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att t, Vir timrtl. Max 2, KM<br />


Libya attack sparks? controversy<br />

Worldwide troubles fueled by U.S.-Libya conflict<br />

By Fnuxb Cbu<br />

GMO"C1 Moammar Khadafy, <strong>The</strong><br />

men- mention of the umc conjure*<br />

up the image of the madman, the<br />

leader of Db>».<br />

In the put few months. Col.<br />

Khadafy hat become the Reagan Atlnunluratfja's<br />

symbol for intcrra*<br />

f tonal terrorism and has been called<br />

an "evil and dangeruui nudmaa."<br />

<strong>The</strong> principal rtxton for this image<br />

of Khadafy b that evidence snows<br />

Khadafy yipporu and trains terrorists,<br />

evidence that has been term-<br />

ed by the Reagan Administration as<br />

conclusive and indupuuWc.<br />

Khadafy. who gained power in<br />

1969, envisions a united Arab world<br />

and has put forth his ideas in the three<br />

volume Grrtn Book, modeled after<br />

Mao-tie Tung's UtU Red Book. He<br />

views violence and terrorism as a<br />

Kceiury nKans to achieve hit dream<br />

of Arab unity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rome and Vienna Airport<br />

massacirs cm December 27 last year<br />

lulled 19 and injured 110. including<br />

many Americans, and was the action<br />

of Palestinian terrorists headed by<br />

Fighting terror<br />

with terror -<br />

will it ever stop?<br />

By Ann Liu<br />

Only lime will tell if the American bombing of Libya will actually<br />

help stop terrorism. For now, the majority of Amc.icarn<br />

support President Ronald Reagan's decision. Yet, in the future,<br />

will the effect of this attack do more haim than good?<br />

Many leaders ofFuropeancounit>supicu fears that Khadafy<br />

will seek vengeance for the air strikes MI t£yu. nircau;, two<br />

weeks ago, two kidnapped Briions and one kidnapped American<br />

were found dead in the outskirts of Beirut.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ymup claiming responsibility for the slaying* of the two<br />

Briions. Leigh Douglas and Philip Padfictd. atid American, Peter<br />

Kilbom of Berkeley, California, calls itself the Arab Revolutionary<br />

Cells, a group believed lo be linked to Abu Nidal.<br />

"...the existence of terrorist<br />

groups within the United States is still<br />

uncertain."<br />

After trying; economic sanctions and public condemnation,<br />

Reagan .noved lo bomb Libya, and in doing so, showed Libya lhat<br />

America will not tolerate terrorism.<br />

Reagzn's retaliation can be amsidrrcd justifiable, for now: but<br />

maybe Reagan failed to realize what might result fr< m the attack.<br />

Perhaps be was so infuriated because of the continued terrorism<br />

thzt he did not consider the fact that many innocent lives will continue<br />

to be laa.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only apparent reason for attacking Libya was revenge for<br />

the bombing of the LaBelle discotheque, a disco frequented by<br />

American GU. Hob>a. Tbc*< w*cr. arc considered<br />

international, and they had '•.very<br />

right to be in lh»e water*.<br />

This aiucl was to warn Khadafy<br />

of the practice of the U.S. Sixih<br />

Fleet iJid to admonish his support of<br />

terrorist activities.<br />

Khadafy wemed untaunted: the<br />

hwnhtng of tiie La Belle Diwothcquc<br />

in West Berlin left two dead and 110<br />

injure.!. Once again, evidence pointed<br />

•j> 1 ibyant u perpetrator* of the act.<br />

East Germany had appeared to let<br />

the Ubyan plotters, who were<br />

ordered to bomb an undisclosed<br />

target by the Libyan People's<br />

Bureau, into West Berlin; western<br />

intelligence had known about the<br />

"plan" H»t had acted "15 rpiiKjio<br />

too late ' to save the discotheque.<br />

Even wftile the Berlin cue was being<br />

investigated, other Libyan terrorin<br />

plou werr uncovered — France<br />

expelled (wo Libyan diplomau<br />

because of unpccied terrorist plans.<br />

President Reagan conferred with<br />

U>p cabinet members and a decision<br />

to act agauui Ub>a was reached.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was a delay between the decilion<br />

a go ahead with the strife and<br />

the atuck it*clf in order to plan Uic<br />

strike, obtain maximum firepower<br />

and «ck Allied support.<br />

President Reagan had hoped that,<br />

in the case of toughrr economic and<br />

politics! sanx.kxn agreed upon by the<br />

Allies, the attack might have been<br />

called off. It was not.<br />

At approxinotely 7 o.ir. EST on<br />

April 14, U.S. Navy A-6E. A-7E and<br />

Air Force FB-111 bombers swooped<br />

down on their targets In and around<br />

the Libycn cities of Tripoli and<br />

Benghui. Targets included airfield!,<br />

suspected terrorist training camps,<br />

miliury installations, ard the El-<br />

Azziziya Barracks, the compound<br />

where Khadafy and his fj. tily lived.<br />

<strong>The</strong> strike had been carried out by<br />

planes from the carriers in the<br />

Mediterranean and from airbasrt in<br />

Erf land. <strong>The</strong> FB-t IU from England<br />

had to fly an ewra 2800 nautical miles<br />

around France and Spain because<br />

those countries would not allow the<br />

use of their airspace for the strike.<br />

Hi£h'iech laser guided gravity<br />

•jombj, and cluster bombs cured<br />

much damage, although damage<br />

defense." tndcal. that w how many<br />

in Washington. DC. defended the<br />

President s action.<br />

France, West Germany, and<br />

especially lta>y *cre concerned about<br />

the ruk or haviitj a war that they did<br />

not particularly care for fought on<br />

their soil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> American public, however,<br />

seemed to approve of President<br />

Reagan's r *oo: a poL* taken after the<br />

<strong>The</strong> bombing or the LaBtUc discotheque spvkrtf the United States<br />

to retaliate.<br />

unciffifinncd.<br />

sketchy and<br />

After the attack. Libyan official*<br />

toured foreign journalists around<br />

what they hive been Mated<br />

wreckage, and Libyans were quick to<br />

*how the destruction of civilian sectors<br />

of Tripoli and the d*t.;agcd<br />

foreign embassies, which analysts<br />

suggested might have been caused by<br />

misguided Libyan anti-aircnfl<br />

missiles.<br />

Two of Khadafy's sons were injured,<br />

and his adopted baby daughter,<br />

Hana. was reportedly killed In the<br />

strike.<br />

Khadafy vowed revenue and pro*<br />

miscd LJDTC terrorist attacks against<br />

the Americam and those w ho opposed<br />

him.<br />

Fallout irom the atuck followed<br />

swifUy. AHic* bad doubts ahoui the<br />

effectiveness of the attack and feared<br />

further escalation of tcnoru.n in<br />

Western Eurojw.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bntish criticized Prime<br />

Minister Margaret Thatcher for<br />

allowing British atrbaves to be stag*<br />

ing arcai for the strike. Thuchcr.<br />

who herself stated in January Uur a<br />

stride aeaimt Libya would surety<br />

cause more chaos, defended the<br />

American action as one o( "self-<br />

strike showed an astoauhuis 77 percent<br />

approval rate, compared with a<br />

previous high of 56 percent.<br />

Many critics of the atuck have<br />

pointed out :hat such an attack would<br />

not change Khadafy*s policies;<br />

rather. •* would further his cause in<br />

uniting the Arabs, which is wttal is<br />

hspoening — the Arab nations have<br />

protested th-r Urrtod State* attack on<br />

Libya.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is also a question of why<br />

Libya was choten as the target when<br />

countries such «s Syria and Iran arc<br />

also training and supporting<br />

terrorists.<br />

It U obvious that one such suike<br />

will not eliminate terrorism, and the<br />

Reagaa Administration u now faced<br />

with retaliating yftcr every act of terrorism<br />

or not acting by force vjizz:<br />

a tcrrorisi supporting nation.<br />

Representative Robert Mkhd of Illinois<br />

characterized the present situation<br />

in the following way:<br />

"We are in a war. It b a new kind<br />

of war. It is a termott wir. We are<br />

going over the thrcshhold; we arc<br />

ploughing new ground, and we have<br />

to think what conies neM."<br />

It appears that the tonfliu between<br />

the U.S. and Ubya b far from over.<br />

and it U likely to become worse<br />

before it jcti better.<br />

Bjr!<br />

LyndooH. I<br />

riihti. iSld<br />

polUkUn. Hc>1<br />

K U S f<br />

JcMcHdiraurC<br />

a lot more mud.<br />

vilibkr politicml I<br />

for prexidcnl fl<br />

1918. an<br />

were u<br />

g<br />

Inj pibeoetot:<br />

Stevemen to pui<br />

ballot. LaRu<br />

Democratic Y<br />

(NDPO is cur<br />

dredsofc<br />

elections oatior<br />

local political c<br />

tkularty the Dei<br />

sidenble appr el<br />

LaRcuche's fi<br />

his radical polj<br />

smemeno. <strong>The</strong>'r<br />

include si.ppofto'l<br />

ponnfnoclore<br />

oemnirioootvmn|<br />

figures as evil. R-f<br />

spirators. Am<br />

revelations ha 1<br />

Secretary of Swei<br />

plot IP take overt!<br />

lOualtth m<br />

Anv.ieaa >outh h<br />

scale, ukgil druJ<br />

TUe URoucl<br />

acevted of i<br />

publkosui. UK<br />

By I<br />

<strong>The</strong> ocnts o.*|<br />

united a broad \<br />

a march and ralt> I<br />

forPeace.J.<br />

19.<br />

About 20,jfc»|<br />

peopiewngv<br />

carried picket ttd<br />

.ten depictirif fn<<br />

demands were to %<br />

South African a<br />

tcvention in Ccr<br />

Caribbean, fici<br />

nuclear arms t<br />

aw: Justus for s<br />

After marchiri):<br />

degree wrcftcr.;<br />

at City IU1I bj<br />

ciitc^ainmcm. ft'<br />

supposing gruu,<br />

Spme orpni/<br />

were the Ore<br />

America, the Coti<br />

with the Pct

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