slim.) Thank you everso."<br />

4. Never, under an? circumstances ask an uppcr<strong>class</strong>man:<br />

A. "Where U the bathroom?"<br />

B. "Could you possibly set me up with your boyfriend/<br />

girlfriend?" C. "Don't you think Leif Garret/Melissa<br />

Gilbert is just the grooviest?"<br />

5. Upon exiting i room, keep smiling, keep shin*<br />

ing, and remember, if you have made an absolute fool<br />

of yourself, you can always apply cbewhere ncxl year.<br />

So don't despair, your freshman year need not be<br />

spent in the confines of the campus litwy. And who<br />

knows, you mig* even fool people into A Wang you're<br />

a sophomore.<br />

!h- Lnm>.\,<br />

f<br />


Seniors find cost<br />

of living too high<br />

By Betsy Merzeakh<br />

<strong>The</strong>y say 'hat being a high school senior it a btccxe.<br />

but they never mention how expensive air can tc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> senior ''car of one's high school career is a very<br />

financially unsound one. Of course, seniors are luppo5cd<br />

to be done with school by mod 10. and ought<br />

to have plenty of spore time lo get employed and get<br />

rich, but it never scents to work out quite thai **y.<br />

Senior portraits — whai w great idea! <strong>The</strong> clever person<br />

who thought this idea up b one rich guy right now.<br />

Let's buy ONE 'hid, take pictures of a lot of people<br />

[•I it, pats around the word tnai giving out pictures of<br />

yourself is i cool thing to do before ) ou graduate, and<br />

charge big bucbL for them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> smullest Yearbook Associate* picture package<br />

costs around 550. that's half of a hundred dolUis worth<br />

of pictures of YOU (and you don't even get a com*<br />

plcmentary little Mack comb). And that package gives<br />

you nine wallet size pictures. Who has only nine<br />

friends?<br />

T!tc extra wallets are a steal at SS each (this price<br />

i» wii!wut the infamous Florentine Finish which makes<br />

the pictures just blurry enough so that you cannot; see<br />

the sUn blemishes). One nay also purchase a 16x20<br />

vail-size portrait for the low price of $79.95 (or. for<br />

the same price, you may have a professional tnist<br />

COME TO YOUR HOME and pal.* a poruait of you)<br />

Senior Panoramic Picture fiives an opportunity to<br />

fork over S10 for a big picture of a bunch of procle,<br />

most of whom you don't even know. But hey. one of<br />

thine smiling: people (the one with his cjc. closed?)<br />

it you.<br />

How about JOSTENS? Aren't rmmonolics outlaw*<br />

ctl in this country? Didn't large ituncMiKtc rings go out<br />

of Mylc Mmitwh-sre around filth grade? Aren't high<br />

school senion offended at the catalog of precious gifts<br />

which this company tries to entice them with?<br />

How about that Miniature Diploma? Boy. wouldn't<br />

tlv.t Ionic nice on a college Jorm wall fur only 53.50?<br />

<strong>The</strong>e is Mime brilliant fcrwn. working for JoMcn*<br />

who figured out a way to nakc senior* mink that git •<br />

ing out small *vhitc buVincjA cards lo all of their friends<br />

Ls a neat thing to dt>. Think about it. So ynu have a<br />

collection of 75 card* witli your friends* names primal<br />

on the fiont: what are VOJ going to do with them? Oh,<br />

that's right, their addrrstes, phone numbers, and c^l*<br />

!egcs are printed on the back. If you didn't know this<br />

information in die fim pbec, why do you need it now?<br />

But JostcnN best tricl ts the way they rutndlc the cap<br />

and gown purchases. Seniors order them without<br />

knowing the price. It w 11 be announced at a later date.<br />

A week before graduation, thU company could charge<br />

$100 for these satin sacl a. Who would complain? Does<br />

anyone want to be the ONLY person at grac&ation not<br />

wearing a cap and gown? And what about these JUM-<br />

BO tassels nnyway — U anybody really going to wear<br />

one of those horses* tails at the actual graduation<br />

ceremony itself?<br />

During senior year, * social life is quite expensive<br />

also. Of course, one must go out to lunch everyday<br />

to maintain m laid-back image. When Mom and Dad<br />

used to pay for you' sustenance, ti never seemed quite<br />

so expensive. Friday and Saturday nights at home are<br />

obviously a social no-no, and. unfc>nunatcly, nothing's<br />

free in the big city. As a nutter of fact, seniors arc<br />

expected to go out on school nights also, to keep up<br />

their "What me. work?" image. All this ad-ti up to<br />

big money in small time.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are quite a few requisite dances in the senior<br />

year. Senior Boat Dance (this on* * jsts Mccp, too) plus<br />

Winter Ball plus Scrior From add UD to three overrated<br />

nights of big spending.<br />

Probably the most surprising COM is the traditional<br />

Senior Picnic. When you think of n picnic, don't you<br />

think of t bunch of people getting together for a nice<br />

CHEAP afternoon of sun and frisbee? All yru need<br />

is a towel ind sotne food, right? No. rumor is. the<br />

Senior Picnic costs 515.00 this year. Must be servinv.<br />

T'Bone Steaks and champagne, ch?<br />

Lou of students take AP tests senior year. Arc they<br />

»»lly paying $50 to take a TEST? Whit's wrong with<br />

this picture?<br />

However, while senior year may be expensive, all<br />

there is to lock forward to W next year, wlicn even<br />

books and scboo 1 cost money.

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