Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell

Severely handicapped class arrives - The Lowell


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Radical politician<br />

gains visibility<br />

By Stephen llctacr<br />

Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr.. by all<br />

rights, should be a pmty important<br />

politician. lie's more enduring than<br />

Harold Staucn. more riyh|.wing than<br />

Jesse lHm. or Gcorte Wtllace. and<br />

a lot more outspoken than any other<br />

viiiNc political llgure. He wUl run<br />

for preiidcnt for thr fourth lime in<br />

198S, and he hii LaRouchc<br />

Demucratcs (yes. Dcnocnu) running<br />

fcr office in 30 -stes — including<br />

130 in Californi<br />

LaRouche, kader of «hal has long<br />

beat comidcrcd a fairly unimportant<br />

fringe political urbanization, has<br />

rcccnUy gained a (real deal uf<br />

visibility rrom hit show of strength<br />

in rjliaots, where two LaRouchUns<br />

were nominata! to run for liectenant<br />

governor and secretary of state, causing<br />

gubenrlorul favorite Aiilal<br />

Slcvenscn to pull his name front the<br />

ballot. LaRouche's National<br />

Democratic Policy Committee<br />

(NDPO b currently fielding hundreds<br />

of candidates in local and stale<br />

elections nationwide and b causing<br />

local political establishments, particularly<br />

the Democratic Party, considerable<br />

apprehension.<br />

LaRouche's fame b largely due to<br />

\\ dil iiiJ ^<br />

stttttiscnu. <strong>The</strong> NDPC'a Vty luues<br />

tnchidc support of Stir Wm-type or*<br />

biting adu-mhstf? laser sictiom. wpport<br />

**f nuclear energy, and the coodcuificxiun<br />

of various world political<br />

figurrt as evil. Puuun-backetl conspirators.<br />

Among his shocking<br />

revelations have been former<br />

Secretary of Sale Henry KJuenger's<br />

plot to take over (he world and Queen<br />

Elizabeth W% attempt to destroy<br />

American youth by rrnvfaUng Urjejcalc,<br />

Ulegal drug utpplks.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LaRouchc organization<br />

ctpouics > formidably eclectic coUcctlon<br />

of poUtkal poutiom and tus been<br />

accused of pandering lo current<br />

pultlic ttttes. LaRcwthc ha, for cx-<br />

,jnptg.c«pitaUicdou«iiti-Sovtetseo-<br />

timent by speaking out againu the<br />

UiSR. and has taken a^vmntage ofb*<br />

creating concern whh the plight of<br />

the American farmer by advocating<br />

aid to form families.<br />

One of LaRouche's mou controverrli!<br />

-•*•'* U his apparent uni*<br />

SemctUrn: be appeal* to the extreme<br />

right wing by declaring that Jen and<br />

ihcir financial muipulatiom are the<br />

cause of farmer** current trouble*.<br />

LaRouche claims his group is not<br />

anti-Scmeti;, tii*-e H has several<br />

Jewish member*; rather, it h ami-<br />

3onm (oppowd to Israel si a free<br />

state occupying old Palestine).<br />

LaRouche teems » have acquired<br />

a nthcr inflated seme of selfimponaocc'.<br />

he refute* to appear in<br />

claims no sffiliaikxi whatsoever with<br />

the Laftooc.iians, who In turn denounce<br />

the Democratic establiihmcnt<br />

u a lacker? of "radical and lesbian<br />

caooues."<br />

LaRoche reportedly pull, in about<br />

S400.000 each w«b from various<br />

contributtutn and ules uf literature.<br />

Several branches or the LaRouche<br />

organization, however, have apparent!}<br />

resorted to some rather u, orthodox<br />

ftimtng measures: allegation*<br />

in pending cnurt aw charge them<br />

with credit cwd fraw!. joining<br />

thousands of doUars rrom unuupecting<br />

people's charge acccunu.<br />

LaRouche's NOPC hu yet lo see<br />

a candiduc risr to an influential of*<br />

fice: tiXHt of it* candidalcs arc cot ••<br />

A poster di-pUjs U*ooche'* poUtloa oa the SUr Wai > Offeree plan.<br />

public for fear of' 'Sovtet-backed terrorist'*<br />

attacV*. ("If I walk out on the<br />

street like a normal candidate. I'm<br />

dead within J week." he said.) As a<br />

result, roost of his public.!? comes<br />

from caniphlei distribution, private<br />

interviews, and his notorious<br />

30-rc.nute television spots—<br />

jdvcrtuenvihi the length of entire<br />

TV progrvjis.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ma' Avtrtim Detnocraiic pany<br />

pcting, often uncontestcd. in low*<br />

profile local elections. <strong>The</strong> candidaies<br />

are usually b&antly outspoken: in<br />


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