Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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<strong>The</strong> Unit. Nrnmba-2.1&4. PMf 9<br />


Classes compete in Spirit Week<br />

Senior Spirit Stjuad performed Italy routines.<br />

<strong>The</strong> enthusiastic Juniors showed loU of tplrit.<br />

ByGleaaAsacda<br />

and Robert Kim<br />

<strong>The</strong> week of October 15 n.ark~d<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s «nnuil Spirit Week. •<br />

tradition llnce the 195O'i.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> rnthuilasm. ranging<br />

(rum outright elation during th«<br />

fini four day's to disappointment<br />

on Friday, characterized this<br />

year's Spirit Week.<br />

Throughout the entire week, red<br />

and white were everywhere on<br />

campus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cass of '88. being the<br />

rookie <strong>class</strong>. Iwgan the wcek't<br />

festtvltirs on October IS.<br />

Althoach the freshmen had<br />

oever organized a <strong>class</strong> rally<br />

before, they gave a good flnl<br />

showing, according to many.<br />

<strong>The</strong> *HS song and yell girts per*<br />

formed on the footbtll field before<br />

a larjc audience. <strong>The</strong>y, along with<br />

Imhmin Bmanucl Blcvint, tried<br />

to inspire fellow claismatcs.<br />

**I wanted them to have enthuilatm,"<br />

voiced Blcvins. "It was<br />

ezdtlng, but it could have been<br />

better."<br />

Freshman Claire Dalint agreed.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> wng girls were really good,<br />

.but It (the rally) was plain com*<br />

pared to the junior and tenter<br />

rallies."<br />

On October 16, the *57 rally was<br />

held In the newly dedicated Carol<br />

Channir... <strong>The</strong>atre due to rain, instead<br />

of on the football field as<br />

scheduled.<br />

<strong>The</strong> *S7 song girls performed on<br />

stage, in front of a packed crowd:<br />

they encountered some trouble.<br />

I "<strong>The</strong> music was messed up for<br />

I the song glris." stated sophomore<br />

Christina WonK.<br />

Christy King added. "<strong>The</strong><br />

lighting wasn't too good... the<br />

stage «a* loo small for the song<br />

girls."<br />

<strong>The</strong> jfcnersl consensus amonp<br />

the sophomotc was that the rally<br />

»a*. "average" or "medium."<br />

Nevertheless, the w>phumurc*<br />

showed spirit.<br />

Rally's final day is 'fiasco'<br />

By Irene Kuo<br />

Emotions ranged from mild<br />

disappointment to outright anger,<br />

but the student consensus was thai<br />

the last day of Spirit Week was a<br />

met*.<br />

A faulty public address system<br />

and the concurrence of the foothill<br />

game against Lincoln intcrfeirrd<br />

with the rally. As a result, much of<br />

the rally hid to be cut. Including<br />

the much'iwalted <strong>class</strong> skits.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Juaiat Gau' skit was well<br />

under way when the game began<br />

with the singing of the National<br />

Anthem and the accompaniment<br />

of the band.<br />

John Blst*tt. Student Activities<br />

Board ipcaur. made the announcement<br />

that the skits would<br />

be held In tlie courtyara during<br />

mods 14-15 the following week.<br />

For many this announcement was<br />

llttif solace for the damage already<br />

done.<br />

Students from Lincoln had torn<br />

do«n the posters from the opposite<br />

bleachers, and a few brave ones<br />

had permeated <strong>Lowell</strong>'s side to<br />

cheer on their team, boo <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

and tokf unused balloons.<br />

Some seniors were particularly<br />

disappointed, leaving the field<br />

enraged and in tears.<br />

"We didn't get to show<br />

everything. I thought It was a<br />

mess." fumed senior Pinky<br />

Jaliwal.<br />

"I think that they should have<br />

had the skits. <strong>The</strong> actors were<br />

upset because they spent a lot of<br />

time: It was too bad." said senior<br />

Margaret WOOR.<br />

"1 didn't tlilnk it was nice of<br />

(the Lincoln students) because we<br />

put a lot of hard work into those<br />

poiten. 1 was mad." said<br />

sophomore Klrby Yee.<br />

"It was unfair to cut out all cf<br />

the skits. I was really looking for*<br />

ward io them especially the Class<br />

of *86's. I was disappointed that<br />

they cut the rally short for the football<br />

game. 1 was upset that Liacoin<br />

tore down the posters." commented<br />

Mimi Leong. junior.<br />

Others were lest disappointed.<br />

"You couldn't hear everything."<br />

complained freshmen Carlos Poxa<br />

and Tony lisdalc. "<strong>The</strong> Lincoln<br />

kids were really destructive, hut it<br />

wasn't worth crying over. Some<br />

people were overly sentimental."<br />

Counselor Joan Catclli said, "It<br />


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